Junkyard Impressions


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Just played a quick game on the IOS version.Looks like they did a good job.Can't wait to play it on PC.Never play a real life version so can't really compare.
What does everyone think about it?
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
It's not my favorite but it is still a fun pin. The wrecking ball is a cool toy and I really enjoy the time machine that let's you play modes from some classic pins. How gross are the sounds of that dude when you hit the toilet? What did he have for lunch?
I have access to a Junkyard locally and I think FS did a real nice job of capturing the look and play feel of this one. Season 3 has really been good.


New member
May 18, 2013
PC version plays great. I will say, the wrecking ball doesn't seem as fluid on the Android version.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Fun game. Enjoying it. 1000 HOF points first game was unexpected but hey at least it's not a Dr Dude!

Haven't conquered outer space yet and plenty of challenges to achieve. Plays pretty smoothly.

(I've never seen the actual table let alone played it)

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I think Farsight have done a great job with this, but I don't like the original table design personally.

No proper orbit = no flow, most shots are shoot the hole - erghhh (annoying electronic noise impersonation) then ball spits out of an up kicker.
Plus the blue print paper playfield is too busy same as Dr Dude playfield.
Re-cycled dmd animations and video modes = lack of imagination or laziness, I'm not buying the recycle theme.
Bad skill shot design too.

Get the goals ticked off and leave it alone personally.

I do like Farsights tuning on this one though.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
I'm not a real big fan of the artwork in this game but I'm really liking the table layout and some of the different modes, like Time Machine. Never played IRL, but this seems like a really great table. Definitely going to have to invest some time into this one. Great job, FS!


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Odd: I simply don't have an first impression on this. Seems nice, but. Unruly art, but.

Mercifully not too much of that Crazy Bob -voice, anyway.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Looks great and the game play is fun.

What about the crazy low high scores and super easy PHOF-levels? I made it up to around 300 PHOF points on my first five games (about 30M). I like this more than the other way around though (Cactus Canyon).


New member
Apr 10, 2012
JY can be pretty easy. I finished the wizard mode on my first play. I've had very little time with one IRL but I'm sure it's not that easy. I'll probably end up turning off extra balls to make it more difficult. Nonetheless, JY looks really good and is a fine addition to TPA. But, the song "Money (that's what I want)" really gets on my nerves after a while.

Edit - I do want to say kudos to FarSight for a job well done on the wrecking ball physics. Looks real to me.
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
On the whole, the theme of whodunit jives with me more than this table,, though I can clearly see the progression of new features the designers added with this second effort. However, they nearly jumped the shark with such a wacky theme. What was the target audience for this table anyway, 9 year olds? -----Toilet shot anyone? that is worse than the spitting contest in champion pub. Perhaps in the same vein as doctor dude, this table is quirky and annoying after an extended time, but a worthy addition nonetheless. The physics are quite impressive as well. :eek:
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Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
what??? I have 35 PHOF for some 70M

That is odd... I quite easily got 1.000 PHOF the game after my previous comment, something around 220 M I think. This game was super easy, but I really like it! It's a fun theme and I like the slightly chaotic artwork. The only thing I can complain about is that once you get into that "Start adventure-loop" it's a bit monotonous. I can see why it is done that way but it would be more challenging if you had to restart the junk collecting etc after each outer space.

I like the crane as well and the way you need to shoot it to get it swinging in order to open the jackpot hole. Clever design!

The game makes me also think of that Xbox game: Fall Out 3, where you build weapons out of different type of junk.

So, all wizard goals done, all high scores beaten (500k top factory high score?!), 1.000 PHOF-points and all features visited and beaten. This game lasted me about 'til noon :) Now, I'm back to try to beat that Eldorado factory high score!

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