If you could pick 3 tables to appear in TPA b4 FS closes its doors what would they be


New member
May 4, 2012
Picking 5 from the entire history of pinball is flat-out impossible; I started making a list of my favorites shooting for ~15 machines, and had a list of 80 just from going through 1988-2000 before I stopped.

1. The Pinball Circus (Bally 1994) - the famous vertical pinball; only 2 produced. I have never seen it, much less played it.
2. The Shadow (Bally 1994) - a classic at the very top level of fun-to-play tables; didn't get a chance to play as much as I wanted to in real life, having access to only one machine in 1995 (that I still played a hundred times)
3. Johnny Mnenomic (Williams 1995) - I only briefly saw this machine once in my hometown in the 1990s before the glove broke and it was shipped away. I have played it several times at pinball shows and loved it.
4. Corvette (Bally 1994) - a minor classic that I played quite a bit but not enough.
5. Demolition Man (Williams 1994) - unlike the top 4, DM was all over my hometown and I played it lots. I remember it having a particularly dazzling dot show.
Honorable mention: Indiana Jones, Jack*Bot, Judge Dredd, Indy 500, and Road Show.

These are all from the Golden Age of pinball: WMS 1990-1999. There are many machines from other eras and manufacturers that I'd like to play on TPA, but the Golden Age tables are so many times better than them that it would be unfair to list anything else.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
night, you got me on Shark. Had to go look that one up. Never saw or even heard of that one before. That is some trippy art going on there.


New member
May 18, 2012
night, you got me on Shark. Had to go look that one up. Never saw or even heard of that one before. That is some trippy art going on there.

Yes, the artwork will make the Mona Lisa look like a stinker! (Well.. almost). It seems that this table is a rarity outside the Australian borders. It is an unique 80s gem with a cool surf twist.

(Btw, Hankin's The Empire Strikes Back is prob. done by the same artist, and as much as I would like to see this Star Wars table in TPA, it is pretty useless to mention due to the license.)
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Active member
Aug 1, 2012
The three tables I want to see in TPA before it goes that could actually happen:

Banzai Run
Red & Ted's Road Show
The Shadow

The three tables that I want in TPA that I don't think will happen are:

Indiana Jones
Star Trek (Stern)
Star Wars (Data East)

I'll go with the first three - at least those pins might be in my TPA future...

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
In no actual order:

- Red and Ted's Road Show
- The Party Zone
- Terminator 3
- The Simpsons Pinball Party
- Lord of the Rings
- The Shadow
- Rollergames
- Jack*Bot
- The Addams Family
- Indianapolis 500
- TRON Legacy


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Lord of the Rings
World Cup Soccer

and on the bench:
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Shadow
Rocky & Bullwinkle


New member
Feb 20, 2014
1. The Addams Family
2. Star Wars (1992)
3. Star Trek (1991)
4. Hook
5. Batman (Tim Burton version)

I really hope to see one of these sometime.


New member
Feb 23, 2014
1. Four Million BC. Fantastic art and theme, super-fun gimmicks and helps address the lack of golden age tables. Who doesn't love battling dinosaurs?
2. World Cup '94. Badly need a football-themed table and this is the best of the bunch.
3. Royal Flush. Maybe not the greatest, but this was all I had nearby growing up and would love it for nostalgia alone.
Feb 19, 2014
Jack * Bot, High Speed, and 8-Ball Deluxe.

JackBot because I feel it's the strongest of the trilogy, and things would just feel incomplete without it.

High Speed because it's a huge piece of pinball history, the game iirc that turned the market around in the mid 80s and paved the way for games that had more depth.

Ditto for 8-Ball. It's one of those iconic, early Solid State games, if not the most iconic. Makes me really sad that Farsight said they passed in favor of Cue Ball Wizard :(


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Jack * Bot, High Speed, and 8-Ball Deluxe.

JackBot because I feel it's the strongest of the trilogy, and things would just feel incomplete without it.

High Speed because it's a huge piece of pinball history, the game iirc that turned the market around in the mid 80s and paved the way for games that had more depth.

Ditto for 8-Ball. It's one of those iconic, early Solid State games, if not the most iconic. Makes me really sad that Farsight said they passed in favor of Cue Ball Wizard :(

I kind of wonder if Jack*Bot will come some time this season.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I've said 'em before, I'll say 'em again...

NBA Fastbreak
Big Bang Bar

My 4th pick would be Indiana Jones


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Addam's Family
Simpson's Pinball Party

I'd also say Indiana Jones, but who are we kidding?
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