Is the PS4 upgrade worth it?

Oct 15, 2013
I've had TPA on PS3 for years now and it's great. I also have a PS4 now and I'm wondering if it's really worth it on the PS4. From the posts on this site I've gathered that the lighting on the PS4 version isn't as good as the PC. Also in some areas the PS4 version seems to be inferior to the PS3.

So is it really worth the money to upgrade to the PS4 version? I'm getting the impression that it isn't. Seems the best version is the PC then PS3 then mobile and then PS4 and 360.

What do you think? I have Seasons 1 and 2 on PS3 BTW. Still waiting on a price drop for Season 3. Come on already!

It's all good.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
- The PS4 version has no more input lag in 1080p (well, expected given the hardware)
- PS4 has more support from FS than the PS3 (new tables are released way sooner, some bug fixes and improvements come with the game updates)
- Improved graphics on multiple tables on PS4 (T2 skull chrome texture on PS4... it still looks like white plastic on PS3, although PS3 hardware could easily handle a chrome texture)
- The fancy lighting effects are... fancy, but I find the light show a little bit too much visually invasive. Maybe because I'm too used to the "flat" PS3 visuals.
- Some players complain about the ball being hard to track with the darkest light settings (ball too dark, too much contrast between lighted/unlighted areas)
- Some options available on PS3 are missing on PS4 (table sound volume sliders).
- I don't know if it has been fixed, but PS4 has severe sound quality problems since the launch.

As you own only two seasons on PS3 and you already own a PS4, switch to TPA on PS4 would be a good move.

If you were like me, with only a PS3 and all 64 TPA tables on it, switch to PS4 would be out of question as you would have to re-buy everything (400$ the console + 150$ the 5 season pass). 550$ for one game? Errr.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Also, PS4 still doesn't have a friends filter on the leaderboards (although a Farsight rep said they were working on this), the PS3 version has more trophies than PS4, and altough they improved on the sound, on most tables, there are still some issues.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Yes and no.
I own 4 seasons on the PS3 and purchased Seasons 1 & 2 on the PS4.
Here's what I've noticed so far:

() The lighting is better on the PS4, but the PC version is far superior, with more advanced lighting sliders and more control over it.

() Some of the textures are improved, but not for most of the first two seasons. They appear to be identical textures unfortunately. I.E. you still can barely read the song titles on the Monster Bash CD in the center of the table. It seems like they should have upgraded this for the PS4. Many older table textures still look like they were optimized for mobile.

() The sound on the PS4 is not as clear as with the PS3. It sounds like they may be applying a low level filter to smooth it out, but with already low sample rates it tends to lose clarity. I also noticed some pops and click type noises on a few tables. I wish they would address this once and for all.

() The is still no Stereoscopic 3D support on their PS4 version for whatever reason. If you are a 3D enthusiast you sill miss this.

() Going back to the improved lighting. It's a nice upgrade, but again, it needs work. The Dark setting looks awesome on most table a, but the ball becomes too dark and makes it too hard to see. If they were to tweak this like the PC version it could be incredible.

() One of the best reasons I can think of to upgrade is the Dual Shock 4. The L/R triggers are much improved and the controller is way more comfortable to hold for extended play sessions. But, then again I believe you can also just use your DS4 controller (plugged in) on your PS3. So maybe that's not the best example?

() There are no trophies to be seen for any of season 2. This was their chance to fix this problem and they skipped right over it sadly. I know some people don't care about trophies, but I find them to be fun and give some added goals, which are especially useful on older tables.

() And finally I still wish Farsight would offer a Cross-Buy, or at least "Cross-Savings" as they did way back when it first hit the PS4. We received a 50% discount when buying the same Season 1 bundle on the PS4 while owning it first on the PS3. As Tann said above:

"If you were like me, with only a PS3 and all 64 TPA tables on it, switch to PS4 would be out of question as you would have to re-buy everything (400$ the console + 150$ the 5 season pass). 550$ for one game? Errr."

That's a lot of cash to spend on digital downloads IMO.

