Is most running Pinball Arcade on mobile phones and tablets?

What platforms do you run Pinball arcade on primarily

  • PC

    Votes: 38 27.5%
  • consoles

    Votes: 28 20.3%
  • mobile phones/pads

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • mobile phones/pads <=> PC/consoles

    Votes: 12 8.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Graphics and controls are generally better on consoles, but portrait mode and the release schedule is better on tablets. Which is why I play on PC (on my pinball cabinet :)) -- best of both worlds!

I voted, however I'm not sure this poll will be representative of the general population that doesn't frequent the forums.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
You can't beat playing on a big screen, proper sound, and a controller with buttons. Pure 'Old Skool. :p

Ios and mobile are convenient [never thought playing pinball on the pan was conceivable] but for the full on experience PC and console are the way to go.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I play on PS3 because buttons, buttons, buttons. Tactile feedback makes the game so much easier. I play the table of the month on my phone when I'm bored, but I can't get into it because of the touch screen controls.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I play on PS3 because buttons, buttons, buttons. Tactile feedback makes the game so much easier. I play the table of the month on my phone when I'm bored, but I can't get into it because of the touch screen controls.

Android has native controller support now which gives you analogue nudge & plunge, and exactly the same controls as Xbox360.

The new gen of bluetooth controllers don't need root.
It plays amazingly.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Started on Android phone, bought an Xbox360 (that went well), then bought an Android tablet and am happy with that personally.

If I had the money, I'd get a decent pc and have a portrait monitor, but I don't, and my tablet has 2 other big benefits... Firstly it's portable, I get most of my playtime on work breaks or whilst travelling. Secondly I can play whilst the family hog our other media stuff. Can't get on the Xbox or TV for Disney Infinity these days.

Throw in that Android now has native controller and analogue nudge. It's just a great format for TPA (and emulators) which is all I play.

Ditto. TPA on Android is the platform for me for all the reasons stated by Baron.

In addition to these advantages:

- Public betas
- High Level of Detail (LoD) just like iOS has had for a long time.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Ditto. TPA on Android is the platform for me...
- Public betas
- High Level of Detail (LoD) just like iOS has had for a long time.

+1 - I do enjoy to beta, I don't know why, but I do.
And I very much appreciate the hi-lod Android experience. Little detail differences make big experience differences.
Thanks for pushing on this Jared - and thanks to Ryan for bringing this about.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
iPad exclusively. I originally purchased this on Mac, but I don't like playing pinball with keyboard keys and it appears that the same assets being used for iOS are also being used for the OS X version.

The analogue interface provided by the touch screen is a perfect fit in my mind, however if there was a Wii U version I'd support that as well.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
There a rumour going round that due to the xbox one version, farsight can't release season 2 and 3 til the one version is out. Something to do with a clause in xbox one indie development stating that games can't come to a rival platform first. Kinda weird seeing as it's out on ps4 already, but I'm sure we'll see 'soon' enough.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
It never loaded my quote. Never mind. Xbox 360, and Android phone. Now replaced by ps4. Only use my phone to see the new tables, then delete without buying. Too small, can't stand touch screen games and I have no other games on my phone whatsoever.


Mar 21, 2014
I have TPA for PS3 and Vita. Nothing else at this point. I suppose I could get the PC version, but....I'm not into upgrading my PC like I used to be, so it's not so much for games anymore. Lots of old stuff, but nothing really new will run smoothly enough to bother. I just game on consoles mostly now.

Besides, I have this freeware pinball program on PC called Visual Pinball and have a collection of over 750 real-world tables re-created for it. All content on that program is fanbase created, so the quality varies greatly, nor is it anywhere near as sharp and dynamic as the TPA tables, and it a royal pain setting it all up and running, but you'd be amazed at how accurately some of them can play. The DMD games use PinMAME in tandem with Visual Pinball to re-create newer tables. I'm running an ancient version of the program, but it all still works, so I just leave it as is. I don't have the kind of time it would take to upgrade 750 tables like I used to. But that's a topic for another thread.....

Kinda bumming that PS3/Vita doesn't have any of Season 3 yet. Will definitely be getting the new tables when they do hit though. I have ALL of TPA released so far on PS3/Vita. In a year or two, when I jump up to PS4, I'll get TPA for that system too.

TPA is my most played program on PS3 and Vita, despite any issues either version has.


Nov 23, 2013
Cool thanks for the reply. I must say I am quite shocked that some preferr pad versions sitting at home next to their full fledged console or PC setups. But I suppose I am a PC master race ;).
On the go but at home!

I tried a bit on my Note 2 and Google Nexus but the input lag is killing me and touch control is awful and then the screen is so small.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I tried a bit on my Note 2 and Google Nexus but the input lag is killing me and touch control is awful and then the screen is so small.

You shouldn't have any input lag on Android. I didn't have any on an old htc desire, and certainly don't on my current droids.
Try task killing and clear the ram maybe.
Android controller support gets you around the touch screen thing and even has analogue nudging now.
The screen is what it is, but it's a great experience on a tablet.

I thought I'd want pc once released but I don't. Quite happy.
Sat in our conservatory ATM, watching Disney planes with my son playing CV & STTNG and a new rom I got for Xpectroid. :)


Nov 23, 2013
input lag comes from the display used and the electronics to drive the panel. Don´t matter much if it´s android or iOS :). Some are more sensitive to it then others and then of course some mobile phone panels may be input lag free but it´s not the norm. Looking at the tv market it´s ONLY the Sony W-series that have input lag as low as like 6 ms which is not really noticable. On the computer monitor side there is of course a lot of monitors aimed for gaming that has very low input lag.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
input lag comes from the display used and the electronics to drive the panel. Don´t matter much if it´s android or iOS :). Some are more sensitive to it then others and then of course some mobile phone panels may be input lag free but it´s not the norm. Looking at the tv market it´s ONLY the Sony W-series that have input lag as low as like 6 ms which is not really noticable. On the computer monitor side there is of course a lot of monitors aimed for gaming that has very low input lag.

Tried it with a Bluetooth controller?
That would circumvent the panel.

My sister has a Note1 which I installed TPA on - that was lag free.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Play on the iPhone 5s, really small :) But will possibly buy console port in the future IF... FS don't plan to upgrade mobile graphics and sound in the future.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I have a PS3, Vita and a PC. I don't have any mobile device, and I don't need one. I play primarily on my Vita (have all tables there), then PC (for those new releases since it takes forever for them to come to consoles/handhelds).

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