iOS - Flipper goes dead after holding for too long


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I'm definitely interested as well. One thing I haven't tried yet either is deleting everything and starting over. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.
Should be pretty simple. Just backup the device in iTunes fully including all your music, etc. Then wipe the device clean (you'll need to disable Find My iPhone to do so and log out of your iTune account). After the wipe, install *ONLY* TPA and whatever tables you have issues with. Test fully. If problem is resolved with a full wipe, then you need to add all your data back manually to that configuration. If it doesn't help, just restore your data from the backup you just made, including your music, etc.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
I will give it a shot. For the record, I don't think I own a table that doesn't have the bug. I own quite a few. Probably about 75%. Every table I've specifically tested has the bug. So I'll report back after starting over fresh.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
I spent the afternoon deleting and re-installing TPA. When I reinstalled it, I only downloaded High Speed and no other tables. Bug. First ball. Back to the drawing board.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Here is a video I just uploaded showing off the bug. Note that after the flippers go dead I press the screen several times and it does not register until a couple of seconds later. If you guys want I can do another video of how I work around this bug by rocking my thumbs back and forth. But I just thought I at least need to get this out there so people know exactly what we are talking about.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I spent the afternoon deleting and re-installing TPA. When I reinstalled it, I only downloaded High Speed and no other tables. Bug. First ball. Back to the drawing board.
Was this after wiping the device clean by restoring it (NOT from a previous backup but as a NEW device)? In other words, the device is as you just took it out of the box. If so, then I'd venture to say it's a hardware issue and the device needs to be exchanged if you still can.

At the same time, if it does this ONLY in TPA, it makes it questionable about being bad hardware. You might want to poke around the App Store and see if there is some sort of app that will allow you to test the touchscreen to see if any of the touch regions quit for a second...but in my experience, I don't believe I've ever seen such an app. Something may exist but I have personally never heard of one. You might want to Google this as trying to find an app of that sort will not be easy searching in the App Store itself. It'll be even harder to find something if your device is NOT jailbroken.

If your reported outcome is based on wiping out TPA only and NOT restoring the device as new, doing that would be the next step in the process.

EDIT: Looking at your video, it appears that you have could have *two* bad flipper solenoids...or more likely, two bad flipper switches...:p
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From what I read here, it sounds like it is only the 5C that is experiencing this?

The 5C has slower RAM than the 5S. Earlier in the cycle of production Androids were experiencing this same problem on slower devices due to not enough RAM or when they had a bottleneck.

If this is a problem that can only be produced on the 5C then it is most likely a hardware issue, but not a "bug", rather a limitation.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
HOLD ON. STOP THE PRESSES. I think it might be my case!! I just realized that my wife and I have the same case and it never crossed my mind before but I started testing without my case on. So far I haven't been able to reproduce the bug!! I'll keep trying today and see what I come up with. We are both using the otter box defender case. Maybe the protective shield that is on the screen is causing a problem? I'm not sure that even makes sense but so far it seems to be the case. Ill report back.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
OK this is insanely weird. So I can't reproduce the problem with the case off, which is great. There are several parts to this case. The first part is two plastic parts a front and a back that snap together. If I put just the front part on and leave the back off I can't reproduce the bug. At this stage the protective cover is on the screen but the protective cover for the back of the phone is off. No bug. But if I snap them together which completely covers the phone the bug happens immediately. Maybe there is something going on with the capacitive touch screen?? Basically, if some part of my finger is touching the phone, the bug does not happen. As soon as I completely cover the phone it happens. Does this make any sense at all???? This is beyond my pay grade. I don't really understand it. Bottom line is this case is making this happen. And when I tested my wife's phone she had the exact same model of case on her phone so naturally it occurred on hers.

Lizard, what type of case were you using for your phone? Anybody else out there using the same case I'm using?

I'm dumbfounded.


New member
May 16, 2012
Maybe pressing for a few seconds produces a little gap between shield and screen with both front and back of the cover attached?


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Maybe. I don't really think so as I've tried pressing really hard to ensure that I'm still pressing the screen. I guess the really weird part especially if you watch my video you never see the flippers go down until the bug happens. I just can't explain that. Your guess is as good as mine at this point.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
If you haven't already done so, I'd clear the iPhone's screen very well along with the the back of the protective cover that covers the screen front. Something in between iPhone's screen and the case's screen protector could very well cause an intermittent situation. Test and post results.

If it doesn't help, I'd be in the market for another case, maybe with a separate screen protector that's NOT built into the case.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
I cleaned the crap out of it. No help. Definitely in the market for a new case. It still doesn't make sense because the flipper goes dead but I just don't understand the science behind it.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
The protector on the case is losing conductivity between your fingers and the phone's screen. Why this particular case is doing it is anyone's guess. Is the protector lying perfectly flat on the screen? If it's not, this may be one reason...other explanations may have to do with static charge or something similar. Whatever it is, you're losing that required capacitance that's required between your fingers and the actual iPnone touch panel that's required for touch screen operation. These screens don't require actual finger pressure but capacitance.


New member
Apr 18, 2014
I have not had the flipper go dead, but I've had the right flipper get stuck in the up position on the Sinbad table until I tap the screen left or right flipper again.

I'm using the ipad 2.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I got the phone exchanged for a new one.

Whether this is refurbished or brand new I honestly can't say. Had to travel to an Apple store about an hour from where I live to make the exchange.

It still has the glitch. I don't use screen protectors or cases.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Man! That is really sad to hear. I haven't had much time to do more testing without my case but I'm going to try some more tonight. To confirm, the
Main table you're having a problem with is Who Dunnit, correct? I want to try and replicate it on mine since I seem to be the only other person.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Man! That is really sad to hear. I haven't had much time to do more testing without my case but I'm going to try some more tonight. To confirm, the
Main table you're having a problem with is Who Dunnit, correct? I want to try and replicate it on mine since I seem to be the only other person.

I think Fish Tales is the worst.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I think Fish Tales is the worst.

who the hell let the proveribal cuckoo back in the nest?

i guess there are reasons so aslong as this guy doesnt freak out hes good i guess

remeber mark im watching youuuuuuu

onky today i started making jovial postages you mods hate me damn

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