Jack●Bot Tactics and Strategies


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Been waiting to do this writeup for a long time, I love Jack●Bot. So here goes on strategy. Start with ball control as usual.

Short-plunging is often a good idea to get control rather than risking the bumpers after the skill shot. You can plunge just hard enough to pass the gate and usually get a catch by holding the left flipper. I think going for the skill shot is OK when you have ball saver protection at the start of a ball, but not after a lock or ramp->plunger when you don't. I also go for it when plunging to start multiball, particularly in the Mega Visor phase when it awards 10+ free chest hits which is huge.

The biggest problem is controlling kickouts from the game saucer. Turns out that the saucer never actually kicks SDTM, at least on my PC version. If you don't flip or nudge, every kickout will hit either a flipper or the center pin and stay in play. Saving with the center pin is called a Chill Save, although the term doesn't seem to be in the IPDB glossary.

The most common game saucer kickout will bounce off the center pin and drop into the right inlane. Stay chill and don't nudge, it's not going into the outlane. When this happens, you can trap with a nudge up as the ball reaches the right flipper. Nudge-to-trap also works on a feed from the ramp. The second most common game saucer kickout bounces off the center pin up the left inlane, which can also be nudged up to a catch as the ball reaches the flipper. Overall, the game saucer kickout isn't exactly random, it's still railroaded, it's just that there's about five different railroads that can occur.

Eye kickouts don't seem to be a problem, they always hit a flipper and are easy to catch. Eye shots are very reliable, the ball almost never bounces out, Farsight tuned that very well. Eye shots do seem to be easier to hit by backhand on the same side rather than across the table.

Post passes are safe and reliable as on most TPA tables, do them freely.

Cashier: This target is safe on a set shot from the right flipper. A clean hit will always settle back to a catch on the left.

Ramp: A set shot from the right flipper will most often proceed into the leftmost column of pegs and through into the inlane. This is the best outcome, you want control and can get it by nudging up at the flipper. The plunger exit is OK, but don't be tempted into the skill shot, just short-plunge back to the flippers. You definitely don't want the ball to drop into the bumpers, so watch the ball as it enters the pegboard and nudge if it's trying to go through the middle entrance into the hole.

If the ramp does something to light the cashier (either the bumpers for Solar Value, or the inlane award for 2X Bonus), get control and shoot it. The Cashier target is safe and those points add up quite a bit.

I haven't found any workable way to get the extra ball from the ramp. The ball rarely (by design) stays there long enough for the award to click back around to EB. It can happen if you get lucky with a nudge that settles the ball on top of a peg for a few seconds. I've done it a few times by luck, up to three in a game. I'm not sure if that's worth trying, because failing usually means you've delayed the ball long enough to get the lousy Mega Ramp instead of the valuable Cashier.

There's a sneaky way to get the EB, though. Occasionally, the ball will drop through the hole but not hit any bumpers. When this happens, the game doesn't know the ball exited the pegboard yet, so the inlane award stays lit and cycling. It is possible to gain control on the left flipper and shoot the right inlane at the right time when the EB award is lit. This bit of physics looks to have been ported directly from Pinbot, which allows the same thing of "shatzing" the opposite inlane from a flipper.

Multiball: Know how it works. The first time, you complete the visor once and lock two balls to start a two-ball multi. The second time, you complete the visor once and lock two balls, then plunge a third for a three-ball multi. The third and subsequent times, you complete the visor twice (once for each lock) then plunge the third ball.

As in Pinbot, when a fresh visor begins, one target will flash and cycle to open the visor immediately when hit. This is critical. When multiball ends, DON'T FLAIL FOR A GRACE PERIOD JACKPOT. CATCH the ball so you can get the quick visor open. You may have to shoot something to get the visor to close, either the game saucer or ramp. To hit the traveling hazard, the most reliable shot is from the left flipper to the yellow (leftmost) target, so post pass if necessary to set that up. Unfortunately, unlike Pinbot, you're only allowed one quick open for each pair of locks and have to do the second visor the long way. I haven't found any good way to grind that; most visor shots bounce into the slings and lose control.