One more thing I enjoy doing with the PS4 version of TPA is playing my own music in the background. After asking Farsight for the ability to play our own music via the XMB on the PS3 version, we finally have this ability with the power of the PS4.
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Oct 15, 2013
Hmmm, so the biggest pros for the PS4 version are the better lighting effects and the improved controller? I find the Dualshock 3 to be a really good controller for pinball so much so that I can't stand playing TPA on the PC because I have to use a 360 one. I also play my PS3 on a 720p TV so if there is any lag at 1080p with the PS3 version I haven't seen it. I have the PS4 hooked up to a 1080p TV.

The improved lighting sounds nice but no improved textures on Season 1 and 2? That's disappointing. Also the low quality audio as well. I also enjoy the trophies and the PS4 version has even less than the PS3? Seems Farsight dropped the ball on the PS4 version. Any chance of a mega patch coming out similar to what was put out for PS3?

Does anybody know if these problems also exist for Season 3 and beyond? I suppose I could get those on PS4 but then again I'd like to have it all on one platform.

It's too bad they didn't do what Zen has done, just let you import your tables.

Thanks for all the posts so far!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Hmmm, so the biggest pros for the PS4 version are the better lighting effects and the improved controller? I find the Dualshock 3 to be a really good controller for pinball so much so that I can't stand playing TPA on the PC because I have to use a 360 one. I also play my PS3 on a 720p TV so if there is any lag at 1080p with the PS3 version I haven't seen it. I have the PS4 hooked up to a 1080p TV.

The improved lighting sounds nice but no improved textures on Season 1 and 2? That's disappointing. Also the low quality audio as well. I also enjoy the trophies and the PS4 version has even less than the PS3? Seems Farsight dropped the ball on the PS4 version. Any chance of a mega patch coming out similar to what was put out for PS3?

Does anybody know if these problems also exist for Season 3 and beyond? I suppose I could get those on PS4 but then again I'd like to have it all on one platform.

It's too bad they didn't do what Zen has done, just let you import your tables.

Thanks for all the posts so far!

I for one think Farsight should ready a "Mega Patch" for the PS4 and address all of these issues to make it the best it can be.
They did is with the PS3 and it was pretty epic. For those who were playing TPA on the PS3 since day one you will know how many nice upgrades we received.

Another plus the PS4 version has is the ability to let you record your pinball playing to YouTube, and a few other outlets. Or even broadcast your gameplay live on Twitch or YouTube. I personally didn't think I'd use that feature, but I found myself uploading table after table to YouTube. (shameless plug)
Again, there is something Farsight needs to address even with this. If you look at a video you will notice they drop a large PINBALL ARCADE logo box right on top of the DMD which is pretty annoying. The good news though is that they said they will look into this and hopefully fix it.

I'd like to see them add more features such as the mentioned stereoscopic 3D, and even support the upcoming PlayStation VR. They are supporting the Rift, so it only mAkes sense that they support this as well.

Also, going back to the Dual Shock 4. I recommend setting the controls to L2/R2 and using the much improved trigger length. Your fingers sit comfortably on the nearly designed triggers. It would be cool if they made use of the touch pad either to pull back the plunger with a greater amount of accuracy. They could have the flipper sounds outputted via the controller's external speaker. And finally maybe they can do something cool with the color changing LED ability. Just a thought. Companies like Rockstar love to go the extra mile to make their game take advantage of new hardware. For example, with GTA V when you are in a cop car, ambulance, fire truck, etc, you hear the radio chatter from the speaker on your Dual Shock 4. When you are getting chased by the police your controller flashed between red and blue LED. It's a minor thing, but it adds to the immersion, especially in a dark room!
Oct 15, 2013
I watched your Scared Stiff video spoonman. Does a good job of showing that the textures need improvement on the PS4. They look the same as the PS3 ones. I also noticed that the balls don't have the reflection effect that the PS3 version does. I read from a developer on here that the ball reflection that is in the PS3 version is unique to that version. I really like that effect in the PS3 version. The improved lighting does enhance the table though! Still it's not the complete package.

