

New member
Aug 20, 2012
according to the table release chart, the space shuttle table pack is scheduled for release in july, is this accurate, or did they just skip june? also, everytime i select tournement there is no option to start one...are these at specefic times or days, and if so, how are we notified, where do you find out when a tournement is available? also, i just started to enjoy the blackhole, for a table that i played once or twice and then totally disreguarded it, it now seems a lot better, it seems as though this table's lighting is one of the few that is set to night, did they recently do this? and out of sheer challange, i have also returned to playing harleydavidson, it is one of the few tables that i have failed to reach the main goal...i think the most patches i have ever collected was 12, this is a very challanging machine...


New member
Apr 3, 2013
No table packs for June.

Table Add-On Pack #14 featuring Centaur and Pin•Bot was released this past Friday for Android, iOS and Kindle Fire. It should also be available on Mac and OUYA soon and PS3/PS Vita (NA/EU) by mid July.

Maybe because two table packs have been released in May.

Or perhaps there is a delay because a big update will come with the table pack release (new UI? lag fix :rolleyes: ?). It's nice to hope. ^^


The PSN tournament will start in a few weeks, according the FS Facebook page.
If it's like the last tournament, there's no notice on the TPA UI that a tournament has started. A lot of players knew it by reading this forum.


Sep 12, 2012
Yes Perhaps they just submitted it not long ago and Sony takes 4-6 weeks to do QA on things....I hope too Tann those fixes will be in 2.13


New member
May 10, 2012
To OP: Wrong forum. There is a section on PS 3 (if that is the system you are referring to)


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Don't still get Whitewater and space shuttle before Pin*Bot and Centaur? I'm more looking forward to those right now. I think it's supposed to be middle of this month. With that in mind, I can see why Centaur and PinBot will be July.


Jul 11, 2012
maybe they got pushed back for E3 so it looks like theyre making the 1 month release schedule for new users :p


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Don't still get Whitewater and space shuttle before Pin*Bot and Centaur? I'm more looking forward to those right now. I think it's supposed to be middle of this month. With that in mind, I can see why Centaur and PinBot will be July.
The latest news section has confirmed that both table packs 13 and 14 will come out in July. Table pack 13 is scheduled for early July, while table pack 14 is scheduled for mid July.


Nov 11, 2012
I am more than happy, in fact would LOVE to wait an extra month until July, if that means the PS3 "Cast In Stone" DLC tables a/k/a The Unchanging Tables of Forever, get properly QAd, fixed, QA'd again, fixed again, etc. etc. before they are sent to Sony (a/k/a/ frozen in carbonite). Please. Take all the time you need.


New member
Apr 20, 2013
Exactly. With the amount of bugs I have encountered in the DLC packs (too many) I will hope the extra time will be spent making sure the tables are as flawless as possible.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Side note. One question mark does the trick. Three serves no purpose other than annoying people.
Last edited:


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Byte, Trenchbroom, you both are relatively new to the forums and I would hardly expect you to go digging through every post. The topic of FarSight 'taking extra time' to fix things on PS3 has been much discussed, so allow me to give you the short version so your expectations don't have a chance to become too high only to be crushed.

FS is not taking extra time to fix or test tables. Each table pack is submitted to Sony almost at the same time as iOS and Android. It gets released on those platforms so much earlier because their approval time is so much quicker. The whole process of submitting to Sony can take 6 weeks. In other words, Sony is in possession of packs 13 and 14 right now. FS cannot make any changes to the tables in the interim because any and all changes must be resubmitted for approval.

The unfortunate side effect of this is, many bugs wind up being found in the mobile versions, and by the time the tables hit PS3, they've been so talked about that people find them immediately on the PS3. Add on top of that the bugs that seem to get introduced merely from going beta to live on PSN. The ultimate kick in the pants is that if it is a graphical bug, it will probably not be fixed on the PS3 for a very long for reasons I don't wanna get into on here.

FarSight is at Sony's mercy as to when tables are released, and happy to be so as Sony tends to give them a fare amount of publicity on their blog right before a table pack come out. So suck it up, deal with the fact that PS3 will always be at least 2 packs behind mobiles.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I think FS is submitting two packs to Sony to reduce the number of $ubmi$$ion$ to $ony. We got the last two packs back to back in May and it sounds like we'll get the next two packs the same way in July. Two packs every other month instead of a pack every month is fine with me. And I don't blame FS for wanting to do it this way.


