Is It Time For TPA 2?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
I've been thinking about the state of TPA a fair amount lately and I've come to one conclusion: a whole new version of TPA would be the best thing FS could do for their storied pinball emulation. There are several reasons I came to this conclusion:

1) A fresh start: Like any system, TPA will eventually hit the point where it becomes less of a hassle to start over than to maintain the current infrastructure. We still have several feature requests outstanding for TPA, but baking them into TPA 2 might be less trouble at this point. We haven't hit the point of diminishing returns yet, but I think FS would benefit greatly from staying ahead of the curve instead of just reacting whenever a complication comes down the pike.

2) Patching up tables: The support for pre-S3 tables in TPA is, frankly, deplorable. Several tables have outstanding bugs (I'm looking at you, CV) and the physics render many of the earlier tables borderline unplayable (ToM's physics engine haunts my nightmares). It seems obvious that FS lack the resources to give all the tables they have up now the upkeep they deserve, so it seems that the easiest path would be to start fresh with everything they've learned and make the definitive digital versions of the great tables they released in TPA's first 2 seasons.

3) The return of two tables: This would be a massive draw for FS. By all accounts, the change to 1 table per month was a massive blow to FarSight's credibility with its longsuffering fans. On top of that, think of all the fantastic EM and early solid-state tables we still haven't gotten yet; other than Seawitch and Xenon, I'd bet heavily against any others showing up in the current iteration of TPA.

Personally, I think TPA 2 is an idea whose time has come, but what do you guys think?

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
As long as it's not Farsight behind it, I'm in for Android.
Ask Homework are the guys to watch for mobile Pinball now.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
As mentioned, there are still bugs on existing tables. X360 is still not out. Farsight needs less new work (Ghostbusters, bowling, whatever nonsense they were doing before) and more time to fix these outstanding issues. That or hire more experienced coders and QA testers to their team to make all of this possible.


Jan 30, 2013
I've been thinking about the state of TPA a fair amount lately and I've come to one conclusion: a whole new version of TPA would be the best thing FS could do for their storied pinball emulation. There are several reasons I came to this conclusion:

1) A fresh start: Like any system, TPA will eventually hit the point where it becomes less of a hassle to start over than to maintain the current infrastructure. We still have several feature requests outstanding for TPA, but baking them into TPA 2 might be less trouble at this point. We haven't hit the point of diminishing returns yet, but I think FS would benefit greatly from staying ahead of the curve instead of just reacting whenever a complication comes down the pike.

2) Patching up tables: The support for pre-S3 tables in TPA is, frankly, deplorable. Several tables have outstanding bugs (I'm looking at you, CV) and the physics render many of the earlier tables borderline unplayable (ToM's physics engine haunts my nightmares). It seems obvious that FS lack the resources to give all the tables they have up now the upkeep they deserve, so it seems that the easiest path would be to start fresh with everything they've learned and make the definitive digital versions of the great tables they released in TPA's first 2 seasons.

3) The return of two tables: This would be a massive draw for FS. By all accounts, the change to 1 table per month was a massive blow to FarSight's credibility with its longsuffering fans. On top of that, think of all the fantastic EM and early solid-state tables we still haven't gotten yet; other than Seawitch and Xenon, I'd bet heavily against any others showing up in the current iteration of TPA.

Personally, I think TPA 2 is an idea whose time has come, but what do you guys think?

1: I don't understand exactly what you mean. Abandoning all supported platforms and devices for a new one? Making an entirely new platform only playable on what platform? Abandoning all other devices, you're thinking? Like only focus on high-end PC gamer? I don't really understand what you mean. What is this new version of TPA? Where does it come from? Is it like an entirely new engine or platform? And what on earth makes you think this new platform would'nt be without problems? What on earth makes you think farsight would suddenly out of the blue stay ahead of problems? NOTHING in their history suggests they get anything right first try.

2: I think they are on their way to go over and upgrading the old tables. It's will be part of the harder tunings for tables. The first 8 that got voted for didn't include ToM sadly. But if all turns out well I would be very surprised if ToM wasn't one of the first in line to get the makeover after the initial 8 are done.