The first phase of multiball is to collect 15 Jackbots. As with most games, don't flail, catch the balls and make controlled shots. Always hold one ball in order to catch the second. Starting from two caught balls, the safest shot is the Cashier: shoot it from the right, then quickly post pass left-to-right so you can catch the first returning ball. When the Cashier isn't lit, go for a Super Jackbot, by shooting a lit eye then the other eye within a second (which doesn't have to be lit.) Note that backhand shots to the eyes seem easier. If none of those are lit, shoot the game saucer from the right to relight them. I haven't found a good way to get control of the ball coming from the game saucer while holding another, since you can't rely on the chill save while holding a flipper. The best method I've found is to post-pass left-to-right with the second ball, then shoot the right eye just as the ball ejects from the saucer, freeing up the flippers so you can chill save.

Phase two is to complete 25 Mega Visor shots. I have found how to grind this. Catch on each flipper. Shoot the BLUE visor target (second from left) from the left flipper. That ball will clunk off the other held on the right flipper and return to a catch on the left to do it again. I was able to grind 25 hits this way missing only once, and collected the Mega Jackbot twice in one multiball. On my stream, some folks were talking about shooting the leftmost visor target instead, then you can nudge while the ball is in open space to direct it back to the left flipper. I haven't gotten the hang of that, but can see how it might work.

Because it takes so much time and risk to open the visor after the second multiball, I think it's best to ignore MB and go for the casino games and Run. Random rebounds will eventually make progress on the visor, and it's worth manually completing when it gets down to three or so hits needed, but not before that. Do make sure to aim for the cycling Keno arrow for an extra reward.

Casino games: Note that you can choose your casino game by clicking with the left flipper. I like to choose the Slot Machine first, since it has the broadest range of outcomes and you want the information sooner. Save Dice Game for last, since you might get more bumper hits to raise its value before playing it.

The casino games are the biggest source of scoring in Jack●Bot. The values are progressive throughout the game; a maxed cheated Dice Game doubled is 480M which is huge. Poker and Keno are harder to increase, as it's not easy to collect their cards, but still score 99M if cheated. The other big point source is the 2X Bonus awards at the Cashier from the ramp, which is also progressive because bonus is. In my top game, I had bonus up over 100M, so 200M payouts from the cashier.

Double or Nothing: Do this. If you know to chill save on the game saucer kickout, you can always get a catch, and the Cashier target is safe to shoot. I sometimes won't bother on a small score (<100M before doubling), but for anything higher, do it every time. Especially early, because before the first Casino Run, hitting the Cashier also counts as a ramp shot to relight the saucer.

Note that starting either Casino Run or multiball collects anything lit at the Cashier such as a doubled game.

Cheating: Since there was some confusion in the original thread on how this works, here goes. During a casino game, a Casino Run spin, or a bonus countup, the Extra Ball button will flash. To press the Extra Ball button, use the 2nd Right Flipper button on a keyboard or gamepad (the same button as activates the right Magna-Save on Black Knight), or just tap it on a touch screen. You will know it's working if each press makes the DMD shake with a "boop" noise. If you keep pressing EB repeatedly while it's flashing, you may get Pinbot or Bride to cheat for you. The Slot Machine if successfully cheated will change to Light Extra Ball, which I have gotten twice in one game, don't know if it's repeatable more than that. The other three casino games will award more points for cheating with no limit throughout the game. In Casino Run, cheating will always eliminate a bomb for you on the center reel, once per Run. I also saw it work once on the right reel, but never on the left.

Casino Run: Love it. Huge thrill. Quite a bit of strategy.

Always shoot the eyes, since those kickouts are easier to handle and catch quickly, particularly the right one. Don't shoot the game saucer because it takes longer to catch and control. Someone on my stream said the game saucer gives better spin rewards, but that sounds urban-legendy to me. I haven't noticed it doing anything different.

If a ball is locked, draining will give you a free spin and eject that ball into play. This could be done intentionally in order to free up both eyes for shots, but I prefer to leave the locked ball there. Reason is to preserve that free spin for an emergency collection on short time if necessary. If I'm under 5 seconds with a ball locked, I'll drain intentionally in order to spin and collect that way.

