July TotM Groupings and Results


New member
May 16, 2012
Dammit, something came up so I couldn't find the time to play :(

I'll post the 5 steam keys the winner can chose from later today.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Okay, results are up!

Congrats to Gus for winning the first season!!

Everyone that won something, I will contact you by PM eventually.

We had a large number of no shows this go around, including all 11 newbies that signed up. I'm really hoping for a spike in players at the start of next season, as in total we had 50 people actually play at some point, and 72 that signed up. Not too shabby!


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I killed it on big shot 355,000. my previous high was only 220,000. the tip that someone had mentioned (keeping the ball off the slings) did wonders for my game.

syt, thanks dude, for all the fun. I didn't get to chat much in the chat room (which is usually real fun on tourney day) cuz I had to work. and as always, thanks for the time and effort you (and others) put into this.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Wow, I actually won second for the first season! Woot!

Thanks to everyone for playing this season, and I can't wait to see what happens in the future.


May 7, 2012
I'm sorry I couldn't take part, we had family over from the other side of the world and I was pretty sure I'd be able to find time but had no chance to get on my XBOX, hoping I won't be black balled for the next tournament


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Congrats [MENTION=4106]EldarOfSuburbia[/MENTION] on the plunger. Thanks Wizard Amusements for their ongoing support of BlahCade.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Played my set. Decided to tilt out in Tales.

TZ - 603,870,210
Pinbot - 7,572,960
TotAN - 88,708,380
Big Shot - 96,400 =/

I just realized I was suppose to put this through Google forms *smacks forehead*. Well my fault I guess. I'll remember to do that next season.
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New member
Jan 21, 2015
Thanks SYT very much for the PS4 codes. I plan on using them on 25th December this year.
Sorry for giving you grief yesterday, it was nothing personal. It was because I engage with this tourney so much. Take it as a compliment:eek: In fact you deserve high praise indeed for all your efforts both with ToTM and the Blahcade podcast, they have certainly made a real and positive difference to my enjoyment of pinball. I'm sure many other people feel the same.
I was looking through [MENTION=1442]ccl78[/MENTION] 's fascinating database and saw that of the 34 people who played the first ToTM in February there were 15 of us who played in every game every month by the season end.
Well done also to Gus. A well deserved champion.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I'm sorry I couldn't take part, we had family over from the other side of the world and I was pretty sure I'd be able to find time but had no chance to get on my XBOX, hoping I won't be black balled for the next tournament

Don't worry, we don't blackball around here. See you next time!

I just realized I was suppose to put this through Google forms *smacks forehead*. Well my fault I guess. I'll remember to do that next season.

Yeah, that would have helped! Lesson learned the hard way, eh?


Mar 5, 2014
Wow, I won :) Thanks for the kind words guys! This tournament is a lot of fun to play. Very friendly atmosphere, and the rules give new life to many tables. A good way to get to know this community, and improve pinball skills at the same time :) Thanks again and a big hug to everyone involved.

Out of the tables this time, Big Shot is the table I have played the most, probably more than any other table in TPA. I score 200k+ pretty consistently, but was surprised to have my second best score ever on my first attempt :) Still looking for that elusive 700k game to max out the HOF score though... Re-visiting all these tables has been a great way to improve HOF score, which I didn't realize had a leaderboard but Slam23 pointed that out to me, thanks! ToTAN can be a rough table, and is very hit-or-miss for me. TZ and P*B is much easier, to the point where they get a bit boring if played carefully - good candidates for the new tournament settings FS is working on.

Out of all the tables played this season my best game was probably on BoP, where I had one of those games where everything just flowed perfectly and I couldn't miss a shot. I only played 1 ball on that before I let the rest drain at 11B+ because it was taking too much time. BS and Harley are a couple more I was very happy with. My worst game was my second game of AFM where I scored in the 1B region (even lower I think), but that is a part of the charm of the monthly tournament :)

We're lucky to have this many great pinball tables available, and still more being released. Season 4 is fantastic - way above my expectations. I get a good feeling about season 5 as well when the community is speculating. We could have a good season 8 in a few years even :) Often I feel there are so many tables to play, it's hard to know where to start. And that's when SYT comes in with this great ToTW idea and saves the day. Thanks man!


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Yup, missed it with a day.
Vacation time and away visiting family (but I seriously was thinking of coming back early :p )

Congratz to all who played well and had a good time, and to the winner Gus :)


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I am just thankful that TotAN was running at 10 to 20 percent of normal speed. It's the only way I scored that high. :p

The rest of my scores are in the range of my scores in other TotM.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Thank you SYT and who ever donated a TAF code I won one! Don't know how I only played in 2 tournaments. I wanted to show my gratitude by donating a Zaccaria Pinball membership as a prize for the next rounds winners. I am having trouble doing this, on an Android device I see no way to gift the game to a friend. On my iPhone I see a 'Gift' option but it does nothing when I press on it. Any advice on how to do this if it is possible would be appreciated.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Thank you SYT and who ever donated a TAF code I won one! Don't know how I only played in 2 tournaments. I wanted to show my gratitude by donating a Zaccaria Pinball membership as a prize for the next rounds winners. I am having trouble doing this, on an Android device I see no way to gift the game to a friend. On my iPhone I see a 'Gift' option but it does nothing when I press on it. Any advice on how to do this if it is possible would be appreciated.
That's very generous of you Snorzel (and a gift that keeps on giving)!

I think the ASK guys did say that they wanted to give us a few licnses as well, but their licensing system doesn't allow gifting on the platforms they currently offer the game on.

On Google Play, you'd have to PayPal some cash over to the winner, who could then purchase a Google Play gift card in their geo (gift cards are region bound) to the value of the subscription you'd like to provide.

IOW a bit of a pain in the arse. ;)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Pay attention to Gus' avatar, as I just sent him a very blinged out version for being Season 1 champ.

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