ipad, iphone, kindle-compared to PS3, XBOX......


New member
Aug 20, 2012
i really feel sorry for those of you who are playing TPA on those small devices, i play TPA on the PS3, therefore i have the luxury of using a controller and the best part of all is it is diplayed on my big screen TV. now just recently i've had the experience of playing it on a kindle, and i've got to tell you, it is so small, and so unpleasant to operate the flippers that even though i was playing twightlightzone(which i do NOT have on the PS3 yet), i didn't even spend 5 minutes of my time playing it. if you love pinball, you really must get yourself a system that allows you to display it on a bigger screen with the luxury of a controller. you do NOT know what your missing.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
i play TPA on the PS3, therefore i have the luxury of using a controller and the best part of all is it is diplayed on my big screen TV.
Some would beg to differ with you. The PS3 version has it's own issues, notably flipper lag depending on the system/TV/controller used(etc.). Having a dedicated game controller & big screen TV is not really the definitive answer and may not appeal to all. Have a look at the "Flipper lag theory" topic in the PS3 forum for some insight on the flipper lag issue.

I play TPA on both the iPad 3 and the PS3 and prefer it by far on the iPad,3 despite it having it's own issues. It's just a matter of personal preference.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I have it on the PS3 and iPad, and I find myself playing it more on the iPad for the simple fact that its always at my side. Wherever I am, I can have a quick game of pinball.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
You can't bring a PS3 on the bus, in the woods, or the bathroom (well, maybe the bathroom if you have a lot of money).

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I strongly prefer to play on the 360 if I'm at home and the table(s) I want to play are the ones that the 360 has. Touchscreen control just does not offer the precision I want, and it shows in my scores: my 360 high scores are usually five times my iOS high scores.

That being said, being able to take TPA on my iPad with me on the road is quite nice as well.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
It's all a trade off. Nice to play on my ipad at work during lunch, or while waiting to get my car inspected, or sitting on my porch with a nice cold beer on a hot day. Plus it keeps the TV open for my wife to watch some awful Honey BooBoo show. I can give away some of the console beauty and the nice controller for the portability and convenience.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I like what I have so far on the 360, but I rarely play TPA on it. In general I play the bigger games on my 360 (Farcry 3, Sleeping Dogs), and play TPA on my ipad2 in the pub. Pinball and a few pints go well together (unless I'm with friends, that's just rude).


New member
May 15, 2012
I have the game on the Vita (and PS3 through the cross download) as well at the Xbox 360 and have played the free versions on an iPhone. I feel that the Vita version could easily be the best version of the game given the fact that it is a powerful system that has the portability advantages of the phone and tablets but provides a physical button interface. However, the large number of graphics and gameplay issues really detract from the experience. Hopefully the next patch FS releases will finally address these issues that have been around for months.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Being that I have a PS3, iPad4, and iPod Touch, I have a good knowledge of just what I am missing and what I'm not. iPod is soooo small I can't play it. PS3 is quite amazing, but it's just not convenient enough. My iPad is ALWAYS ready to go. If and when they throw in iCade controls, I'm all set.


New member
Oct 4, 2012
I enjoy it a lot on my iPad 4 but was also wondering if worth picking up used 360 or PS3 for whatever improvements it will bring besides screen size. Really enjoyed Hall of Fame on the Wii and was excited to see this on IOS.

Also wondering if they'll be improving the gameplay for the newer iPads and iPhone, like better graphics and lighting without having to dumb down to still work on older models. I'm pretty sure games like Infinity Blade added features that only worked on iPad 2 that didn't work on the 1. So wondering if iPad 4 or iPhone 5 might have same ability. I see no reason have to have solid ramps on No Good Gofer for iPad 4.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
i really feel sorry for those of you who are playing TPA on those small devices, i play TPA on the PS3, therefore i have the luxury of using a controller and the best part of all is it is diplayed on my big screen TV. now just recently i've had the experience of playing it on a kindle, and i've got to tell you, it is so small, and so unpleasant to operate the flippers that even though i was playing twightlightzone(which i do NOT have on the PS3 yet), i didn't even spend 5 minutes of my time playing it. if you love pinball, you really must get yourself a system that allows you to display it on a bigger screen with the luxury of a controller. you do NOT know what your missing.

