It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Ill bring an icade and some uhhh stuff fir freeplay and a plane ticket

Youve really put yer balls where your mouth is mu man

****ing rock on

All toa vistors get freeolay right? I love yer **** man

Me n skill shot rant drunk, you lt should join the


Jul 11, 2012
Ok update!
So I've been familiarising myself with the ins and outs of the table,first I gave it a nice wipe down with diluted simple green and warm water on a washcloth and finger rubbed the adhesive left on by who knows what. I placed an order for x2 clear red flipper buttons, a shooter rod with knob BLACK (it comes attached as it probablly molded on) a new outer chrome spring for said rod, 5 new silver jet balls, a rubber kit (white) and a pack of 10 bulbs #89 and #44 and right after I placed the order a #555 bulb burnt but Im going to go LED on this and Im going to piece a kit together since there are different effects from an LED bulb such as GI lighting or lense lighting. Ok so I did'nt order any NOVUS cleaner because I've heard mixed reviews about #1 of the 3 stage process it sounds like a plastic safe degreaser/cleaner like windex simple green enless it has a special UV coating? and NOVUS #2 is a mild abrasive witch removes dirt and small swirls witch got me thinking so i ran out to my garage and found a bottle of NU FINISH SCRATCH DOCTOR with micro polish....hmmm.
I first used a small amount only on the mylar/plastic covering in a discreet area if it caused damage A. I would'nt notice so much and B. it would'nt affect play until I bought a new one but it didn't damage it it did what I had hoped it would and bring out some shine, so I tried a non mylar protected area again a small discreet spot...PERFECT!:) I proceeded to whipe down what I could with it and then decided I wanted to wax it I have NU FINISH wax but after reading its a petroleum distolate and it smells like it! Basically it smells like GASOLINE and you dont want vapors building up in an enclosed box with electrical sparks ok. So I tried some instant detail spray on a rag then flipped and buffed, did this 3 times and it plays like glass:) I also micro polished and waxed the balls.
So after a few really quick games witch tottaly affected my score for the worse, it started doing something weird? Usually if you shoot a ball into a lock lit cannon it locks , witch it did until you shot from the plunger then it would spit it out and it would be a faux/fake 2 ball multi ball and never letting it lock for a 3 ball multi ball. I tried googling this problem and found that its a common problem but nobody had an answer. I found another owner on PINSIDER who owns the table with tha same problem so i messaged him and he responded but didn't have a solution. So after further inspection I found that a resistor had broken from a switch. This made sense as to why it was behaving like that. Normally when the lock is lit the CPU looks for resistance in the cannon lock but without the resistor connected the CPU never seen the shot and it treated it like a normal cannon shot, so i re-solderd on the resistor and BAM!!! ITS ALIVE! confidence +1 my first time soldering EVER! and probably not my last:) Oh I had a solder set already so as far as buying tools Im pretty set I have a garage full! Im a gear head.


Jul 11, 2012
So now I'm just waiting for my order of parts to come in and then I will start tearing it down and thouroughly clean it and replace rubbers bulbs and other parts.
Ill post pics of it for you guys so you can get a feel of what and how much of a process digitizing one of these guys beasts is:)
Heres a before and after being wiped down. The lightings a little different but its apperant it needed it.



New member
Feb 20, 2012
That looks amazing, well done. I find this thread really interesting because I too have just bought my first machine, I won't say any more about it tho until I have it here and setup.


Jul 11, 2012
Just got my parts that I ordered from WOW that was fast!

and I have powerd subs I just got to figure them out :)


New member
Jun 20, 2012
HAppy Birthday again Skill_Shot thanks for showing off the new machine live on PS3 eyetoy last night , cant wait to see when you have the thing running and playing .


Jul 11, 2012
Thanks Guys!
After waking up from my alchohoic haze I went to work!
I wasn't sure how deep I wanted to get but I wanted to tune it up.
As you tear a machine down LAYER after LAYER you start to realize a fork in the road frome FULL restoration and just TUNE UP, and inevitabally you do a combo of both as parts degrade and fail and so far Im lucky or....I did some research before spending my money. BOTH:)
Ive familiarized myself enough with the game now time to improve it!
There are alot! alot! of parts from screws to nuts that are specific to their location and if somthings wrong a pinball machine will let you know.
So I bought some NOVUS #2&#3 $14.95 at a local plastic store:)

and thats a tube of synthetic lube for hinged parts like the catapult and ball kickers.