The giant question for Casino Run strategy is how often it gives out extra balls, whether it's worth pressing your luck with a big bank in hopes of an EB. I'm now convinced the EB frequency does drop with time. I've had two EBs in an early Run several times, and three once, then seen dry spells of eight or ten consecutive Runs without any EBs. But I don't think the chance ever goes to zero. In my 62B high game, I spun an EB while somewhere over 50B on something like the fifteenth Run. There's also the MK3 Hint that awards an instant EB, which I've gotten three times now all in separate games, so I suspect that one is only ever once per game.

Whenever you have a No Bomb, you're free to keep shooting for as many spins as you like of course, there's never two bombs on one spin. Without the protection, when to collect is a tough question indeed. I say always collect for any EB right away, except on the first and maybe the second Run that seem to be more likely to award more. Anything under 500M isn't worth collecting, but then the stress clearly rises. I will usually keep going up to a billion if I haven't cheated away a bomb yet, or collect somewhere around 800M after the bomb cheat is spent.

But one more thing to do during Casino Run is to play but NOT spin. You might luck into a billion bank on just a few quick spins, perhaps along with an award of More Time. But don't hurry to collect it and waste the 40 seconds of invulnerability. Use that time to do other things on the table. Bonus multipliers are available during Casino Run, at the lit drop target. Or if that's maxed, go collect Hit Me cards to build bonus. Poker cards don't seem worth doing since it's too hard to hit all three drops before they reset. Plus every switch continues to add 4M to the bank. I like doing this Casino Run spinless free play while a ball is still locked, so I can drain to spin and collect just before the timer expires.

Glitch: I keep seeing a weird ROM bug where the Vortex Millions value resets to a low number such as 2M. I don't know what causes that. I do vaguely recall seeing it happen on a real machine a long time ago. This hurts since that should be the biggest component of your bonus, which gets collected so many times thanks to the cashier. But I guess all you can do is build it back up with ramp shots.

I think that covers it. Enjoy!


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
And I want to break this out into a separate post and topic. How does Casino Run work?

First off, I think it's clear that it's not really evenly random. The EB frequency sure does seem to drop. Two or even three EBs on the first Run or two is common, but they become very scarce later. But not quite zero, since as described above, I did get an EB once after 50B points and fifteen or so Runs.

There might be a limit of 4 Casino Run EBs in a game. My best three games all had exactly that in total, although one also had an earlier banked EB bombed away. Hard to say. Anyone got Pro Mode, I wonder if there's any setting for max EBs from Casino Run or some such?

I don't think Specials decline, I keep getting them in later Runs, including cows. (Good call by Farsight not setting Special to EB on this table.)

I've never seen duplicate results of anything other than score values, never two poker cards or two bombs or anything such. The reels may influence each other at least to suppress duplicates. Score values can duplicate, I got triple 100M once.

I've never spun a No Bomb while already holding one, so that might be impossible, or at least very rare.

I've never gotten the MK3 Hint more than once in a game, so that might also be impossible, though it's very rare in the first place.

But besides those rules, I'm pretty sure it's random without pattern or predictability. Bombs can happen any time or never, the game doesn't punish you with more for a higher bank or after cheating or anything.

I know I've spun More Time at least twice in a run. Not sure if that result is limited or if it's hypothetically infinite.

Any other evidence is welcomed, but please only post results that you're sure happened, not possible remembrances or guesses.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
How does the MK3 hint work?

Also, I've gotten a Cow once. If you Cheat during the opening animation of Casino Run, there will be an audible "Moo", and you can spin a Cow. I don't know what it does.

Specials score 1M. So they're not really worth anything. Unlike some tournament settings where they can score 500M(!)

The Cashier is easy to backhand from the left flipper. It's also possible to backhand the Game Saucer from the left flipper but not really worthwhile. The former, if you're running short on time, is a lifesaver.

If you hold the left flipper up from a right eye eject, the ball will often roll up and down the left inlane. Left eye to right inlane doesn't seem to be as reliable. Great if you end Casino Run with a shot to either eye and one or more EBs lit - if you're quick you might be able to score two of them, one on the way up, the other on the way down.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Spinning a Cow awards a Special, immediately, not banked.

