Bug iOS Version 1.2.4 Bugs

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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Bride of Pinbot

Device/OS: iPad4/iOS6

Bug Description: Big Wheel message on HUD disappears before you can read it.

Steps To Reproduce: Play the game.

Frequency: Everytime you play

Additional Comments: It's been months now guys. Months.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Scared Stiff

Device/OS: iPad4/iOS6

Bug Description: Deadhead loop still STILL exists

Steps To Reproduce: Play the game

Frequency: Everytime you play.

Additional Comments: It's been months now guys. Months.

It's like there is a superstrong magnet in there. Very annoying bug.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Device/OS: iPad / 5.1.x

Bug Description: The settings screen doesn't imply it scrolls

Steps To Reproduce: Go to settings screen. Does it look like there are options hidden below the box?

Frequency: Always

Additional Comments:
Need a UI hint that there's actually more options in the settings screen - either find a way to expand the box a little bit so you can see the top half of another option to prompt scrolling, or put a couple of up/down arrows to prompt the user that the settings menu is a lot longer than it looks. As it is right now, it looks like that's all the options there are.

Heck, perhaps have a scroll "thumb" that consists of a ball rolling in the habitrail - as you scroll down, it moves down the habitrail.

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
Just want add same thing happened to me. Had first good game, got multi balls twice and extra ball on ball 2, got 550k goal. Ball 3 was a regular 1 ball and drained quick. Then game just sat there.

+1, happened to me last night, had a pretty good game (800 and odd k) with a couple of multiballs and an extra ball, last ball drained and it sat there, flippers active but no ball on table, call attendant didn't think a ball was stuck.

In the end I tilted the table and the game finally ended allowing me to go to hiscore entry.

iPad mini, iOS 6.0.


New member
Feb 17, 2013
Dr. Dude

Device/OS: iPad 3, iOS 5.1.1

Bug Description: camera stuck in the top-right part of the table (Mix master) during multiball, flippers responsive and balls rolling here and there but couldn't see the rest of the table.

Steps To Reproduce: multiball

Frequency: twice


New member
Jun 13, 2012
iOS 6.1.1
iPad 3

Just played a game of Black Hole and a couple of annoying things happened.

I had a multiball set up, but it didn't trigger until after I had cleared both banks of targets on the upper playfield so I was hoping to get the special as well. Instead once the multiball triggered the Special light in front of the drop targets in the lower playfield went out. I'm not sure if that's correct behaviour or not, but since getting the Special was one of my two remaining Wizard Goals I was slightly miffed.

So I have a three-ball multiball going and then something clearly broken happens. I had earned an extra ball and then one of the three balls drained and instead of continuing with the two remaining balls the table seemed to get confused and think they've all drained: the camera pulled back and I heard the sound of a new ball loading. The flippers stopped working and the two remaining balls drained and then when I launched the ball there was a camera move like it was going to normal play (plunger and table camera set to default), but there was no ball and the game abruptly ended, showed me my score and went back to attract mode.

I had a great game going there and I get denied a special, a multi-ball and an extra ball. There's an unusual combination of events there so I don't know how duplicatable it is.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Anyone else have the problem that bought tables in the 99ct version won't be unlocked in the free version?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Anyone else have the problem that bought tables in the 99ct version won't be unlocked in the free version?
I have it too on my ipad 4. One version shows all tables as bought and the other only show the 2 most recent DLC. Not sure what is going on. I even bought TOTAN again to see if that would unlock everything. It did not. Just wasted $.99.

Do you think it is related to beta testing?


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Why do you guys have both versions installed? I used to have the free, purchased a few tables, then paid for the 99cent...uninstalled the free version. Only had to login once and all tables unlocked.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
We have both versions cause we use the 99ct for beta testing and the free one for "normal" gaming.


New member
Jul 6, 2012

Device/OS: iOS/iPhone 5

Bug Description: In multiplayer games, the game's state for players 2, 3, and 4 seems to carry over from game to game (incl. locks, and 1-6 targets).

Steps To Reproduce: Play a 4-player game. Then, play another 4-player game. Even on Ball 1 for players 2, 3, and 4, sometimes locks are lit and the 1-6 targets are in an odd state for the start of the game.

