iOS - Bug iOS VER 1.1.1 Bugs

Mike Gervasi

New member
May 18, 2012
In CV on the iPad the music mix is off. For example on the match screen the sound effect track is there but the music pad is not. Also the mech sound of the ringmaster coming up is far too loud.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
On Cirqus Voltaire when I get high wire multiball the camera zooms out to the plunger view rendering the flippers inoperable. This means the first ball always drains as there is no way to catch it before the camera zooms back in on the flippers.

I appreciate everything Farsight is doing, and they do it well, but I'm starting to feel more like a beta-tester than a customer.

If I can pick up these very obvious bugs in 15 mins of playing it really makes me wonder how much these tables are tested before release.

Maybe it's time they took up the forum members on the beta testing offers?

I'll still support Farsight and buy all the tables they release, and when they do it well they do an awesome job, I just think they need more testing before release.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
On Cirqus Voltaire when I get high wire multiball the camera zooms out to the plunger view rendering the flippers inoperable. This means the first ball always drains as there is no way to catch it before the camera zooms back in on the flippers.


Exact thing has happened to me twice. This is what annoys me about video games, not wanting to pick on FS as all devs do it but there is no way on earth they didn't know about this beforehand. Shipping with bugs the devs know about is the norm today, I guess its just have it now with a few bugs or wait even longer which annoys us even more, suppose they can't win either way.


New member
May 18, 2012
On CV, the ball got stuck beneath the ramp while going slowly up de left loop. It seems to get stuck behind a iron guide rail. Calling attendant does nothing (ball not stuck), except releasing my locked balls luckily, because i was in the final mode.


New member
May 18, 2012
Got to party multiball in CV. Then got locked into plunger cam for the entire mode until the balls drained. Which pretty much sucked.


Also during step 3 of join the Cirqus, the background music got really quiet. I've never gotten that far on a real cab so I don't know if that is normal behavior.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Had typical issues on CV - ball passes through flipper, two balls in plunger lane at start of game, camera moving to the wrong place, like to plunger during multiball which disables the flippers, etc. Honestly, the one thing that annoyed me the most though is that it won't keep the HUD turned off. It looks dumb to having it sitting there right next to the DMD, or on top of it if playing in portrait. If I turn it off, it comes back every single game. Not every session, every game. Start game, miss skill shot, restart, and it's back.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
I played CV first, had a great game and cleared all of the standard goals. I show them cleared in the menu, but it did not unlock the wizard goals. Then I played my first game of Funhouse, did terrible, didn't clear any goals, it unlocked the wizard goals for FH. I thought that was wierd, but it'll all be wiped next month so no biggie.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
+1 on the multiball problems with CV. On Highwire the camera zooms to plunger view and you can only watch the balls drain. Also, when its come back I've had two balls in the plunger lane. Kinda makes in unplayable since starting multiball just means a drain.


New member
May 19, 2012
Bug funhouse 12 o'clock multiball

To be able to start multiball the third ball is send to plunger. Only the camera is not pull back so you aren't able to pull the plunger. Call assistent doesn't work because THE ball isn't stuck. Only stopping the complete game will solve the problem. Downside of This is that you lose your score. Played two days and it happend twice.


May 19, 2012
Various tables have simply crashed mid-game on my iPad 3. The latest was Theater of Magic. I've got that Black Hole bug. But outside of that, the tables seem to be playing well. BTW, it looks like Medieval Madness got a graphics makeover in this update.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I've had so many problems with CV I think it really wasn't ready for release, I count myself lucky if I get through a game without experiencing one of the camera bugs like camera getting stuck at plunger during multiball. I've even had the camera looking at the table during the canon backglass minigame.


New member
May 19, 2012
I have had several instances where the standard background music in funhouse will get in a loop and not start when other music starts or while bonus is added. I end up with 2 music tracks playing at the same time. I have the black hole bug as well. On CV,the ball sometimes will go between the lower pop bumper and the ring target and pass through the target on its way to the flippers.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
in Cirqus Voltaire when entering your initials for a high score, the seconds DMD will reappear even if you’ve previously disabled it. This behavior makes sense for all of the other tables, since you’d otherwise be unable to enter your initials. But with Cirqus Voltaire’s in-playfield DMD, it’s not necessary.