3: The 2 a month packs included one previously released pin which got a makeover, and a new one, but seems like keeping up that pace was a little too much and bugs were left without fix to prioritize next double release instead. I don't know what you think has changed and why farsight would suddenly put out 2 bugless pins a month, even if 1 of them is an old one. They are barely making 1 as it is now. Well, oh yeah you're thinking the new TPA version will magically fix everything.

When/if farsight get their pins more or less bug free and run out of pins to recreate they should be working on bringing in new users. I'm thinking a way to do that, a future TPA 2.0, would be a virtual arcade and community, where you have all the pins lined up, some lounge area, and you create your own avatar and can walk around in the arcade and play the pinball machines against people there or by yourself and maybe try to beat the GC score so you can enter your initials, or just go to the lounge area and hang out and talk to people. This could be the thing that draws in a great new crowd of users, but Farsight should just work on getting all of their pins in great condition and not rush new tables, one a month is sufficent, before moving on to Pinball Arcade 2.0.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
I think they should just fix the known issues they have. Most are man hour issues not new devce issues. Had they been diligent about their upkeep and development of new advances for mobile this wouldn't be an issue. And btw mobile is gonna continue to develop at a breakneck speed so they almost have to be in a constant state of development.

To me the best thing they could do is take a month off and address all the various minor issues across the board on all platforms. If they can't afford to take a month off maybe they could do it on the month they finally release TAF gold.

Why punish the loyal consumer because of their business model? I would not support a TPA 2. The only way I would rebuy tables is for a cabinet or if another company made a far superior version of what we have now.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
I think they should just fix the known issues they have. Most are man hour issues not new devce issues. Had they been diligent about their upkeep and development of new advances for mobile this wouldn't be an issue. And btw mobile is gonna continue to develop at a breakneck speed so they almost have to be in a constant state of development.

To me the best thing they could do is take a month off and address all the various minor issues across the board on all platforms. If they can't afford to take a month off maybe they could do it on the month they finally release TAF gold.

Why punish the loyal consumer because of their business model? I would not support a TPA 2. The only way I would rebuy tables is for a cabinet or if another company made a far superior version of what we have now.

Well said Indy.
Totally agree with that.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
To meet what our community wants, two things would need to change. The first would be for FS to hire enough people so that nobody is having to pull double or triple duty like they currently are. This would allow them to truly concentrate on tasks. Mike is currently dealing with both DX 11 and Jack Bot, as well as who knows what. Even if he had this fabled month, he's still only one man.

The second thing needing change is for certain people to swallow their pride and admit certain tables are not all they could be. The things getting added are because someone is championing the cause. Asking for something to get fixed, well that is never fun. Unless you are a perfectionist. Which just circles back to point one, and FS needs to hire one or two of those!


New member
Jul 12, 2014
To meet what our community wants, two things would need to change. The first would be for FS to hire enough people so that nobody is having to pull double or triple duty like they currently are. This would allow them to truly concentrate on tasks. Mike is currently dealing with both DX 11 and Jack Bot, as well as who knows what. Even if he had this fabled month, he's still only one man.

Except orbals, the ghostbusters mod and Brunswick bowling (which I like) factor in too.

Keep your flagship title that your business reputation is known for and gets you the most exposure as strong as you possibly can. TPA should be about the experience, not just the license. I think they were so far ahead, they've coasted and now the competition is passing them and not content at stopping. And they're doing it at a fraction of the price. There are now four companies making pinball as good and in some cases better than TPA. I'm still a fan of the TPA product, but if you're going to charge a premium price, you shouldn't be left in the dust by several different 99 cent apps, that offer more options than what you charge almost ten bucks for.

To anyone working double duty on TPA. Thank you! I do appreciate your hard work. It's not about the talent it's about the time.


New member
May 24, 2013
no problems here,XBOX 1 ,PS4 and PC looking great.a couple of bugs wacky do !!what do you think FARSIGHT are a company like APPLE,GIVE THEM A BREAK. they have just done a great job on the PC.WE HAVE 56 TABLES where else can you play 56 tables,THERE OURS FOR EVER. GREEKS HAVE A GREAT WORD ,MALAKIAS !!! :cool:

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