Jul 11, 2012
Heres a underside shot.


it has a built in table prop and a plug for a light if that what you need...a sub? :)


Jul 11, 2012
I have some warped plastics but I read you can re-flaten them in an oven...I have a plastic store or buy new set...meh.



Jul 11, 2012
So I have the field as bare as I want to get as Im doing a Tune up not a complete overhaul.

I might replace some plastic posts, and Im still not sure if I want to go FULL ON CUSTUM and save the old parts if ever it were to switch hands and be restored to stock or just replace whats ther and keep it orginal stock replacement....? Im a CA. resident and a car guy...I'm going to mod it with taste and thought:)


Jul 11, 2012
I recently posted this machine on PINSIDE which I actually signed up for before here and sooned realized it was an owner sight.
Out of nowhere I get a message just saying hey! I seen your local and just wnated to say hey!
I responded and told him my scenario through emails and he told me he owns/d system 11's if I need help just ask.
Then he asked if I went to PPE this year...
He then told me what games he'd brought to the show TAXI,DINNER and EARTHSHAKER I told him I played all the taxis there were 3 his was the LED TAXI wich looks really good and for sale or trade he let me know. I told him about a VIP party at the pinball museum in alameda for the show volunteers he hadnt recieved an invite but I probablly woulndt have enless i previously contacted the event organizer telling him how much fun I had. So he's going to contact as he's never been to the museum and neither have I! and weird its on his B-DAY! fate? The pinball comunity is alive and a real comunity not all competitive I could only compare it to a CAR CLUB.:)


Jul 11, 2012
As you can see in the pic the right is cleaner as I just took of the right side plastics and took a pic. I'm thinking of polishing the stainless rail or ball guides I sont know what there called but a good even scuffing and polish will look nice:) Also I want a variable speed dremel and an asortmant of polishers abrasive cylinders,discs and what ever my tool junky heart can think suction cup for easy glass removal:)


New member
Jun 20, 2012
As you can see in the pic the right is cleaner as I just took of the right side plastics and took a pic. I'm thinking of polishing the stainless rail or ball guides I sont know what there called but a good even scuffing and polish will look nice:) Also I want a variable speed dremel and an asortmant of polishers abrasive cylinders,discs and what ever my tool junky heart can think suction cup for easy glass removal:)

Only problem with steel polishing is you remove any weather protectors or coatings. It might be a good idea to pick up a sealant for metal after you do a polish job .Or skip using a harsh abraser to polish and use a chemical , like LCR cleaner (Lime Calcium Rust) ,or barstool polish.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I think you're spot on with comparing this to a car (and it's community). Keep it stock, turn it into a hot rod, or just put in some subtle improvements. I'm personally more of a subtle improvements kind of guy, unless there's a way to go full Chip Foose on a pinball table! Its just I've seen some of these tables where its all led lighting, all kinds of added toys (that to me often cheapen the look of a table), and for what? Game play is all I care about. If someone can make the tiger saw in ToM actually spin, well that's subtle and cool. Putting glowy led lights in every toy on the table, that's annoying. Just a personal opinion.

So what are you thinking you do to this table that's above and beyond? And yes, add a sub woofer!!


Jul 11, 2012
I want to separate some colors like I'll use red bulbs for the gaurds but the two arrows between them maybe use a yellow then orange or switched depending on the effect just to break up all the red and orange a or yellow bulbs for the multiplier lenses down the middle or maybe alternate two colors or use three colors yellow then orange then red as the multiplier increases it gets HOTER! :) I can change the colors of the star post to match gaurds red one side green the other maybe colord post rubbers up top like yellow or something. I want to have colord bulbs in the bagatel in the headbox that correspond with the color king its under LED white-red-blue-green-orange and a yellow behind the extra ball w/lit also I want to change the ambience of the backglass with strategicaly placed colord bulbs. Im not a fan of the blue-ish looking white LEDs so Imay try a combo of LED colors and regular bulbs or try some frosted warm instead of cools for my whites. But now I have it apart is THE TIME to do it but that means more down time :( as far as speaker mods Im still learning on that before I go splicing wired adding draw from my board and POP! a fuse or worse so that can wait til Im sure, I'll ask the guy I just met when I meet him. I thought the picture on the cover of the manual would look good blown up and on a acrylic backbox topper illuminated but thats just an idea bisides this thing is TALL already.

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