For the MK3 hint, hold the flippers while the reels are spinning. I think you also have to hit the cheat button, not sure. I don't think you have to have held the flippers or cheated during the Casino Run opening, but also not sure. The MK3 hint awards an immediate Extra Ball, not banked.

The visor and eyes are not quite centered over the flippers, so left and right behavior on shots and ejects won't behave as mirror image symmetry.


FarSight Employee
Aug 4, 2014
Spinning a Cow awards a Special, immediately, not banked.

For the MK3 hint, hold the flippers while the reels are spinning. I think you also have to hit the cheat button, not sure. I don't think you have to have held the flippers or cheated during the Casino Run opening, but also not sure. The MK3 hint awards an immediate Extra Ball, not banked.

The visor and eyes are not quite centered over the flippers, so left and right behavior on shots and ejects won't behave as mirror image symmetry.

Do not have to hit the Extra Ball button. Just hold flippers while reels are spinning and be very lucky.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
One extra thing:

During the bonus countdown, when the screen for Vortex Millions shows up, you can start pressing the Extra Ball button to "cheat" and earn an additional Bonus Multiplier. (Yes, this means you can go up to 6x Bonus).


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Here's what I find interesting. On the real machine, the flashing button is on the front panel. I NEVER look there when I'm playing. And if I knew about the cheats beforehand, I still don't think I would ever back up to look.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
The biggest problem is controlling kickouts from the game saucer. Turns out that the saucer never actually kicks SDTM, at least on my PC version. If you don't flip or nudge, every kickout will hit either a flipper or the center pin and stay in play. Saving with the center pin is called a Chill Save, although the term doesn't seem to be in the IPDB glossary.

The most common game saucer kickout will bounce off the center pin and drop into the right inlane. Stay chill and don't nudge, it's not going into the outlane. When this happens, you can trap with a nudge up as the ball reaches the right flipper. Nudge-to-trap also works on a feed from the ramp. The second most common game saucer kickout bounces off the center pin up the left inlane, which can also be nudged up to a catch as the ball reaches the flipper. Overall, the game saucer kickout isn't exactly random, it's still railroaded, it's just that there's about five different railroads that can occur.

I'm also playing the PC version and I don't think I'm getting the same results. I decided to give this Chill Save strategy a try and it's not always working for me. Much of the time it works, as you described, but not always. Sometimes the ball will come down, just barely clip the center post, the tip of the flipper, then go down the drain. I suppose, with an exceptionally timed flip, it may be possible to hit it back into play but the timing would have to be perfect. Even a tad early and the ball would just hit the bottom of the flipper. I'll do some more experimenting but I may just go back to my previous strategy of using Slap Saves when the ball is heading towards the center drain. Though I'll admit, that hasn't been 100% effective either.

First off, I think it's clear that it's not really evenly random. The EB frequency sure does seem to drop. Two or even three EBs on the first Run or two is common, but they become very scarce later. But not quite zero, since as described above, I did get an EB once after 50B points and fifteen or so Runs.

But besides those rules, I'm pretty sure it's random without pattern or predictability. Bombs can happen any time or never, the game doesn't punish you with more for a higher bank or after cheating or anything.

I agree that the extra ball frequency does seem to drop a lot as the game goes on.

This is just a theory but I kinda wonder if the game sort of punishes you for cheating during Casino Run. Since I started cheating, my Casino Runs seem to be far less lucrative. I've also noticed a tendency to get a bomb on the very first spin, though it is always cheated away. Again, this is just a theory but I wanted to see if anyone else has noticed anything like this.

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
I agree that the extra ball frequency does seem to drop a lot as the game goes on.

