Instructions: Receiving a Credit on Purchases of Season Two Individual Table Packs



If they just introduced the Season 2 pass on your platform they will probably offer a credit.

When the passes were introduced on iOS and Android most players had individually purchased every pack up to 12 or 13 and credits were offered.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
I haven't gotten a responce from FarSight. Has anybody in the same situation? (got table packs 11-14 and hesitating to buy pass 2)

Got a reply from FarSight. It was just the same quoation in this thread saying that you'll be given credits for purchased table packs. It is actuallly more or less I'd expected..
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New member
Oct 1, 2012
I would have liked to buy the PSN season 2 pass, but have already bought packs 11 and 12 (and 13 comes out today). Strange practice to release a season pass way too late.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I think the season pass was a recent idea - they already were well into table packs 11 and 12 when it came up. And they needed a history to show that they're not going to release crap tables so you see 11 and 12 and think they're good then they release 13-20 as obscure tables you don't like but paid for.

Anyhow, the credit's for the amount you paid, not a measly $5. (FarSight actually loses out because they received less after Apple/Google/Sony's cut).

But if PS3 is offering it, I'm going to get it as well and claim it. it all goes towards the PC version.


New member
May 7, 2013
I think the season pass was a recent idea - they already were well into table packs 11 and 12 when it came up. And they needed a history to show that they're not going to release crap tables so you see 11 and 12 and think they're good then they release 13-20 as obscure tables you don't like but paid for.

Anyhow, the credit's for the amount you paid, not a measly $5. (FarSight actually loses out because they received less after Apple/Google/Sony's cut).

But if PS3 is offering it, I'm going to get it as well and claim it. it all goes towards the PC version.

I'm shooting the email to FS today, and like you, if I get any credit, I'm going to use it to double dip on the PC version.

Edit: The email address isn't working, does anyone know where I should send it to?
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New member
Jun 30, 2013
Can I ask a question, does any of this apply to Ouya?

I purchased my Ouya from a Kickstarter backer and purchased most of the table packs available prior to the June 24th update. Then I noticed that season 1 and 2 were available for purchase individually. I was like "well crap, I could have saved some dough if I'd gotten them all together." I decided the savings I could have received wasn't worth the cost of the Season 2 tables I'd already purchased, so I decided the "season packs" will have to wait until season 3. Oh, and thank goodness I didn't break up the table packs by buying individual tables. That would have screwed me on the price of getting the individual leftover tables after the update. I haven't calculated the savings cost so far for seasons 1 & 2, but I would have definitely chosen this route had the option been available to me when I recieved my Ouya rather than general availability at public launch. But I guess that's the price I pay for being an early adopter. :(
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New member
May 7, 2013
Sent the e-mail again, no sending errors this time. If I don't receive a response by Friday, I'll gently nag them until I get something.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Anyone know if the season 2 pass credit can also work on the PS3? Now that PS3 has season 2 passes?

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