I'm not against older tables, but is this boring?


New member
Mar 31, 2012
First of all I'm not complaining, £2.99 for AFM + Genie is a bargain, but... :D

Does anyone else find this table boring? I like Gorgar & BH, but I find myself struggling to give a crap as I play Genie. Maybe there's too much going on, maybe the rule set is too complicated, (admittedly I haven't really read the rules).

To me it just doesn't seem to have the desperation to keep the ball in play like I find in BH or Gorgar.

Thoughts? (I do realise I could be wrong!!)


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
After my experience with this table in PHoF and watching various vids, I thought this was going to be the first table I wouldn't buy. Of course with the new purchasing plan, I didn't have a choice.

Turns out, I'm putting more time in this table than AFM. I'm striving for that 3m goal. Haven't come close yet.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I'd never even heard of Genie before, never mind played it. I've loved it - it's got as much play as AFM.


Oct 29, 2012
I personally like this table, but it's all a matter of personal choice. That's part of what makes the world diverse and enjoyable!

Timelord ...

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
It's very much got that first-generation-solid-state feel to it: like an electromechanical table, only... more. There's a ton of stuff to hit all over the playfield. The mini-playfield is very cool, though the yawning gap at the bottom means the ball never stays there for very long.

The simple electronic bleeps and warbles, used in place of the chimes on an EM table, take some getting used to; since these early SS tables didn't have the clattering relays, mechanical score reels or loud bells of an EM machine but didn't have a lot of ambient sound yet either, they seem oddly quiet.

It reminds me a bit of the Atari widebodies, except for the artwork, which is very Gottlieb.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I really enjoy Genie. I like that era of pinball very much. Not a huge fan of the sounds on it, but the sound is very nostalgic. Plus it is pretty tough for me. I still haven't even broken a million on it yet.
I think it is tough for Genie because she is being compared to her beautiful sister AFM. Not really fair to compare them to each other. A great pack I think.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I found the version in the Gottlieb collection on Wii pretty boring, but somehow this is much more engaging. I don't know if it's because I can see the whole table using portrait mode on the iPad or because they've sexed it up a bit or what, but like Fungi I find of the two machines I'm playing Genie more than Attack From Mars - and I really like Attack From Mars.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
I have a Genie near me on location and I enjoy it. Genie was doomed to be upstaged by AFM, as would almost any other table. The trick with Genie is getting the bonus 5x and maxed out, collecting it, and then building it back up again; that is very satisfying. Nailing the lit spinner is also a treat. As with other late 70s pins, solid state technology was new and there wasn't many huge innovations, playfield-wise, over EMs. If you go in expecting it to be more than it is, it may disappoint.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
I like Genie, as I like all the tables. There are some I play less than others, but I always keep coming back to each and every one of them.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I don't have a problem with the older tables so this isn't me being ageist, but I just find it very leisurely compared to most other tables (old & new). I actually prefer Big Shot to this because it has me crapping myself hoping I don't drain, which is something I don't experience with Genie. Anyway looks like its just me! ;)


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I've pretty much stopped playing Harley long ago.

Harley really is an awful table. I usually go in order playing the games but skip HD. Is it any better on the consoles? I love Taxi from PHOF days but don't want HD on PS3.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I don't have a problem with the older tables so this isn't me being ageist, but I just find it very leisurely compared to most other tables (old & new). I actually prefer Big Shot to this because it has me crapping myself hoping I don't drain, which is something I don't experience with Genie. Anyway looks like its just me! ;)

Man I adore Big Shot! Reminds me of the games I used to play in the campground rec rooms when I was a kid. The 42,000 bonus is a bit odd though. So you need 14 balls at 3000 bonus level? Do you have to avoid the eight ball? But back on topic, I think that Genie is a grower. The noises are annoying but the gameplay is kind of fun. Certainly pairs nicely with AFM as a DLC, just like Big Shot did with Elvira.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
I personally love Genie. It was Gorgar and BH that got me hooked on older tables. I love the challenge some of the older pins present.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I avoided Creature from the Black Lagoon for months and then fired it up a couple of days ago to clear the standard goals and found myself really enjoying it for the first time.

I can play Harley, but it's really not an engaging table. Maybe if the motorcycle tour aspect was played up more, but it seems rather unfocused to me. I think making it like a Route 66 from Chicago to LA tour would have been better. Instead it seems a bit odd - you're travelling from Indianapolis to New Orleans? And then there's the cop aspect and mystery rider - I just doesn't seem like a cohesive theme to me and the video mode - why?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I like Harley once every now and then, but that video mode is awful and it comes up too often.
Love the spinner on Genie. Fun to crank that up.

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