Android users also have the luxury of using controllers, providing they root their devices and use a touch mapping app (of which they are many). Which I, and many other users have done already.

And I can connect my tablet to my HDMI display as well. It works great. In fact once Android 4.2.x is available on my device, I'll be able to do that *wirelessly* through miracast.

So the only thing I'm losing out on its some of the fancier graphics. Which are made up for the fact I can play my version anywhere.

I'm no missing out on anything. :-D

Btw, which platforms get released first? That would be mobile... ;-)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Android users also have the luxury of using controllers, providing they root their devices and use a touch mapping app (of which they are many). Which I, and many other users have done already.

And I can connect my tablet to my HDMI display as well. It works great. In fact once Android 4.2.x is available on my device, I'll be able to do that *wirelessly* through miracast.

So the only thing I'm losing out on its some of the fancier graphics. Which are made up for the fact I can play my version anywhere.

I'm no missing out on anything. :-D

Btw, which platforms get released first? That would be mobile... ;-)

You're still limited to 2 way nudging instead of 8. Plus a Major graphical downgrade. Plus tiny screen. Just because you CAN hook up your phone to a tv doesn't mean you should. It looks awful doing that.

If you're going to go through the trouble of Hooking up a controller to the phone then your phone to the tv just to play the game, that's senseless. It's like jumping through all these hoops to enjoy the shoddiest pinball arcade experience possible.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Let me put it this way. I'm lying in my bed right now typing this from an iPhone. And this is fine but um if you consider this "just as good" as typing on a PC with a keyboard and mouse well then I really don't know what to tell you.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
While i agree that playing TPA on my phone is much too small for me, I enjoy playing it on my 8 inch tablet it seems to me a much more hands on way to play.

Nik Barbour

Got to agree with the other posters.
I gave up gaming when 1st gen xbox was replaced (renovated a house, had a kid, too busy) but had an android phone.
Always been a big pinball fan, and heard TPA was coming in Oct 2011, waited and waited, finally it released Feb 2012.
My phone is a minimum spec to play 1ghz single core 3.5" device, just powerful enough to run it - not powerful enough to run it nicely, and the screen is too small. You can play, but its not a good experience.
Months go by, summer comes, more tables are available. My wife asks what I want for my birthday, so I figure, I'd get an xbox (platform TPA is developed on) as I'm enjoying playing it so much, purely for TPA and Netflix. Get the Xbox, and its great, lighting is nice, analogue nudging, then the Dlc drought strikes. I wanted to play the new tables, so back to my phone frustrations.
Xmas coming, again asked what I'd like, an Android tablet please.

So now I've got a Nexus 7, good fast processor, Tegra chip, beautiful screen, it's awesome.

I can honestly say now, the console (even if dlc was available) comes a poor second to a good tablet. Let's do a benefits list...

Xbox benefits -
Better lighting
Analogue nudging
Haptic feedback in controller

Android tablet benefits -
Mobile - play anywhere
Portrait and landscape orientations
3 control options - touchscreen, shake nudge (which works really well on the Nexus), or using wireless ps3 controller (I'm rooted and use 'Sixaxis' app.)
First release access to dlc.
Access to beta for all Android users.
Hardware same price as older consoles - likely to be half price of new gen consoles.

I can see and read more table details on the tablet than the console (mostly due to orientation) and higher res models are in the pipeline.

I don't agree with Sean on the scoring either, I think he has ios on which shake nudging is impossible, he probably has to use touchscreen.
My tablet scores after only 2 weeks are starting to go past my console scores now, and I would think if he had an Android tablet he'd see the same.

If it weren't for Zen exclusives on xbox and gta5 coming, I'd probably sell the Xbox before it becomes defunct at the end of the year. Xbox pinball hall of fame, Black Knight (one of my favourites) plays much better than TPA version too.

It's come as a shock to me too, I thought the console versions would easily outshine the mobile platforms (which was why I bought the console first). And prior to getting a good tablet, have sung the praises of the consoles - but I have had my mind changed.

TPA on a good Android tablet is infinitely better than the Xbox version in my opinion. It's console only owners I feel sorry for. :)
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