Is there an commonly accepted name for this maneuver?


New member
May 5, 2012
So funny, I don't think I've ever seen a tip stall last more than a moment or two, but it happened to me while playing an AC/DC Pro on location yesterday. I only held it for a few seconds, as I was in the middle of a hell of a ball, but it seemed like it would have hung out there indefinitely. Checked the rubbers after I drained, and didn't see any obvious divots.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Is there any advantage to this move, or is it just a quirk? I find that you can do things like this on older Gottlieb games due to the flipper mechanics and table angle.


New member
May 5, 2012
For games with really obtuse angle shots, this could potentially give you better set-up than coming from a full cradle, but I think it's too unpredictable to make it worth the risk of trying. So probably more a quirk than anything.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Hey, I actually just experienced something exactly like the OP, but I didn't hold it for too long as I was kinda jumpy already... but it definitely stayed there longer than I was expecting. It was on a Metallica Pro. I've also just noticed it happen to Lyman in one of the Twitch streams on Go here and head to around the 31:40 mark. It's not quite on the tip, but it's basically doing the same thing.


New member
Sep 20, 2013
That is incredibly cool. I was playing a lot on a Godzilla at a bowling alley last year and trying to learn how to do a live catch. It was in the middle of the flipper but I was able to catch it once so it stuck like that, I just stared in awe until it rolled down.


New member
Jan 30, 2014
I was able to get a picture of another one that happened last night. This time it was on Grand Lizard.



New member
Jul 5, 2013
One time at an expo the guy playing next to me had the ball come to rest balanced on top of the little peg between the inlane and outlane. It wasn't stuck or wedged or anything, it was just perfectly balanced. I bet you could take the glass off and try to balance the ball there with your hand and not be able to do it.


One time at an expo the guy playing next to me had the ball come to rest balanced on top of the little peg between the inlane and outlane. It wasn't stuck or wedged or anything, it was just perfectly balanced. I bet you could take the glass off and try to balance the ball there with your hand and not be able to do it.

I've had that happen in Pro Pinball, but not once in TPA


New member
Jan 30, 2014
Sorry for bombarding you guys. Last one I'll be posting. If I get any more, I'll keep them to myself. However, here's the shot I've been trying to get forever now. Tip Stall on the Getaway.



New member
Sep 9, 2013
How exactly do you go about trying to get those shots? You make it sound like you were deliberately intending to get it. You sure you're not just taking the glass off? :p


New member
Jan 30, 2014
Hah, just realised I've played on every one of those machines!

Ha! I guess you have, Shaneus! I totally understand people taking an anonymous internet stranger's bizarre claims with a grain of salt, so I'm glad I have a friend on here who has actually played with me before.

Espy, it isn't something I do on purpose necessarily. It's usually a matter of the ball coming from the inlane at the exact right speed. You hold your flipper up and let the ball roll to a stop, balancing on the tip. It's easier said than done. You have to be ready to flip if it doesn't look like it's going to stop in time. It's an anomaly, but if you play for long enough it's bound to happen sooner or later. The first time I ever did one was on the Getaway nearly 20 years ago. When I said I've been trying to get that shot forever now, that's what I meant. There were no pocket cameras back then.

In my opinion there is one tip stall that is the Holy Grail. I've almost done it twice, but I'm not sure it's actually possible. If you're familiar with it, the upper playfield of Banzai Run is essentially vertical pinball. To get a tip stall under those conditions it would take all the stars and planets aligning. If I ever do land that one, I'll go back on what I said and post one final photo.

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