It seems both versions have their pros and cons. Guess I'll wait for a sale or a PS4 mega patch before getting any more seasons. Still waiting on Season 3 to go on sale on PS3. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet with Season 4 complete and Season 5 underway.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I watched your Scared Stiff video spoonman. Does a good job of showing that the textures need improvement on the PS4. They look the same as the PS3 ones. I also noticed that the balls don't have the reflection effect that the PS3 version does. I read from a developer on here that the ball reflection that is in the PS3 version is unique to that version. I really like that effect in the PS3 version. The improved lighting does enhance the table though! Still it's not the complete package.

It seems both versions have their pros and cons. Guess I'll wait for a sale or a PS4 mega patch before getting any more seasons. Still waiting on Season 3 to go on sale on PS3. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet with Season 4 complete and Season 5 underway.

Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
I'm so waiting on a sale to pick up Seasons 3 - 5 on the PS4.
I also play a lot of Zen Pinball and find myself wishing they could add some of the features found in those tables.

I recorded a few more PS4 Pinball Arcade gables last night in case you want to compare those.
They do look good, but still need tweaking.

Tales of the Arabian Night (PS4)

Attack from Mars (PS4)

And from earlier...
Champion Pub (PS4)

Circus Voltaire (PS4)

Whirlwind <Dark Setting> (PS4)
Oct 15, 2013
Ok, so I actually played The Pinball Arcade on the PS4, the free TOTAN Pro edition and some of the demos for other tables, and wow the sound is bad. Coming from the PS3 version the sound quality on the PS4 version is just not acceptable! It seems to happen on all the tables too, not just Season 1 and 2. I tried F-14 on the latest Season, 5, and the sound glitches were present. The best way I can describe them is a tick noise before the audio plays. It's truly awful. I can't believe this passed QA and that it hasn't been patched yet. The PS4 version has been out for 2 plus years. The lighting effects are nice but with the current audio it's not enough to put the PS4 version over the PS3 version for me. Also the table inserts don't seem to be a higher resolution than the PS3 version, even with Season 3 and beyond. I figure they are the same as the PS3 throughout the Seasons. I did notice the skull head on T2 looking better on the PS4 version and a reflection on the metal base of Big Shot but these things are very minor. The PS4 version has three things that are better than the PS3 version, first is the fact that you can demo the tables, that's great. Second is that the actual music for the tables you haven't bought plays in the menus. Third is the enhanced lighting. Still the horrible sound outweighs all the pros in my opinion. Yes the controller is nice with the L2 and R2 triggers but I don't have a problem with the DS3.

In a word I'd say the PS4 version is disappointing. The overall better experience is the PS3 version. Nothing takes me out of the experience more than the messed up audio of the PS4 version. Yes the PS3 doesn't have the lighting of the PS4 but I never noticed that while playing, I do notice the atrocious audio of the PS4 though. For me the PS4 version takes one step forward while taking many backward. It could be better than the PS3 version with a patch to fix the audio and upgrade the textures but two plus years out that seems unlikely.
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Oct 15, 2013
It could be the Xbox One version is better than the PS4 version. I hear the achievements are handled better but I don't know about the audio or lighting effects in that version. I don't have a Xbox One so it's kind of a mute point. The PC version is clearly the best version but my PC is older so DX9 is the only option. IMO the PS3 version looks better so it's the best option for me. Also the PS3 version comes with the Vita version for free so if I ever come into one of those I'll have The Pinball Arcade on the go which is cool.


Nov 11, 2012
One more thing I enjoy doing with the PS4 version of TPA is playing my own music in the background. After asking Farsight for the ability to play our own music via the XMB on the PS3 version, we finally have this ability with the power of the PS4.

Didn't even know/realize. I went oldskool and just use a separate device to play music played through separate speakers (in this case, an old iPod + box with iPod dock), but most if the time I zone out the environment incl. music anyway.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I also noticed that the balls don't have the reflection effect that the PS3 version does. I read from a developer on here that the ball reflection that is in the PS3 version is unique to that version. I really like that effect in the PS3 version.

Yeah, it's very eyecandy... but I always wonder if it isn't involve too much charge for the GPU/CPU. Because, when you use a zoomed camera view (like the 4th one), you can actually see that the table environnement (colors, objects) is reflected on the ball. Very fancy, but useless in the other camera views.

