If You Could Make One Rule Change Per Table, What Would They Be?


New member
Jul 29, 2012
If you could change JUST ONE RULE per table, what would you change? Would the change be for score balance, for fun, or for some other reason? Obviously, this is not a request for Farsight to IMPLEMENT these changes. This is just a fantasy "if I'D been in charge of development at Williams in 1995..." kind of thread.

Increase the value of the jackpot for delivering all 5 passengers to the airport from 500,000 base value to 2.5 million base value. The reason: it's at LEAST 2.5 times harder than getting the "millions" jackpot from the ramps, and far more risky. There's currently no reason to try for that goal over just shooting the ramps over and over and then aiming for Santa. Making the Taxi Jackpot the most lucrative goal on the table would put it in line with the difficulty/risk involved.

Make the flipper buttons change which "A-B-C" lanes are lit, like on modern machines. It would really give a sense of added agency to the player, on a machine that tends to feel a little too random as-is.

Black Knight
Multiply the values for the end-of-ball bonus by about 3x. The bonus in its current form is almost totally insignificant even when maxed out.

Bride of Pin*Bot
There are many candidates here -- The Billionaire's Club shot is too easy, too dependent on a random wheel spin, and too far out of scale with the rest of the table score-wise. But i'm going to go with something else: Building the Bride is too monotonous. Shuttle ramp, shuttle ramp, shuttle ramp, shuttle ramp, shuttle ramp. Instead, my rule change is designed to mix up the monotony of building her a little bit: The game starts with a ball already in her mouth. You must hit the left loop and then the heart ramp to release it, which starts a 2-ball multiball, the goal of which is to spin the small wheel (to activate optics) and then shoot both balls up the heart ramp (which go in her sockets, completing the machine, etc). That way there'd be a little variety involved in putting her together, and it'd go a little quicker, too. I might be breaking my own "one rule only!" rule here, though.

Creature From the Black Lagoon
I just want to say I think this machine has the perfect ruleset. well balanced scoring, and a wide variety of shots are necessary for getting to and completing the major point-scoring goals, and the highest-scoring goals are also the most elaborately celebrated by the table.
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Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
No matter how many times I play Gorgar, I instinctively try to change the ABC lanes with the flippers then remember I can't.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
BOP: I love the machine, but the Billion point shot just kind of ruins it for a lot of people, so I'd do away with that by making it a smaller reward.

Nik Barbour

BOP: I love the machine, but the Billion point shot just kind of ruins it for a lot of people, so I'd do away with that by making it a smaller reward.

I quite like the billion point shot - makes me feel like the Pinball god I'm not! :)


New member
May 26, 2012
Theatre of Magic - Make the Wizard Mode a multiball. Ideally something cool like an add-a-ball one with the trunk shot adding a ball each time. As it stands, the Finale just isn't Grand enough. ;)

Black Knight - It's actually a dip switch option on the game to make the multiball harder. You have to make the multiplier loop to light the locks. I like it as it encourages play to be spread across both playfields a bit more.

Nik Barbour

Theatre of Magic - Make the Wizard Mode a multiball. Ideally something cool like an add-a-ball one with the trunk shot adding a ball each time. As it stands, the Finale just isn't Grand enough. ;)

Black Knight - It's actually a dip switch option on the game to make the multiball harder. You have to make the multiplier loop to light the locks. I like it as it encourages play to be spread across both playfields a bit more.

Like the sound of the Black Knight dip switch. Pro mode is coming to TPA but not for scripted tables.
Can that switch be accessed in VP on JPSalas's table?
Gotta try that tonight.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I hate tables with no ball saver, either during multiball or normal play. If I had played a 20 second game of black hole way back when that would have been the last coin it had from me.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I hate tables with no ball saver, either during multiball or normal play. If I had played a 20 second game of black hole way back when that would have been the last coin it had from me.

I hear you....but the thing is none of the games had it back then, so you wouldn't have expected it.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I hate tables with no ball saver, either during multiball or normal play. If I had played a 20 second game of black hole way back when that would have been the last coin it had from me.
I'm afraid you're not going to like Twilight Zone very much then...

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
NOOOOOOOoooooo! don't say that!
Sorry, sad but true. There's no ball saver on TZ in its factory-default state. You can enable one in the operator menu, but for some bizarre reason it only applies to the very first ball each game.

The regulation multiball and Fast Lock Multiball don't have ball savers, either. Again for reasons unknown, Powerball Mania has a very short one when it first starts, but there's no light to indicate that it's active.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
i want to change my answer on Black Knight:

Black Knight
Remove the constant cacophonous laser sound effects and irritating blooping from the timed drop targets. seriously, a blinking light would be enough, or even a subtle ticking. as it stands, those sound effects totally dominate the table.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
i want to change my answer on Black Knight:

Black Knight
Remove the constant cacophonous laser sound effects and irritating blooping from the timed drop targets. seriously, a blinking light would be enough, or even a subtle ticking. as it stands, those sound effects totally dominate the table.
Yes, please. It's the only table where I mute my iPad before playing.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
i want to change my answer on Black Knight:

Black Knight
Remove the constant cacophonous laser sound effects and irritating blooping from the timed drop targets. seriously, a blinking light would be enough, or even a subtle ticking. as it stands, those sound effects totally dominate the table.

In an already loud arcade it isn't nearly as annoying on the real table. Another argument to add surround sound to TPA with arcade sounds as an option or surround with people's own music. Then you can add arcade tracks from arcade fan sites.


New member
Jul 27, 2012
Sorry, sad but true. There's no ball saver on TZ in its factory-default state.

Oh the memories! Shoot yellow skillshot, ball goes to rocket into bumpers, drain to left outlane. Ball #1.

Repeat 2 more times.......


And then put in another guilder ;-)

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
It's quite a bit easier on TPA, but if you can get into the Billionaire's Club on the real machine, then you are a pretty good player.
That's as understatement. It's kind of like making a touchdown in Madden vs. making one in the NFL. Of all the tables they've done (that I've played IRL), this plays so out of whack from the original it might as well be a different table.

As for rule changes - RBION should have a ball saver. Pre-1990 tables had the excuse of it not having been invented, an excuse Stern can't fall back on. At least their more recent machines have them.

Nik Barbour

It's quite a bit easier on TPA, but if you can get into the Billionaire's Club on the real machine, then you are a pretty good player.

Tried it a couple of weeks ago on the real thing - wasn't even invited to the waiting room for the billionaire's club.
I am blaming it on a weak right flipper, and an annoyingly blown bulb on the brides veil which kept distracting me!
(thank you whoever's machine this was that let me play at play.expo - I'm not really blaming your table for my lack of skill).

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
As for rule changes - RBION should have a ball saver. Pre-1990 tables had the excuse of it not having been invented, an excuse Stern can't fall back on. At least their more recent machines have them.
RBION has the three-switch rule as its ball saver. (So does Family Guy, or at least the one here does.)

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