May 19, 2012
I've had so many problems with CV I think it really wasn't ready for release

Interesting. That's about the only table that is working reliably for me. I've played about a dozen games on it so far with no problems. The second DMD does seem redundant on that table, though.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I hope the camera bugs and the nudging get fixed in the next update. I'm wondering on a eta on the Black Hole updates too. Physics seem to be more accurate in Black Hole after the latest update, but it's not yet on ROM emulation. It seems the plunger was changed to look more like the original too. Too bad about the camera bug, since the other changes are in the right direction. FarSight, do you plan to include the unintentional things with the gate that can happen on a real machine? I lost the ball a couple times on a real machine in the right outlane, due to the ball knocking the gate open.
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Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I think I've figured out the multi-ball bug, at least from what I've noticed.

If you have 2 balls locked for the Highwire multiball, then trigger another multiball mode, it's possible those balls will be used for that mode. Then, when you trigger the highwire multiball it has to send more balls onto the table, and it zooms down to the plunger view and messes stuff up. I've found that if things get messed up like that, it's likely you'll get two balls in the plunger for the next game, so I just quit out of the table and start over. Definitely annoying, but I have faith it'll be fixed.

E Laser

New member
Apr 2, 2012
I think I've figured out the multi-ball bug, at least from what I've noticed.

If you have 2 balls locked for the Highwire multiball, then trigger another multiball mode, it's possible those balls will be used for that mode. Then, when you trigger the highwire multiball it has to send more balls onto the table, and it zooms down to the plunger view and messes stuff up. I've found that if things get messed up like that, it's likely you'll get two balls in the plunger for the next game, so I just quit out of the table and start over. Definitely annoying, but I have faith it'll be fixed.

Same thing just happened here. Had one ball on the plunger at the end of the multiball, but, I couldn't control the plunger at all to set it free.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
+1 on the multiball problems with CV. On Highwire the camera zooms to plunger view and you can only watch the balls drain. Also, when its come back I've had two balls in the plunger lane. Kinda makes in unplayable since starting multiball just means a drain.

So far, the only time the camera has locked in the plunger cam with flippers disabled during 'Highwire Multiball' was when one of the balls in the Highwire lock hold area was dropped in from the Ringmasters head instead of shot up the Highwire ramp. It seems that the table reads it as a Highwire ball lock instead of a 'Sneaky Lock'. Otherwise, if I trigger Highwire multiball normally by shooting all 3 balls up the Highwire ramp only, the camera works just fine during HW multiball. You would think that, if the table doesn't detect the ball first going up the ramp, then held by the magnet at the top, and then rolling back down the ramp to the lock holding area, it would register it as a Sneaky Lock instead. I've never played CV on a physical table, so I don't know if a 4 ball Highwire multiball (3 Highwire locks + 1 Sneaky lock) is even possible.


New member
May 22, 2012
Will add that hud on as default for cv is annoying and that you have to reset it to off before every new game. Multiball mode of cv is really screwed up. I have been stuck on the plunger cam. I have had 2-3 balls stuck in the plunger before. If 3 balls get stuck in the plunger the game is essentially over because it just keeps on trying to autolaunch the balls but with 3 of them there it can't eject them. Calling attendant does nothing. The game essentially froze up up after i finished step 3 of joining the circus after the balls drained. Calling attendant did fix this though. It seems like stacking multiballs causes a lot of issues particularly with the highwire multiball. I have had multiple multiballs on cv where theer is just one ball in play and the other ball(s) are stuck in the plunger.

Also, i am still stuck on standard goals for bride of pinbot even though i have completed them all (i.e. i have checkmarks next to all of the standard goals).


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Not a bug, but I find it pretty hard to see what steps are lit when the ball is in the left plunger on Funhouse. Maybe an on-screen text message similar to the "Gate Open/Closed" on Black Hole would be useful here.

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