I'm not against older tables, but is this boring?


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I like Genie, but I've been waiting for AFM for so long and i'm so happy with how difficult it actually is compared to the VP versions (even Groni's which i find quite challenging).

I've put some play into it but haven't read the instructions yet (that might also be the reason, since i know AFM's rules pretty well inside and out).

AFM is going to wear thin on me eventually. Not because it's poorly done but it's a very familiar table and i do need to put it down occaisonally for the same reasons as MM. Genie will get it's play time, but I think it feels to me a lot like Party Monsters or Funhouse, where it's a great table but doesn't captivate me like the others.

Lol sometimes i forget that HD even exists, while my previous least favorite, RBION is one i quite enjoy now that i have a good understanding of it as well.

Overall, i think with my doldrum tables it's just a question of that...thing.....clicking that once.

I actually think that Big Shot is my favorite table of them all right now. Funny that eh?

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I actually have played Genie in real life, briefly. I didn't give it enough of a chance to see the appeal, though; I'm enjoying the simulated version.


New member
Dec 6, 2012
I'm usually not a fan of widebodies but this is awesome table. I've been playing this so much, I haven't had time tp play AFM yet. I even like the sound...


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I'm amazed how Farsight turned me on to EM/early SS tables now. I used to prefer only DMD-style games from the '90's and early 00's (that's my nostalgia period) but aiming for the HOF score made me play the "other" tables too! And I love playing them to my surprise. Guess it awoke my inner masochist or something....It's all about finding safe shots and trajectories to keep my illusion of control over the table going, up until the inevitable next heart-wrenching drain. Don't start me about Big Shot, how people can score big on that thing eludes me. Every ball is buttcheekpinching scary, I have yet to find a safe plunge or shot on that one. That machine had to be a moneymaker in it's time going by the insane amount of virtual quarters I have been pumping into it. Genie has to be Big Shot's grownup cousin, a little bit more control but how do people ever get to 3M? And then you still have only 19 HOF points or something like that, that's just insane! Gorgar is another step up for control, nudging is easier (and less sensitive than Genie by far!) only the jet bumpers to fear for randomness. Black Knight is only somewhat scary on the lower playfield when you're down to one ball, and it has some nasty SDTM drains from the middle ramp. When you can start every game with a 3-ball multiball (plunge at maximum and keep both upper flippers upright and you have a controlled shot to the lock path for multiball), it only demands skill to relock the last remaining ball again, rinse and repeat. I find Black Hole the easiest of the older games with some good opportunities to get extra balls. I recently played a real Black Hole (our clubhouse has one) and that table proceeded to kick my ass for a whole evening. Nothing like a ego realitycheck than playing real tables with their randomness and idiosyncrasies....


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I'm amazed how Farsight turned me on to EM/early SS tables now. I used to prefer only DMD-style games from the '90's and early 00's (that's my nostalgia period) but aiming for the HOF score made me play the "other" tables too! And I love playing them to my surprise. Guess it awoke my inner masochist or something....It's all about finding safe shots and trajectories to keep my illusion of control over the table going, up until the inevitable next heart-wrenching drain. Don't start me about Big Shot, how people can score big on that thing eludes me. Every ball is buttcheekpinching scary, I have yet to find a safe plunge or shot on that one. That machine had to be a moneymaker in it's time going by the insane amount of virtual quarters I have been pumping into it. Genie has to be Big Shot's grownup cousin, a little bit more control but how do people ever get to 3M? And then you still have only 19 HOF points or something like that, that's just insane! Gorgar is another step up for control, nudging is easier (and less sensitive than Genie by far!) only the jet bumpers to fear for randomness. Black Knight is only somewhat scary on the lower playfield when you're down to one ball, and it has some nasty SDTM drains from the middle ramp. When you can start every game with a 3-ball multiball (plunge at maximum and keep both upper flippers upright and you have a controlled shot to the lock path for multiball), it only demands skill to relock the last remaining ball again, rinse and repeat. I find Black Hole the easiest of the older games with some good opportunities to get extra balls. I recently played a real Black Hole (our clubhouse has one) and that table proceeded to kick my ass for a whole evening. Nothing like a ego realitycheck than playing real tables with their randomness and idiosyncrasies....