Thats true. I´ve played a very good game and got only 2 EB from Casino Run in the last 100B:



Active member
Feb 14, 2013
yeah i've had drains out of the game saucer donw th emiddle, as well as down an outlane (sometimes it takes a hop of the rubber post and bounces to the right, back and forth, and into an outlane.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Nice write-up VikingErik, I was surprised to see you post this because I though you restricted yourself to seasons 1 and 2. Good to make exceptions for tables that you really like, bad news for high score hunters because they'll have to deal with you on more tables now... :)
Just wanted to add some small things:
- chill saves work also on iOS, but I have the same experience as Mwink, there are still some postgrazing SDTM risks. I like to right nudge on ball release with about 60-70% chance on a right cradle and controlled shot under the ramp. I still lose 1 ball in 10 or 15 releases, so I'm working on that
- shots under the ramp return safely to the right flipper with a left flipper dead pass. In I would say 80-90% it's a right cradle, the remaining 20-10% do require a quick right flip and/or right nudge, but those are quite safe too. So left cradle works also, with the dead pass you just line up the next shot to the casino games a bit faster
- post passing from a cradled ball work, but also with balls that are moving up/down the inlanes. With a timely shot you can post-pass those too and cradle on the opposing flipper. Don't know if those have another name, but I have seen Bowen Kerrins do that manoeuver IRL on occasion. With a lot of inlane movement from cradle catches, this is a handy trick to master.
- Probably an obvious point but EB's from lit inlanes can be collected with an alley-pass, though a missed one is quite a risk for a drain. Best shoot the ramp and lane change to the right inlane. (-insert high dôh level disclaimer here-)
- On the VP version, collecting lights was best done with a bank shot from the left flipper to the "row"-wall, getting a ricochet to the "column"-wall. That's not a very good idea on TPA version because of risky right outlane drains, except when you aim quite high, above the middle target I would say. That speeds up the collection process.

Well, back to playing, still some ways to go from my best of 21B. I love the feeling of this table that you always leave with the "more is possible and within reach"-itch! Funny how this table plays so differently from Pin*Bot even with the same layout. Guess that shows how good integration from gameplay with DMD interaction can make for a whole other experience.
Last edited:


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I bought season 4, since the Jack●Bot conversion came out very well, plus TAF is a must, Starship Troopers is interesting, I like Cyclone, and counting on one more good DMD out of something like Getaway or Road Show or Safecracker. Still going to suck away too much time from productive things, though. :)

Anyway, got up over 100B last night. Some more points:

There is indeed one railroaded kickout from the Game Saucer that does drain SDTM. It brushes off the tip of the right flipper. It's very rare, about 2% or so, much less common than the tracks that bounce from the center pin up the left inlane or down into the right inlane. It's easy to save with a leftwards nudge onto a catch on the left flipper, although not easy to stay calm and remember to do that instead of flailing with a slap save.

The Cashier target can indeed be backhanded, although I don't like it since catching the return isn't guaranteed, the ball can roll off the left flipper. Worth doing when time is short for a Cashier shot though.

I now think the EB generosity of Casino Run depends on how many EBs you've already collected in the game, not on the number of Runs or the number of EBs from Runs. I had one game where I collected four EBs (ramp, replay, 5 poker cards, slot machine) before the first Run, then never saw any EBs from Runs at all through about five trips. This means to go for that first Casino Run as soon as possible to get its easy EBs while the game is fresh, before you get the standard EBs from the replay and poker cards. It's like on TZ where you should collect the EB door panel before any other EBs that will spot it for you. I think Williams games are often consistent to behavior like this, caring about total EBs earned rather than any particular instances of them.

Does collecting the EB from the ramp change the timing of the award light? I had one game where I got that EB, then it seemed the light was starting on 25 Million instead of EB, which of course makes the EB more likely. But that game ended quickly so I didn't get to see much data, and it didn't happen in another game after getting the ramp EB then.

I saw a bomb cheated away from the left reel, so all three are possible. Exceedingly rare for any but the center, though.

I got the MK3 Hint very early (first Run), then later saw it spin past on the reels a couple times, so it might be possible to get more than once in a game.

Twice I saw a ball jump out of the table, by shooting towards the visor just as it was closing so it jumped off the partially-raised barrier. Both were during multiball. I happily grinded the 25 Mega Visor hits with the other ball while the rematerialized one waited in the plunger lane. :)

The big point: I've figured out how to grind visor lights safely. There are narrow but safe shots to each of the five column targets. From the left flipper, aim at the blue target, and you can hit either the edge just between yellow+blue or blue+orange which hits both targets and yields a safe return. From the right flipper, you can safely hit the edge just between the green+red targets to hit both. Of these, the orange (center) is the most chancy to miss and lose control, so use the Keno casino game to spot this column whenever possible.

