iPad Pro... Anyone else tempted?


New member
Jul 28, 2013
Been wishing for a larger iPad for quite a while, and now its a reality. It is a bit pricy, but considering how often I play TPA, I can justify the cost for the likely accurate assumption a larger screen and better sound will enhance the overall experience.

That being said, should I assume TPA will run at least as well as it does on my current iPad?

I'd be interested in hearing gameplay impressions from anyone who has one (yes, I know it just launched today, and always will - because it's my 4th wedding anniversary... 11/11/11 😊).

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I'm tempted too. Just wish they weren't so damn expensive. It would be pretty amazing for using the new split screen features. Being able to play a casual strategy game while watching a video or reading/browsing would be quite swell. Then of course playing full screen games like TPA would just be breathtaking.

Happy Anniversary, btw. :D
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I haven't even seen one in person yet. Might be a bit too big for me. The split screen feature does sound fantastic though. I'll probably wait one more generation before I upgrade to a new regular size iPad or the pro.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I was all juiced up for one ever since it was rumored a few years ago. But when reality hit and they dropped the $800 price point on me, I immediately thought otherwise. Quite literally actually. I just bought a new iPad Mini 2 for that "pocket" sized TPA urge.

I'd probably pick one up if it'd ever drop to $600.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
I just realized that I can't delete all my 200 imessages on my work iPhone 6s at once and the official support answer is check every single message and press delete.
No more iOS devices for me...


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Definitely not for me. I personally play 95% of the time on my mini 2. When I do play on my Air 2, the screen is of course quite a bit larger. You also have to hold it a bit differently as well. I could not imagine being very comfortable with something as large as the iPad Pro. Of the devices I own, the mini 2 is the most comfortable for me personally.


New member
May 10, 2012
It's damn tempting but oh, so expensive. I am actually pretty happy with my Ipad Air 2.

Will wait and see what others think before I decide but if tpa plays great on it (should not be a problem) and if it is not uncomfortable to hold i portrait mode, I have a feeling that it is goodbye air 2


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I wouldn't buy if TPA is a main reason, I'm still waiting for iphone 6 plus support. It looks crap stretched to the bigger screen.


Apr 12, 2012
I just realized that I can't delete all my 200 imessages on my work iPhone 6s at once and the official support answer is check every single message and press delete.
No more iOS devices for me...

Every few weeks I get stuck carrying the work iPhone and, every time, I'm baffled that there isn't a better method for mass deletion of messages.


Apr 12, 2012
One thing I've discovered with my 12" Samsung tablet is that it's actually a bit TOO big for some stuff. I find myself having to move my head back and forth to read stuff at times and that can be annoying. In general, the huge screen is really awesome to have though :)


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Few thoughts as i seriously need a new ipad...(no tpa since apirl)

The maxi pad isnt for everyone as some have said the mini is a handheld gaming and casual web browsing device.

Heres my reasoning my fors...

Its screen size is about the same as an a4 sheet of paper or the average magazine. so if you read alot of magazines or technicial/education papers its *should be much nicer*

given support most apps could look pretty sweet.

overall i think for "home" user if your a really heavy power user its the bees knees if very expensive but its powerful kit with a screen you could shag...the first coffee tablet maxi pad!

frankly my eyesights not exactly youthful, and some aspects of even the regular ipad are too small..so i welcome the size

the only real downsize is it is a tad expensive but if i can do all i want for 3-4 years its easily justifable then i can get the vr version.....

The one question most people should ask themselves is for most usage do you use the ipad more than a pc/laptop...its not for work


New member
Oct 5, 2012
The one question most people should ask themselves is for most usage do you use the ipad more than a pc/laptop...its not for work
I agree 100%. I would never use, nor trust an iDevice like I do a Mac/PC for many reasons, including iOS itself and it's instability over the past few versions (since iOS 6 mostly). Every release brings new bugs/issues/inconsistencies/etc. Many issues never get resolved and are shoved under the rug. There's no actual user accessible file system...Apple have been locking things down consistently on iOS rather than opening things up...things that were once easy to do (if you had the software), for example accessing/backing up TPA scores via iFunBox or other file management apps are now impossible if you're not jailbroken.
With iOS, you have no definitive 100% accurate backups being performed. Apple & the developers would love to have you believe everything is being backed up...in reality, it's not. I can't tell you the disappointment my kid faces and goes through every time we upgrade an iDevice or have to restore from a "backup". Despite backing up religiously to iTunes every week and immediately before the restore, not everything is indeed backed up...and there's no damn way to tell until you suddenly lose your game progress or critical data made over years time. I use iOS devices as entertainment devices, not work tools. The PC/Mac is for that. I simply don't trust iOS for anything "mission critical".

But Tim Cook seems to think otherwise:
“I think if you’re looking at a PC, why would you buy a PC anymore? No really, why would you buy one?”, asks Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, who has just flown into Britain for the launch of the iPad Pro."

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New member
Jan 28, 2015
Why are you restoring for an upgrade?? Upgrades are performed in-situ and there's no need to restore from a backup. I can't recall the last time I needed to restore any of my devices.

Re bugs have you got any bug reference numbers? I can tell you things do not get shoved under a rug.

Happy to take this conversation offline if you want to PM me.

Oh and the iPad Pro is great, but TPA is a bit hard to play honestly and TPA needs new assets to make better advantage of the increased real estate and resolution.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Prior to IOS 9.1 I'd have jumped at an upgrade and the Pro would be my logical step. Magazines, newspapers plus the larger screen size. Now 9.1 has pretty much restored my aging iPad 2 from a sluggish Game Centre less Backup lacking relic to its former glory, I think I'll wait for the next version plus this will give more time for apps to be optimised for the new screen size. So now I'm going to wait.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Why are you restoring for an upgrade?? Upgrades are performed in-situ and there's no need to restore from a backup. I can't recall the last time I needed to restore any of my devices.
I'm speaking of restoring a backup to a new device (device upgrade entirely, not after an iOS update). You need to restore the backup from the old device onto the new device...unless you want to setup the device as new. We upgrade our devices on a yearly/bi-yearly basis and this lack of 100% of everything being in the backup is always an issue.
Re bugs have you got any bug reference numbers? I can tell you things do not get shoved under a rug.
No reference numbers...how do us mere mortals report bugs other than using the feedback link from Apple Support? Apple doesn't make this very easy for those who want to report issues. I've reported the issues below to the feedback link many, many times...as have others. They seem to fall on deaf ears because they are not resolved.

This bug still exists from iOS 8.x. On iPad mini 2/iPad Air 2 (likely others), the on-screen keyboard does not highlight correctly (keys should darken when typed but they don't) if the Reduce Transparency setting is turned on and the light-colored keyboard is typed on (such as in Notes). https://discussions.apple.com/message/27397369 & https://discussions.apple.com/message/27246715

Another bug exists beginning with iOS 9.0 that has not yet been resolved: See https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7225421 along with https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7224014
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New member
Nov 2, 2012
I have one, and I wonder how many months it will be before pinball arcade is updated to use the native resolution, considering the 6 plus from last year and now the 6S plus is still running in zoomed iPhone 5 resolution instead of its native 1920x1080 I don't hold up much hope but... Never know!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I have one, and I wonder how many months it will be before pinball arcade is updated to use the native resolution, considering the 6 plus from last year and now the 6S plus is still running in zoomed iPhone 5 resolution instead of its native 1920x1080 I don't hold up much hope but... Never know!

So does it look pretty bad?

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