Join the Cirqus Wizard Goal

Master Magician

New member
Feb 14, 2013
As in, how many times do you have to Join the Cirqus, and I mean WIN, get all 6 letters, get the lightning and fireworks and the 10,000,000 points for Joining the Cirqus, BEFORE YOU GET CREDIT FOR THE WIZARD GOAL? Done it 3-4 times and still havent gotten credit yet


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I got credit for it the first time I did all that. The only way I can think of you wouldn't get the credit, normally, would be if you completed Join The Cirqus on the same game that you finished the last Standard Goal, or if you still had Standard Goals to complete. That would mean, of course, getting 3-4 Join The Cirquses in one game, which is fairly good going.

Having said all that - I've noticed that sometimes goals just get missed, which is annoying if it's a tricky/"lucky" goal. But 3-4 times? I've not experienced that.

Master Magician

New member
Feb 14, 2013
Not getting wizard goals the same game that you complete the standard goals is a common occurrence which certainly happens on every table. And on this table, I have Joined the Cirqus multiple times with no wizard goal awarded.

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