I Have a Confession to Make...

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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I just feel awful. As you guys know I'm a very opinionated person, and I'm not afraid to say how I feel whether that's positive or negative about something.

For the first year, I loved each and every table pack Farsight has released. It was just at the point of insta-buy: I could buy each pack and just know it's awesome. Looking back, the first year and a half of the game was like pure Pinball Bliss. From launch, to Bash and Creature, To Taxi and the Elvira boards, through Twilight Zone and Star Trek, to Attack from Mars, Cactus Canyon, Dr. Dude (one of my favorites, but the first to have a mixed reaction), to White Water, Champion Pub and Whirlwind, Centaur Pinbot... each and every pack was amazing.

Then Flight 2000 and Goin Nuts came out and I bashed the **** out of it. I said it was a stain on the service, I made fun of it, railed on it hard like a bully to a little kid who didn't deserve it. I thought of Goin Nuts as a funny running joke, to the point where two mods had to tell me to cool it with the bashing and jokes. To which I obliged.

But now I see that the sales of that pack were abysmal. Really abysmal. And obviously not the only person who was bashing it. But I feel partially to blame for it's poor sales performance. And being such a staunch supporter of this video game the last thing I want to do is see Farsight fail, and the game fail.

I now feel like I'm holding back now and not saying what I really feel. I do not want to influence Farsight negatively with "bad press". But man, it feels awful holding myself back from saying how I really feel.

It's kinda like on Facebook. How you want to say a rant about what "grinds your gears", or you want to bash something or make fun of something, but you know that you'll offend half your friends or your family will think you're nuts. It's like that with me here now, cause I've been here so long ya'll are like family and this game we are really passionate about, preserving pinball and getting to play tables we can't afford to buy in real life.

What saddens me the most, and is actually the most F'd up thing: I purchased, and played the crap out of Flight 2000! And I actually really enjoy it. Looking back, I find that it's a better table, in my opinion, than Haunted House. And definitely better than T'eed Off. So my constant negative opinions may have swayed someone away from a purchase that might have otherwise enjoyed it. And I just feel awful about that.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Before you judge and say I'm an egomaniac. Just want to put it into this perspective...

Popular opinion is formed by the views of the majority.

I was a big part of that majority, perhaps leading the fight in a sense, lol, against Goin Nuts. Nobody was bashing it as much as me. Hence why I take more responsibility.

And you're thinking: Well, uh Mark, people have their own brains and play the demos and make up their own minds. Which, I would say, I would hope so. However, popular opinion does have influence on more casual players. If they hear somethings crap, and they aren't super hardcore players, casuals will hear that and pass.

Case in point I am embarassed to listen to Skrillex in front of my friends because they all think it's garbage. I really enjoy Skrillex. I told a friend of mine I really like them, and he says "oh I heard they are crap". He never gave it a chance. Skrillex may very well suck ass, but there's no need for people to bash it over and over and be real loud aholes about it. I am the loud ahole this time.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Wait... Mark Wyda sez Flight 2000 is good? Well alright then. I'm buying it right now!

Edit: Wait... Mark Wyda sez Skrillex is good? Well alright then. I'm buying tracks right now!
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
I'll just leave this here. :D



Active member
Aug 2, 2013
Mark just vent all you want. People can make their own choice about what they buy. When somebody is putting a table down it just makes them want to take a look at what you are talking about. Then they will make up there own minds about what they like or don't like.


D'you like Skrillex because you've never actually heard Dub Step?

For all the hype of Skrillex, Breakcore is where it's at for poly-rhythmic variety and the merging of different genres without it sounding like the cast off detritus of every existing genre; unlike Brostep, IMO.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
My confession is that since I saw Funhouse available for my iPad I bought, and have purchased all tables available...I had the real machines of Jungle Queen, Diner, Adams Family & Funhouse in mothballs, made me get them outta storage and update and fix them to work. Changed out all the lights to LED's fixed minor problems and tweaked them to perfection. I gotta say Pinball arcade is responsible for me resurrecting my "old" classic pinball machines, & I thought that Funhouse was close to the original...but NOTHING BEATS THE REAL THING!!!!! Thank you Pinball Arcade Company for motivating me to take my Pinball Machines outta the mothballs! I've re-introduced these machines to my kids aged 16, 18, & 20 to a blast from the past!!!!!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Where can you see the sales of the individual packs?

