Is this it for Farsight / Pinball Arcade?


Oct 31, 2015
I think I need a year with gradual individual pinball table releases from Farsight before I'm comfortable that they have adjusted their output that they will sustain.


New member
Nov 15, 2016
Stern has a lot of great modern tables. My favorites, especially the music themed ones (AC/DC, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Aerosmith, etc.). Need more of these :)


New member
Jan 14, 2016
If TPA can pivot to being primarily a modern Stern emulator they have a good chance of survival IMO. The new Stern tables over the last decade are pretty excellent overall.


New member
Sep 10, 2013
First of all, they would restore a lot of goodwill with their fans if they would work out a better pricing system for the new Stern tables. $20 for the pack with AC/DC and Star Trek are fine, since individually they are $10 a piece. But locking Mustang behind a $20 paywall including tables that loyal customers already own is kind of lousy.

Otherwise, I would have a lot more confidence in them if they continued to release great tables. We still have tons of new Stern to look forward to (hopefully), maybe those Capcom tables will finally surface, and there's still plenty of Data East/SEGA/Gottlieb tables that are worth releasing!


New member
May 10, 2018
These tables will NEVER happen, way too expensive and with the licences gone - no more income for farsight. In other words, that's it. It's just a matter of time till it gets announced.


Feb 28, 2012
If there's one single thing I wish from now on, is that Farsight stop releasing pins on ultra easy difficulty level . I understand that those pussified tables were made for the casual gamers, but guess pinball emulation, there are no casuals! I'd like hard, punishing games, thank you very much. :mad:


New member
Mar 7, 2015
If there's one single thing I wish from now on, is that Farsight stop releasing pins on ultra easy difficulty level . I understand that those pussified tables were made for the casual gamers, but guess pinball emulation, there are no casuals! I'd like hard, punishing games, thank you very much. :mad:

LOL Dan, I like a game that I can get better at. Some are just too doggone difficult. If punishing challenge is your thing, try Zaccaria pinball. It's awesome.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
If there's one single thing I wish from now on, is that Farsight stop releasing pins on ultra easy difficulty level . I understand that those pussified tables were made for the casual gamers, but guess pinball emulation, there are no casuals! I'd like hard, punishing games, thank you very much. :mad:

It has been requested in the past for table to have a tournament mode. In other words, make it so the tables play like they would in real tournaments, where the rules are changed (many games have built-in tournament scoring) or other things such as turning up the tilt, remove rubbers from posts, increase pitch of playfield, etc. The request was well received, but I think that their platform is not designed for such a thing currently... also they would have to change a lot of the built-in ball physics and paths they have programmed into each table to account for those changes.


New member
May 4, 2015
Just gonna put in a dissonant opinion here because I'm mean and also have just had a strong Martini:

1) I like easy tables. This is recreational.
2) All the latter-day Sterns suck and I'm really not happy that this has to be the focus now because of licensing/availability issues. I guess you can't get the kids to play a Old Pinball Tables From The 1970s/1980s Emulator in enough numbers to stay profitable (get off my lawn, kids!) but that is what I want, practical or not.

OK, more seriously, let's talk about money. I may be an old fart but I do spend a lot of time on Steam, buying and playing games and assessing what people are buying and what they are willing to pay.

TPA may not have a choice in this (I have no idea what their overhead is like), but their per-table and even their season pass prices have ALWAYS been higher than most of the market would bear. Major game shops like EA are having serious problems moving all but the biggest marquee titles at fifty bucks a game these days. People are not going to pay huge amounts of money for this stuff. I have sunk more money than I care to admit into TPA and don't regret it, but there's not a lot of people (other than the rest of you maniacs on these forums, love you all) who would.

I think it's cost-per-table that's going to kill TPA, not bugs or choice of tables to emulate. Pinball is already a niche market; premium pricing is doing them no favors.

Go ahead, fire back, but let me get more gin first :p


New member
Oct 5, 2017
The game lasted 6 years and got to Season 7 with that pricing model. And FarSight isn't large enough to absorb significant loss like EA is, yet they're still going. So I'd say it was at least baseline sustainable.

Whether it will continue to be with only Gottlieb and Stern as a core remains to be seen.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Well per the leaked Steam game downloads summary, TPA has over 550,000 unique downloads compared to FX3’s 65,000. Niche as it is, still rules the roost. Would love to know what the actual buy rate is in comparison to just getting the free table, with regular prices being comparable between the two. Zen however kills it during Steam sales by going as much as 75% off, where TPA has never been more than 50%, and that was only for buying a season unlike Zen offering packs and individual tables.


New member
May 4, 2015
Well per the leaked Steam game downloads summary, TPA has over 550,000 unique downloads compared to FX3’s 65,000. Niche as it is, still rules the roost. Would love to know what the actual buy rate is in comparison to just getting the free table, with regular prices being comparable between the two. Zen however kills it during Steam sales by going as much as 75% off, where TPA has never been more than 50%, and that was only for buying a season unlike Zen offering packs and individual tables.

I'd love to know the actual use patterns too.

Zen seems to have staked their ground on new tables (IP licenses, but new tables) that are original programming and don't have to deal with emulation concerns etc. I'd hate to think THAT was the model more likely to succeed, but again, that's probably just my selfish desire for emulation of the real-world tables of my childhood talking.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I dobut toureny mode is possible now mores the pitty, ive accessiblity issues at the minute but can still play alittle ball, ive advocated both in the past but pinball aint no fornite

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