Request Is There Any Chance of Getting Rareware's NES Conversions of Pin*Bot & High Speed?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Is There Any Chance of Getting Rareware's NES Conversions of Pin*Bot & High Speed?

As with many gamers of Generation Y, Rare was an integral part of my childhood. To this day, I still count the Donkey Kong Country games as some of the best platformers ever, while GoldenEye was seminal in the development of the FPS and Banjo-Kazooie has only gotten better with age (Nuts & Bolts notwithstanding). However, their pre-DKC work often falls through the cracks, including NES ports of Pin*Bot and High Speed. It would make for a nifty little bonus once those tables are released if we could have those two ports be somehow made available in TPA, but we would have to sort out some rights issues to make it happen (not least that Rare are now owned by Microsoft). Do you guys think that FarSight can make it happen?


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Pinbot is already on PHOF, which I'm beginning to prefer over PA. I liked the Getaway:High Speed 2 better, but I would settle for the first one-which got me into pinball after all.

Both were OK on the NES, but the extra challenges (flippers blowing up, bonus stages, etc.) seemed a little tacked-on IMO.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
lol, your not serious are you? I mean I love NES... LOVE IT!!! Grew up with it, still play my favorite classics from it. And I got to admit an 8-bit simulation of a pinball table is kind of nostalgically awesome on many levels, but that is a ridiculous thing for the Pinball Arcade to include. Right off due to licensing rights that could never happen without paying Rareware and Nintendo money. also Nintendo doesn't like games that came out on their consoles being ported to non-Nintendo devices. if you would see this at all it would end up in the Nintendo store on wii/3ds/wiiU. But the chances of them releasing this on the Nintendo store is pretty much impossible, this isn't exactly a classic that people would pay 5 bucks for, it not something anyone really specifically remembers and wants to play again. If I was you and I wanted to play this really bad, i'd just get the rom and an emulator. If you still own the NES cart it's not illegal to download the rom


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I should try this. I only saw it in a video that showed "talkies" in games from the 80s (the few games that actually had speech).

Was somewhat startled to see PinBot on it, so it's great someone actually dug it out. I guess I gotta find the ROM somewhere.

Nik Barbour

Robert Broglia makes some amazing emulators for mobile platforms - I own most of his for Android, but I believe he does them also for ios.
I love my atari2600, nes & snes games.
Currently playing through 'Flashback 2' again on my dinner breaks - might do 'The legend of Zelda' again next - ahhh the glory days........


New member
Jul 16, 2012
slightly off topic but keeping with the ridiculous impossible requests... even though farsight doesn't have any ties to sega they should release Shenmue 3 as a pinball table and complete the Shenmue story trilogy. heh-heh heh mm heh


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Well, because it's on a site packed full of other pirated games for all kinds of platforms? :p
Not to mention all those dodgy banner ads about russian wives and earning big bucks by working from home.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Well, because it's on a site packed full of other pirated games for all kinds of platforms? :p
Not to mention all those dodgy banner ads about russian wives and earning big bucks by working from home.

Oh that. Hey having your Russian wife work from home while you play Pinbot on NES......sounds legit to me. :p


Nov 11, 2012
You might have asked for the Elvira and the Party Monsters that is on the Atari Lynx... or video pinball from the VCS (1977 I think). In this time of Intellectual Property litigation it will be impossible to do.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I get what the OP is saying. I think it would be amazing if these were included just so people can see just how far pinball simulation has come.

But as others have pointed out, it's not going to happen because they'd have to pay RareWare for the rights to their versions. I mean anythings possible, but I can say with three thousand percent confidence it's not something they're going to bother with.

As far as emulators, erase those links. Any "free" version of the game is still illegal and this is a classy forum, they don't want rom and emulator talk here. Though wink wink nudge nudge most of us have played NES emulated games since we were kids on Windows 95. Anyone remember Nesticle lol.
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New member
Jul 16, 2012
nesticle is the most fun way to edit nes graphic tables, also it has a bloody hand as the pointer so you know it's legit


New member
Dec 18, 2012
Those ports have not aged very well at all- I tried playing PinBot NES a few months ago and after playing it on PHOF it just felt so... yucky.

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