Of course, make sure you wait for and hit the cycling Keno arrow on each of those shots. Besides multiball, visor grinding also builds up the casino game values, significantly so. It's Keno cards directly, plus the arrow awards Poker cards frequently. I had the Keno game up over 400M (16 cards completed) and Poker over 250M (5 hands completed). The 25M and 50M awards from the Keno arrow also add up. Poker cards also build bonus which is collected very often. So when should you grind the visor instead of casino games? I think when you're at the max 4 EBs stacked, so Casino Run isn't all that helpful when it can't yield EBs, so then prioritize the visor over the game saucer.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Good to know you get around doing other things....:)
I also really enjoy season 4. Not everything released is my taste exactly but I'm impressed with the physics tuning, how every table also feels different from the others, and the pacing of goals and HOF points feel more "right". I would really like to know how much TPA's production "pipeline" has improved over say season 1 or 2 in efficiency. The comments from LAW in the Invitro leaderboard thread about the focus shift to quality and community management are encouraging in that regard.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
There is indeed one railroaded kickout from the Game Saucer that does drain SDTM. It brushes off the tip of the right flipper. It's very rare, about 2% or so, much less common than the tracks that bounce from the center pin up the left inlane or down into the right inlane.

I get that kickout WAY more than 2% of the time. I did some testing and it happened 9 out of 44 times. That's a hair over 20%.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
yeah the extra ball percent setting determines how generous casino run is with the extra balls, i think. the more you get without it's help, the less it will hand out.

Game saucer is actually handled very well. there are enough different possibilities that it's pretty hard to predict, and some of them require nudging. If the slot machine was that tricky in TZ, it's difficulty would be a lot harder.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Am I crazy, or does the "card added" award you get when hitting the flashing arrow on the keno board not always add a card?

Seems to only add one? Then you have to hit those insanely annoying drop target after that?

Wizard goal is kicking my ass.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Ok guys, so it turns out, contrary to popular belief, the Keno Arrow Awards are NOT randomized. There is a specific order for them.

This is what I've seen when I played the table on iOS:

1. Card Added
2. 25 million
3. Vortex at Max
4. 25 million
5. Card Added
6. Vortex X

I believe there's more awards after these but I haven't focused on getting them too much. Game Saucer Lit and Extra Ball are awarded in place of one of these awards if your current game has less than 300m or you haven't shot the ramp to relight the Game Saucer yet.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Lots of wackiness happened today for me.


#1: I got a ball perched on top of the visor, by shooting it there just as the barrier lifted during multiball. While it was there, it continually triggered the leftmost visor target, rapidly completing that Mega Visor round for me. (Then the visor lowered the ball back into play.) This happened twice in my game.

#2: Presumably a ROM bug, my game suddenly started awarding Vortex At Max for every Keno arrow shot. Not very useful. This behavior never changed once it started, through several drains and several dozen arrow hits.

#3: There's also a ROM bug with bonus. The total bonus shown is often LESS than the sum of the components (cards, vortex, dice game wager). This has happened for me in every game of any length but I started keeping track consistently today. I think it's related to the bug that resets the Vortex Millions to a low number. Throughout the game, the total bonus will gradually lag a few million behind what the sum of the parts should be.

#4: I can also confirm that Dirty Pool exists and works in the TPA version. Get a ball caught behind the visor, then shoot it to newton the ball into an eye. This also completes Mega Visor immediately.

As for the Keno arrow awards, I don't think it's a set sequence, but there are some patterns, it does like to alternate between 25M and other stuff. But I've seen 25M multiple times in a row. The other awards not in your list are 50M and 5X Bonus. The "Card Added" award works as far as I can tell and I've gotten it multiple dozen times in a game.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I've never seen 50 million as a Keno award before, but it's listed, so I guess it must be somewhere.

Also, yeah, I forgot to list 5x Bonus. Don't know exactly where it pops up, I think it may be the 5th one instead of Card Added.

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