iOS Version 1.2.10 Discussion And Feedback

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New member
Oct 5, 2012
Some Whirlwinds can, especially if the playfield is dirty or otherwise playing slow. On a fast Whirlwind, the ball has enough speed that the discs just make the ball veer, rather than catching and throwing it.
It seems probable that there's also likely a groove/gap between the rotating disk and the playfield. There are always gaps (thinking logically here) between the playfield and a moving surface, or the moving surface likely wouldn't be able to move. Seems the gap is what's catching the ball on that right-most spinning disc. Of course, I could be wrong. Either way, I'm pretty sure this can be adjusted so the ball doesn't get caught there.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I was actually impressed when the gaps revealed themselves. Before that, they weren't being represented in TPA. Such as the "balloon bumper" in CV and the disc in NGG. Which was "borrowed" from WW by the way. The balls just roll right over those as if they are just painted on.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
It seems probable that there's also likely a groove/gap between the rotating disk and the playfield. There are always gaps (thinking logically here) between the playfield and a moving surface, or the moving surface likely wouldn't be able to move. Seems the gap is what's catching the ball on that right-most spinning disc. Of course, I could be wrong. Either way, I'm pretty sure this can be adjusted so the ball doesn't get caught there.
Yes, there is a 'lip' between the disc and the playfield and the ball can rest in it. Especially as the machines get older and the disks warp and/or sink slightly. I just got the ball caught on the lip in the TPA version yesterday for a few seconds. It fell off eventually. Pretty much how a real machine would behave.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
It's time to get rom emulation into at least Black Knight, but also Gorgar, Firepower, and Black Hole.

Please fix Cirqus Voiltaire. Please. With sugar on top. Since this month's table pack is really simple, no complicated DMD machines this month, perhaps we can get some updated builds and bug fixes. Cirqus Voiltaire is my favorite machine in the entire game!

Please give Theatre of Magic and Monster Bash a speed/physics/bouncy-ness adjustment. Playing theses it's very clear they are a few builds behind in physics tech. They are still two of the best tables in the game, so please show them some love.

Major applause: the flipper physics I think, were updated. At least it feels like it. I've successfully pulled off cradle seperations now. Awesome. Don't know when this happened, but I'm impressed.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
It's time to get rom emulation into at least Black Knight, but also Gorgar, Firepower, and Black Hole.

Please fix Cirqus Voiltaire. Please. With sugar on top. Since this month's table pack is really simple, no complicated DMD machines this month, perhaps we can get some updated builds and bug fixes. Cirqus Voiltaire is my favorite machine in the entire game!

Please give Theatre of Magic and Monster Bash a speed/physics/bouncy-ness adjustment. Playing theses it's very clear they are a few builds behind in physics tech. They are still two of the best tables in the game, so please show them some love.

Major applause: the flipper physics I think, were updated. At least it feels like it. I've successfully pulled off cradle seperations now. Awesome. Don't know when this happened, but I'm impressed.


And please do something with Creature from the Black Lagoon's ramps... they're really sore on eyes.
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