iOS Version 1.2.8 Discussion And Feedback

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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Please post your iOS version 1.2.8 feedback here!

If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD and follow the guidelines in the first post.
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New member
Feb 28, 2013
Okay, I've played one game of Centaur, Touch Scheme A, Show Touch Scheme On, (Invert Nudge On) and I've only got one thing to say (for now):



New member
Oct 5, 2012
OUTSTANDING! The nudge and flipper zones (along with their visible/invisible zones) make this a very worthwhile update! Nice job, FarSight! Now to check out the new tables...:cool:


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Ok, I've played one game of Centaur (have not even checked out PinBot yet) and I've decided I'm buying this table pack. Updates like this (nudge & flipper zones) refresh the entire game and I feel that FarSight deserves my money, even though I don't have to buy the tables for this added feature. Well done, deserve it!

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Plunger seems week on Pinbot. On a full plunge The ball won't quite reach the 20,000 shot and always rolls back into the 100,000 hole


New member
May 12, 2013
Hitting 1000 HoF points on Pin*Bot looks to be pretty easy -- hit 2.5 million on my second game while only reaching Neptune which was good for 250 points.

First game of Centaur was awfully fun but now I have this urge to sacrifice a goat to Satan. Is this normal for this table?


New member
Jun 24, 2012
No problems on iPad 3 (iOS 6.1). On my iPhone (4S), the app crashes immediately after loading any table (force-quitting the app and rebooting the device didn't help; problem affects all tables, so basically the app is completely broken on iPhone until the next update). Not a big deal, as I generally only play on the iPad anyway.

For me, the best thing about this update — by far — is all the new nudge options. I've been waiting a long time for forward nudging, and the new forward+left / forward+right zones are a great idea too. The choice of layout schemes is most welcome, and the overlay will be helpful while I get used to the new layout. Apart from making it more comfortable to play the game while still having access to all the nudge areas, the new forward nudge controls are a huge improvement in playability across all the tables. The ability to move the special button will eliminate a lot of aggravation on tables that have one (Star Trek, mainly; I never really minded the placement of the launch button on MM/MB/AFM).

Besides the iPhone bug, this seems like a pretty solid update so far. Nice work, guys.

Other notes:

- Centaur looks cool (never played the real one); PinBot needs no introduction
- Once again, I really appreciate the detailed release notes
- The new main menu buttons are so much better; I hope the new look will be applied to all the other buttons
- If you guys change "Season One" and "Season Two" to "Season 1" and "Season 2", the text will fit better on the buttons
- Still wishing for an option to disable the main menu and "default" music (the one that plays when a table hasn't been downloaded); I really hate both of these
- Star Trek dead zone is indeed fixed (yay!), and the ability to position the special button solves this problem nicely (I put it at 90 or 95%, just above all the zones in the "B" touch scheme); same goes for other tables with special buttons


New member
May 18, 2012
Centaur and PinBot are excellent tables, very well done. Really love Centaurs voice speeches.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Okay, does this go in here or not? Telling me that I can save money with this new Season Pack thing (which has really only been known about the last few weeks) which covers packs 11-20. BUT I ALREADY HAVE PACKS 11-13 BECAUSE OF NO MENTION OF A SEASON PACK.

So what do I do? Will I still save money if I've bought these packs AND buy the Season pack on top of it, or do I just have to bite my tongue and accept that as a keen, early adopter of all the content that I'm missing out?

Seriously, what the heck?!?


New member
Aug 16, 2012
I have a feeling this is an iOS related issue. I have an iPad 2 as well as an iPad 3, both on iOS 6.1 and neither have issues running the new update. Hopefully FarSight can address this issue since I know that many iPad 2 users (at least) are wanting to stay on iOS 5.x, at least for the near future

...and let's not forget iPad 1 owners who cannot update beyond v5.1.1

Luckily, i also own Pinball Arcade on XBox - oh, wait...


New member
Oct 4, 2012
So now with all these extra nudge options, will the iCade be updated too? We still only have nudge left and right and would think if have the option to set the joystick for nudging, this would solve all the extra options. You can still have it work for the plunger since down is not used for nudging.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Okay, does this go in here or not? Telling me that I can save money with this new Season Pack thing (which has really only been known about the last few weeks) which covers packs 11-20. BUT I ALREADY HAVE PACKS 11-13 BECAUSE OF NO MENTION OF A SEASON PACK.

So what do I do? Will I still save money if I've bought these packs AND buy the Season pack on top of it, or do I just have to bite my tongue and accept that as a keen, early adopter of all the content that I'm missing out?

Seriously, what the heck?!?

The season packs were announced three days ago, not a few weeks ago. Since you've already purchased table packs 11-13 then it's more expensive to purchase the season two pack. However, if you are planning on purchasing all pro packs for 14-20 then it's cheaper to purchase the season two pro pack.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
So now with all these extra nudge options, will the iCade be updated too? We still only have nudge left and right and would think if have the option to set the joystick for nudging, this would solve all the extra options. You can still have it work for the plunger since down is not used for nudging.

I was just going to ask for some iCade forward nudging love too. :D Another option would be to move the Specials (5 and E1) to Joystick left/right (3 and 4) and make 5/E1 forward nudge left/right. The specials won't be used as often as left/right forward nudging.

I Just thought of another way to handle nudging on the iCade. Move the Start (7) and Pause (9) to Joystick 3 and 4 positions. Then buttons 7 and 9 are available for left/right forward nudge. This will keep all four nudging buttons next to each other. Since the start and pause buttons aren't used during actual gameplay it wouldn't be a big compromise to move their functionality to the joystick.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Maybe they should have released a season 2 top up pack, I.e. 14 to 20 for those of us ( most on this forum I would guess ) who have bought all the packs so far.
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