New member
Apr 20, 2013
Byte, Trenchbroom, you both are relatively new to the forums and I would hardly expect you to go digging through every post. The topic of FarSight 'taking extra time' to fix things on PS3 has been much discussed, so allow me to give you the short version so your expectations don't have a chance to become too high only to be crushed.

FS is not taking extra time to fix or test tables. Each table pack is submitted to Sony almost at the same time as iOS and Android. It gets released on those platforms so much earlier because their approval time is so much quicker. The whole process of submitting to Sony can take 6 weeks. In other words, Sony is in possession of packs 13 and 14 right now. FS cannot make any changes to the tables in the interim because any and all changes must be resubmitted for approval.

The unfortunate side effect of this is, many bugs wind up being found in the mobile versions, and by the time the tables hit PS3, they've been so talked about that people find them immediately on the PS3. Add on top of that the bugs that seem to get introduced merely from going beta to live on PSN. The ultimate kick in the pants is that if it is a graphical bug, it will probably not be fixed on the PS3 for a very long for reasons I don't wanna get into on here.

FarSight is at Sony's mercy as to when tables are released, and happy to be so as Sony tends to give them a fare amount of publicity on their blog right before a table pack come out. So suck it up, deal with the fact that PS3 will always be at least 2 packs behind mobiles.

I do appreciate the explanation, and I am aware of the PS3 patch situation for the DLC tables.

There is still no valid reason for the show-stopping bugs I have encountered in tables like NGG. At some point before the tables are submitted to Sony for review, someone from Farsight needs to review the tables thoroughly for issues. Even if it delays the release of the table on other platforms.

I love pinball and to play the original tables is just great. My family has easily played 500 hours of TBA so I have gotten my money's worth. But it does not excuse Farsight from releasing shoddy code for DLC and I am done purchasing new tables unless they are free of show-stopping bugs.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I do appreciate the explanation, and I am aware of the PS3 patch situation for the DLC tables.

There is still no valid reason for the show-stopping bugs I have encountered in tables like NGG. At some point before the tables are submitted to Sony for review, someone from Farsight needs to review the tables thoroughly for issues. Even if it delays the release of the table on other platforms.

I love pinball and to play the original tables is just great. My family has easily played 500 hours of TBA so I have gotten my money's worth. But it does not excuse Farsight from releasing shoddy code for DLC and I am done purchasing new tables unless they are free of show-stopping bugs.

Although I'm not happy about bugs either, something happens in translation from the build they have in house, which checks out fine, to the build that goes live. I've talked to the guys, and they are often just as surprised by bugs that are point blank obvious as we are.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I think FS is submitting two packs to Sony to reduce the number of $ubmi$$ion$ to $ony. We got the last two packs back to back in May and it sounds like we'll get the next two packs the same way in July. Two packs every other month instead of a pack every month is fine with me. And I don't blame FS for wanting to do it this way.

Yeah, and actually just yesterday on Facebook they confirmed that's how they're doing it now:

The Pinball Arcade We release Tables on Sony in packs of 2 generally every other month, as opposed to the one pack a month on mobile platforms that we strive for... Sorry for the confusion.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I wish they would just release them the same week.
Hate knowing the game is patched for both and they hold back the release of pack 2.
My sister doesn't have internet at home so she brings her ps3 to me to buy them and having it in back to back weeks is a pain.

Billy Fishtale

New member
Mar 22, 2013
Exactly. With the amount of bugs I have encountered in the DLC packs (too many) I will hope the extra time will be spent making sure the tables are as flawless as possible.

.. bugs and pinball arcade go hand in hand. Its seen as the norm around here so don't go expecting a great deal if tables get delayed a month or two. It doesn't mean jack****. You'll still end up with problems on every table.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I wish they would just release them the same week.
Hate knowing the game is patched for both and they hold back the release of pack 2.
My sister doesn't have internet at home so she brings her ps3 to me to buy them and having it in back to back weeks is a pain.

They probably get more sales by having them a week apart. There's probably a good many people that will only buy one at a time and they might forget to come back after they've played the pack for a week or two.

Just tell your sister that they're coming out with the next pack next week and to hold off! :D

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