Frequency: Every time after the first multi-player game is completed.


New member
Aug 10, 2012
iPhone 4 v6.1
Table black knight

Bug: ball gets stuck in lower ball lock kicker. Also think I had it happen in the top kicker as ended up losing a ball in multiball and couldn't spot it anywhere.
Tried nudging but that crashes game due I the swipe to nudge 100% crash



New member
Mar 24, 2012
iPad 4, iPhone 5, iOS 6.1

Bug Description:
Goals showing incorrectly for newly downloaded games already played on different iOS device.

Steps To Reproduce:
I Purchased and played Dr Dude and Firepower on my iPad 4.
I completed the standard goals and a few Wizard Goals on both.

I used the "Back Up Save Data (remote)" on the iPad and exited the game.

I then started The Pinball Arcade on my iPhone 5.
It didn't show the two new tables under the My Tables screen, but still showed them both under the New Tables screen.
I selected "Restore Save Data (remote)" from the options screen, then went to the New Tables screen and selected Firepower.
It prompted me to restore purchased tables and download them.

I first experienced the following when starting up Firepower to play, so I was careful to repeat my steps and document them when starting Dr Dude.

From table selection menu, I selected Dr Dude.
it shows the button for Wizard Goals, with two stars complete.
Selecting the goals button shows not the Wizard Goals but the standard goals with check mark by each.

I Selected the table to play and then viewed the Table Menu.
It also shows Standard Goals and not Wizard Goals.
Selecting the goals list once again shows all of the Standard Goals with check marks by each.

After touching START, before plunging the first ball, I paused the game to the menu screen. it now properly shows the Wizard Goals with the correct items checked.

same for both newly downloaded tables

Additional Comments:
It DOES fix itself once you start playing, but as a software developer myself, those are the most frustrating of all bugs. The ones that vanish! It makes the user think... Did I really just see that? and subtly negatively affects the user perception of the program.

I'm very happy to have this new functionality added to The Pinball Arcade! Even with the minor glitch. Gotta report them to get them fixed though!
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New member
Oct 6, 2012

IPad4/iOS 6.1

Table froze.

After final ball lost and bonus points were counting up, all sound just stopped, no balls fed, but the flippers were still active. Call attendent did nothing.

I probably could have caught this for you guys if there wasn't a score limit... on the beta!

Update: The issue above looks like it only happened after completing all "standard" goals. Instead of putting up the screen indicating I did so, it just did the previous.

Update 2: Happened again, but without the "goal" excuse. This time, after all balls during multiball drained.

This is happening to me as well. With goals met or not, highest score to date and won't get credit for it. It is a shame to have this bug, much like the ST:TNG high score bug. I refuse to play this table again until fixed. Farsight get your crap together.
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New member
Mar 31, 2012
Device/OS: Ipad2 Ios 6.1

Bug Description: On Dr Dude Cam 3 locked still zooms into the mixmaster

Steps To Reproduce: Play Dr Dude

Frequency: 100%

Additional Comments: This also happened with cam 3 locked for TZ and STTNG's skillshot. I don't know if it's fixed yet as I haven't tried those tables since the new update.


New member
Feb 11, 2013
Device/OS: IOS 6.1. Ipad3

Bug Description: not posting myscores on the 'myscore' boards for the weekly, monthly alltime, boards. For some reason the 'friends' board has me (ccavsman) at no. 1, but I am not located on the 'myscore' boards for these postings after feb 18.

Steps To Reproduce: scored 1,241,690 on the Black Hole machine. 'Friends' board has me no 1., but when checking the 'myscore' boards where i should be somewhere with that score (i already looked to see if it was high enough for boards), its showing the current 1 - 8 players for the timeperiod, and it should be showing my personal score and where it is ranked.

Frequency: every high score so far not posting, but it shows in Friends as no. 1

Additional Comments: im not sure but my account name was changed on the pinballarcadefans forum from Scott Hartsock to Ccavsman to match the Farsight boards. Im not sure if there is any affiliation between your account name and farsights, or how that works at all. But it was changed.

Please also remember to email any bugs you find to support@pinballarcade.com

Thank you!
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