Junkyard Impressions


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
On the whole, the theme of whodunit jives with me more than this table,, though I can clearly see the progression of new features the designers added with this second effort. However, they nearly jumped the shark with such a wacky theme. What was the target audience for this table anyway, 9 year olds? -----Toilet shot anyone? that is worse than the spitting contest in champion pub. Perhaps in the same vein as doctor dude, this table is quirky and annoying after an extended time, but a worthy addition nonetheless. The physics are quite impressive as well. :eek:
I actually like stuff like that, pinball is supposed to be fun. Those weird designs and funny and sometimes inappropriate comments are thing that I miss the most on this modern licenced Sterns. The games are so formal.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
I'm finding this table weird, on IOS it seems a bit too easy, I scored 79mil on my second game but on PC which is the main platform I play on I am struggling to find any flow in the game and I have yet to break even 50mil in about 30 games and the ball drains a lot more than IOS, also on PC I don't know if its just me but the flippers seems much weaker and for this table I actually think the IOS version is better as the game just flows more.

I think this is a decent table but I dont see it being a table I play long term to be honest and I still think Who Dunnit is the best table this season by quite a long way.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
For me Who Dunnit is by far the worst one. I keep coming back to it but I think that I will never like that one. This one on the other hand is better than I expected. I remember it barely from some 15 years ago but that doesn't count.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
I just wish that those damn outlines are a bit more merciful.

!!! 99.5 % of my shots end there after some random bounce ping pong stuff. Is the rt really that bouncy? The other 0.5 % are straight through the middle after crane hit drains.
Have to check the rt out at my pinball place next week.

For you crane / wrecking ball lovers I can recommend zens old secrets of the deep table. One of my favorites. It features extra flippers to hit that ball.
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Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
!!! 99.5 % of my shots end there after some random bounce ping pong stuff. Is the rt really that bouncy? The other 0.5 % are straight through the middle after crane hit drains.
Have to check the rt out at my pinball place next week.

For you crane / wrecking ball lovers I can recommend zens old secrets of the deep table. One of my favorites. It features extra flippers to hit that ball.

Missing the sewer is a evry dangerous shot that will lead you to the right outlane. However, nudging twice (causing a tilt warning) always saves it...

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I actually find the wackiness here kind of amusing, but it does feel like an easy table with very long play times, at least in simulation.

It's a very Barry Oursler design: sort of a polygonal layout with wide-open spaces and relatively few ramps (compare it to Pin*bot or Doctor Who). But most of his tables are more drain-happy than this.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
loving this table i was like uhhhh ive finally lost it im playing movie your car hah

mamuska mode lol well you all have some taf now


New member
Apr 4, 2014
Great table but can't read the rules on android, only 12 pages.
Can't see the window shopping but it's no big deal.
Girl's voice :rolleyes:


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Hmm. so people say the table is tuned easy. that's probably the only way it will bevany fun for me if true, in real life every junkyard i've ever played was too hard to be fun. Me and many other's nickname for the game was Junk Pile.

If you really wanna get points just play video mode over and over and over, it's what everyone does in tournaments. SHoot DOG scoop ramp, pass ball back to left flipper. repeat.


Nov 23, 2013
First impressions is great. This might be the best table of Season 3. Black Rose is the competition :). Overall season 3 feel quite strong with fish tales being the least fun.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
They seem to have put in the same physics they used for who dunnit, with the floaty ball.

The super skillshot fully completed is worth 13.75 MILLION. that's huge on this game.

Shoot the sewer a LOT. Sweet spot is JUST as the ball passes the center of the flip off of the sewer feed, so it is VERY repeatable. Shooting dog off the sewer feed is totally impossible, don't even try it. you need to trap the ball. You will have better luck hold passing amd following it up with a backhand up the dog shot. Toast helps you get fireworks,and will let you get MORE than 5 out of an adventure. Keep hitting that toaster target during adventures, especially when you are down to one shot left to squeeze as many fireworks out as possible. THe 20 fireworks bonus will soon be yours if you can do that

Shoot the dog scoop a lot. It gives you bonusx, which is decent in this game, and video modes give junk and fireworks after you get all the junk. however, its' often better to ignore the video mode unless you are really good at it, as getting fireworks at 5 toast for one is more important if you wanna beat crazy bob. HOWEVER... once you have collected all the junk, shooting the sewer will always start an adventure, and then you can't rack up the toast easily by repeating it. SO you may want to hold off on shooting dog and collecting junk so you can get a ton of toast.
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New member
Dec 23, 2013
That is odd... I quite easily got 1.000 PHOF the game after my previous comment, something around 220 M I think. This game was super easy, but I really like it! It's a fun theme and I like the slightly chaotic artwork. The only thing I can complain about is that once you get into that "Start adventure-loop" it's a bit monotonous. I can see why it is done that way but it would be more challenging if you had to restart the junk collecting etc after each outer space.

I like the crane as well and the way you need to shoot it to get it swinging in order to open the jackpot hole. Clever design!

The game makes me also think of that Xbox game: Fall Out 3, where you build weapons out of different type of junk.

So, all wizard goals done, all high scores beaten (500k top factory high score?!), 1.000 PHOF-points and all features visited and beaten. This game lasted me about 'til noon :) Now, I'm back to try to beat that Eldorado factory high score!

54 HoF-points for 108M for me on android.


New member
May 17, 2013
I'm with Zaphod77. I don't like the floaty feel on this one, similar to who dunnit. When i asked, people said that real life who dunnit is indeed floaty.

Is the real junk yard floaty also, or they got it wrong in tpa?


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I really hate the way the slings play with each other. This is the same with Fish Tales. Might as well just put the controller down for 10 seconds. So annoying.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
One thing that don't find easy to do is get a Super Jackpot. However, the payoff is worth it. I love the typewriter style animation that accompanies it, similar to Getaway. Can't wait to see the light show on the PS4, say, sometime in the fall? :p


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I've only played a little, but it's a fun table!

The left inlane is really fast and has caught me off guard a few times.

Does anybody else have trouble seeing the ball when it comes down the inlanes toward the flippers in lower landscape views?


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Seems ok so far. I have never played this in real life so it's fun to familiarize myself with it.

As mentioned, the physics are exactly like the Whodunnit physics with the bouncier ball that flies over a held up flipper when coming down the inlane. I don't really care for this, it is not realistic at all. It has been said a few times that Whodunnit was purposely done like this because thats how the real table is. That is not true. I played Whodunnit about a month ago and it plays just like any other modern pin.

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