This is not a simple "chrome lighting FX", it's like the avatar of Spoonman on this topic. ^^

I wouldn't be surprised if it induces a little bit of the input/screen lag in 1080p.

then go A la carte with Season 4, 5

You can purchase S4 Season Pass, there's no bad surprises, all tables are more or less great. It's a bargain.

For S5 Season Pass, it depends if you're indulgent or not, due to the erratic table releases on PS3. Buy a Season Pass, and not knowing when the upcoming tables will be released (in 3 months, 6 months, next year?), out of question for me.

The purpose of a Season Pass is to give your money in advance, but you know that each month, there will be a new content that you have already paid.
Oct 15, 2013
Didn't even know/realize. I went oldskool and just use a separate device to play music played through separate speakers (in this case, an old iPod + box with iPod dock), but most if the time I zone out the environment incl. music anyway.

I just use another device for music too. Also on the PS3 version you can apparently turn off the table music which I haven't tried yet.
Oct 15, 2013
Yeah, it's very eyecandy... but I always wonder if it isn't involve too much charge for the GPU/CPU. Because, when you use a zoomed camera view (like the 4th one), you can actually see that the table environnement (colors, objects) is reflected on the ball. Very fancy, but useless in the other camera views.

This is not a simple "chrome lighting FX", it's like the avatar of Spoonman on this topic. ^^

I wouldn't be surprised if it induces a little bit of the input/screen lag in 1080p.

You can purchase S4 Season Pass, there's no bad surprises, all tables are more or less great. It's a bargain.

For S5 Season Pass, it depends if you're indulgent or not, due to the erratic table releases on PS3. Buy a Season Pass, and not knowing when the upcoming tables will be released (in 3 months, 6 months, next year?), out of question for me.

The purpose of a Season Pass is to give your money in advance, but you know that each month, there will be a new content that you have already paid.

Never knew that about the ball on the close up angle, neat. The only table that really stands out to me on S4 is the Red and Ted one. Not sure about S5. I've never played any of the tables that are in this game IRL. The only pin I've ever played IRL was South Park. Funny table! It would also be more appealing if S3 through 5 had trophies. The table goals are nice but the trophies just add more on top of it. Also 15 bucks a Season would be a lot more appealing too! Haha.
Oct 15, 2013
Oh and from looking at the PS4 version it has the same tables out for Season 5 that the PS3 does. So whoever said the tables come out faster on the PS4, I'm not so sure about that. I know the Vita version slows down the release of the PS3 version though.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Yeah, it's very eyecandy... but I always wonder if it isn't involve too much charge for the GPU/CPU. Because, when you use a zoomed camera view (like the 4th one), you can actually see that the table environnement (colors, objects) is reflected on the ball. Very fancy, but useless in the other camera views.

This is not a simple "chrome lighting FX", it's like the avatar of Spoonman on this topic. ^^

I wouldn't be surprised if it induces a little bit of the input/screen lag in 1080p.

I really think they could handle this and more. Especially after seeing games like Killzone Shadow Fall and inFAMOUS Second Son in action. They never cease to amaze me in how much detail they have in them. The other day I was zooming to some objects while in photo mode in Second Son and was very impressed in the detail in his chain weapon. You could literally fill the entire screen with a single chain link and view the rust particles and reflections (from it being wet).
All of this on a bit which is only a few pixels large when zoomed out.

Also, Sony recently unlocked a 7th CPU core for developers to use for games so this will be even more power than was originally available.
I'd love to see what Farsight could do with Pinball Arcade if they didn't hold back!

My avatar was from a picture I took a few years back. I love reflections in pictures and games.
I'm still a bit letdown that they removed the pinball table glass reflections from TPA. Going back to playing William's Pinball Arcade I feel it added yet another level of realism to make it feel like you are playing an actual pinball machine.

Here's the original pic.
Oct 15, 2013
Playing more of TOTAN on the PS4 the lighting does add to the atmosphere of the table. The sound is still an issue though. On both the PS3 and PS4 the Harem multiball is elusive. I can hit the shot sometimes if I nudge up and to the left while ball catching and shooting with the right flipper but I just can't get consistent shots on the left or right loop. The most I can get is 2 or maybe 3 letters of Harem. Arrrrgh! Any tips?
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