As far as it being a poor performer, not surprised here. The general public that doesn't frequent this site probably drives way more sales than us. There's no way those two tables are going to get the attention of the casual player.

As far as the bashing goes for it, I did as well. Mainly for Goin' Nuts. I've also been vocal about the rest of the re-releases. I don't really want most of the remaining ones and they better be tied to a really good table for my five bucks. Ten if you count the future ps4. I've never seen or played a real Class of 1812. Only in VP. It's a cool enough pin to warrant my purchase because I could care less about Victory. Played it IRL and on the old Gottlieb Collection. Nothing is going to get me to ever like that pin. Same with Tee'd Off. Stupid callouts. :p As far as next month goes, it better be Eight Ball Deluxe (which it probably is). Cue Ball Wizard is decent but isn't going to get my money if they pair it with that pooper, El Dorado and the City of Gold.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Between the Facebook noise storm, the kickstarter fulfillment issues, and a few other PR miscues, one person posting negative comments in one forum about one particular table pack isn't even going to move the needle.

I do agree that the second half of Season 2 has left a very "meh" feeling compared to what came before. (Although Class of 1812 has grown on me more than I thought it would.) However, it's not really fair to directly compare Gottliebs to the parade of Bally/Williams heavyweights we got in Season 1.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
However, it's not really fair to directly compare Gottliebs to the parade of Bally/Williams heavyweights we got in Season 1.

That kinda says it right there doesn't it? We got some really good tables in Season 1. We probably could've had a great season 2 as well as there is no shortage of Bally/Williams awesomeness yet. Unfortunately, FarSight felt commited to bringing out the rest of the Gottlieb PHOF stuff. Here's to hoping for more mindblowing excellence once the PHOF stuff runs dry.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
That kinda says it right there doesn't it? We got some really good tables in Season 1. We probably could've had a great season 2 as well as there is no shortage of Bally/Williams awesomeness yet. Unfortunately, FarSight felt commited to bringing out the rest of the Gottlieb PHOF stuff. Here's to hoping for more mindblowing excellence once the PHOF stuff runs dry.
For all we know, their contract with Gottlieb may have specified a minimum number of tables to be produced in a given timeframe. They were really B/W-heavy there for a while. They had problems with the Gottlieb emulation for a long time as well, so they may be playing catch-up right now.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
You hate one table, I love that same table. You love this table, I hate that table. I hated that table in the past, but now I love that table. it will always be the same.

That's why the demos of the tables are important. It gives YOU, yourself the chance to check it out before bashing it. If it deserves to be bashed, it should be bashed by *yourself* because someone else may in fact love the crap out of it.

Like I said, it will never change...PC vs Mac, iOS vs Android, Atari vs Commodore, Ford vs Chevy.

Right now, I myself am dealing with the iOS 6 vs iOS 7 debate. All my devices are at iOS 6. I'll eventually need to update to iOS 7 for the simple fact that Apps will eventually no longer support iOS 6...it's inevitable. I'm reading so many negatives at the Apple Discussion Forums (where I am SergZak) that I am very reluctant to update to iOS 7. But then again, nearly no one goes there to praise...just to gripe and get help with how iOS 7 screwed their iDevice over. My iPhone 5 would be the first to get iOS 7 if I decide to do so, simply because I don't really use it for TPA. The iPads handle TPA.

The trouble with this iOS thing for me personally is that I'm reading negatives and seeing negatives but then I have yet to actually *use* iOS 7, except for a brief encounter with it on an iPhone 5S in the Verizon store while paying my bill a few weeks ago. I may update my iPhone 5 later today...but in the end, it will be MY decision.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Stay strong! I'm on iOS 6 and will keep it active for a few more months at least. There are many apps out there not completely optimized for iOS7 and it will take a while for the transition.


New member
Jul 11, 2013
You hit the nail on the head, MS2006.

People rarely go online to forums/msg boards because things work as expected... they go to b!tch and complain about what DOESN'T work.

I read all the same things, and had serious reservations about upgrading my wife's lowly iPhone4 to iOS 7, after reading all the "end of the world" posts. I finally got my hands on an actual, real device running it, saw it for myself, and took the plunge.

Guess what? Her phone runs better, smoother, and gets BETTER battery life than before. Contrary to 90% of what I read about how iOS "kills" the i4.

Moral of the story - make up your own mind!! :)
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