+1 really liked this post

Nik Barbour

I've really enjoyed all the older tables in TPA up to now, and was quite looking forward to Genie, but I'm gonna agree with Doped - I just find it dull.
But, each to their own.


New member
May 18, 2012
If you are looking for a fight with your wife, fire up Genie and turn the sound level to it's max.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Not to sidetrack, but what's with all the dislike for Harley Davidson. It's a cool theme. It's fast, and silly old frantic fun with all the multiballs it can spam you with. Maybe it's not 'cuisine', but I still consider it a tasty snack, or at least a guilty pleassure. I'll just imagine all the bellyaching getting drowned out by the grunting of a Fat Boy.

The sound of old machines like Genie isn't really meant to be heard on its own, but as an augmentation of the sounds of the establishment it sits in. To build a kind-of-timemachine, put on some music from the appropriate period, and then play the game. I love playing old tables like that while I'm in the pub. (Yes I take my tablet to the pub to play TPA)
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Not to sidetrack, but what's with all the dislike for Harley Davidson. It's a cool theme. It's fast, and silly old frantic fun with all the multiballs it can spam you with. Maybe it's not 'cuisine', but I still consider it a tasty snack, or at least a guilty pleassure. I'll just imagine all the bellyaching getting drowned out by the grunting of a Fat Boy.
I can tell you that of all the 70+ machines on location here, Harley Davidson is one of the least played. I think Jet Spin (a Gottlieb EM from 1977) gets more action than HD.

Harley Davidson doesn't really have much going for it beyond its constant emphasis on multiballs. There are no real modes to speak of; the wizard mode takes more endurance than skill to reach - and is yet another multiball when you get there. The video mode is both obnoxious and too frequent. The sound clips are annoying and repetitive - every time I hear "there goes that mystery rider!", I want to run over the machine with a real Harley. And there is practically no latitude for strategic play beyond getting to the next multiball.

All that being said, someone out there must like it, because there were three editions of it.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
I have to agree with everything said about HD. Dull, the mileage needed for the later cities is especially annoying. It's a wood chopping game, and in the worst way possible.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
I've tried my best to like HD but there is very little that sets it apart.

It's good for multiball practice, though.


New member
May 27, 2012
I agree with all the negativity, but at some point in going toward the Milwaukee goal, something clicked for me. I like the variety of the multiballs and the speed of the table. I like the live and ride targets and the risk vs reward there. Horrible theme, but there is some cool pinball there.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Had to laugh when I read this. My wife is also not a fan of Genie's sounds.

+1! Too funny, I had this happen exactly last night when I was playing Genie besides my girlfriend on the couch, she accused me of messing up her House episode...She also is not too fond of me nudging too hard when lying in bed next to her (yes I'm addicted, and no I mean nudging while playing pinball you perverts! :) )
I like the sound of Black Hole, especially the spacey one when playing on the lower playfield, I can imagine floating around in space with that one. Gorgar's heartbeat sounds can make me really nervous when they accelerate, this is very effective. If you play long enough (as I have), those two gophers get on your nerves too, they even have some taunts for you when you drain. And I really don't like being told off by mr. Data when he offers advice about the d@mn trajectory when you drain!
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New member
May 18, 2012
To be honest, I switch off sound completely on all tables. The only sound I love to hear are the natural electronic sounds of the ball against all the obstacles. I can live without the frantic music tunes and voices, 2 minutes is ok, but any longer.. (BH electronic voice is an exception, it's so cold and spooky!) Too bad you can't switch 'just' the music off on TPA.

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