iOS bundles?


New member
Dec 26, 2013
I got an email from Apple this morning talking about a new app bundle feature they are rolling out soon. Devs can set up packages that contain multiple apps and sell them at a discount. If a user already owns one or more of the apps in the bundle, they somehow calculate a further discount. I wasn't clear on if IAPs were eligible for this though or if it was strictly stand alone apps. Sounded like it could work well for season passes, although I guess they would still need to come out at the end of the season. Anybody know more about this?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Yeah, they should have only removed the season passes from iOS in the first place. No reason all should suffer for Apple rules.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
pffffttt, like theres not ginna be a **** storm from ios users, i am one but since i started buying packs i just kinda kept going

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I noticed SNK and Dot Emu had bundles I would buy and I hope Capcom and Namco consider doing it as well. The Pinball Arcade should also have bundles I did buy a few individual tables prior to owning the entire season.


May 10, 2013
No season pass? Why did this have to happen to me?

Last year I managed to sneak in on the iOS season pass before that was blocked, and it was so nice having those tables appear on the menu every few weeks. So, a table I'm not crazy about appears? Meh, there'll be another one along in a bit. No fuss, no muss, no worry. I know it’s not Farsight’s fault, but it’s made me a little bitter.

I’m already fretting over the 8 bucks -- is this table going to be another Dracula? Or Dr. Dude? -- and even moreso, I’m fretting over having to fret over 8 bucks ten times in the near future. I’d much rather pay up front, apologize to my wife for spending 40 or 50 bucks just once and not have to explain 80 bucks away in ten guilt-ridden monologues over the next year.

I don’t hold out much hope for holding out until next season, which is what I tell myself I should do. How can I visit these pages and listen to all you other kids talking about the cool Phantom table without getting to play it? How can I read your message board essays on how the Addams Family Table is the biggest disappointment in games since E.T. without dialing it up and comparing it to E.T. on my ATARI emulator?

Pay no attention to me. Once Friday comes around I’ll probably just stop whining and buy the dang thing. I think I just needed to vent.

Alexandre Vraux

New member
Mar 5, 2012
It's very annoying!!!!! We are the first supporters of this game on IOS , and now we have to wait 10 months to have the season 4 or we have to pay the full price !!!!!!!:mad:


New member
Oct 5, 2012
In the end, when all is said and done, you can thank (or blame) Apple for this. They are the ones who are preventing the Season Pass from being offered/purchased until ALL tables in the season are completed.

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
I think some of that blame really falls on the select few who complained about not getting value for pre-purchasing stuff that comes out later. If it wasn't for the complainers, Apple wouldn't have changed their process. From Apple's pov, what should they do? Just say "tough noogies"?

In some cases, I gather the complaints are valid but I don't see it for TPA. I think where Apple needs to do better is at least take a look at this from a case by case basis, especially for the higher profile releases which TPA is one of them.

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