Junkyard opinions?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
They have one at the Pinball Parlour? Ah, man, I didn't play it when I visited a few months ago! :( Btw, I know this is off topic, but I was wondering what your opinion of the Pinball Parlour is. I, personally, was pretty disappointed. I understand that it must be hard to keep all of those machines in good condition, but almost every one I played had some sort of flaw that pretty much ruined the game. (One lock target was broken on White Water, so no multiball. The Pin*Bot drop targets on Taxi weren't working, no Jackpot, etc. Cirqus Voltaire was fine, though, and Diner was like new! But, it replaced Fun House. :p) Anyways, I still had a good time, and I was wondering what you thought about it.

Back on topic, I would love to see Junkyard. I mean, I've never played it, but it looks like it would be a lot of fun! (And I love easter eggs!)

Pinball Parlour definitely has its issues. Last time I was there only three EM's were working. And yes, lots of bulbs out and other things that need some TLC, but I still have more than enough fun to justify the $15 for 3 hours price.
The Junkyard they have is in pretty nice shape and it plays well. It's fun but I think you would tire of it if you played it a lot. The younger kids seem to be attracted to playing it. Must be that wrecking ball swinging around.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Exploitable strategies or not, it's fun , it's unique, it's a quality DMD Bally Williams with no licensing issues so I say bring it on!


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I played it a bit in a coffee shop in Amsterdam and it was fun but not amazing, I don't think it's a table I'd keep coming back to.


New member
May 30, 2013
I would love to see it too. Played the table in real life and it was a lot of fun!! :D
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New member
Jul 18, 2013
I've played this table on two RL machines. One was a little banged up, and other was in good condition. I found it fun and playable. Provided what I needed. I pin with entertainment value and multiple shots to complete goals. I could see how video mode would make it a dud in tournaments, but that's not why I'm playing in RL. I would like to see this on TPA!


New member
Jul 4, 2013
I've enjoyed it on occasion in VP, it's pretty wife-watching friendly as well as having interesting enough junk combos to call it "re-playable" for me personally. My wife always laughs when I get a few spins on the toilet spinner ;) I suspect that may push it back to the concept of "Pinball After Dark" I've heard tossed about (which I personally would buy a season pass for the day it's released).

We have Cactus Canyon and I've heard Class of 1812 (speculation) coming to name a couple off the top of my head so I don't think we can say every table in TPA has to be the best of the best. That being said, I really do enjoy CC and look forward to 1812!
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
It's a fun table. Great sounds and the wrecking ball is a pretty unique and different feature. Initial multiball is pretty easily achieved so should appeal to all level pinballers.
Feb 19, 2014
The wrecking ball feature looks really cool and unique, and I like how the table makes refeences to other tables.

I've watched a little bit of video but don't want to spoil much else.

Overall i think it'll make a great addition to the already amazing library of pins so far.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I played one of these at the expo. I got all the parts for the machine except the propeller on my first try. Definitely an easier machine - let's hope FS doesn't botch this like they did SS (though they seem to be doing that much less since the TZ fiasco).


New member
Apr 11, 2014
I remember when running from the dog if you hit the flippers fast enough you get the running sound effect from Six Million Dollar man!!


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I'm really interested about what people here think of Junkyard. I played in Maine once (in great condition), and thought it was a pretty good game for novices.

What planet are you on? (chuckle)

The wrecking ball and target area is a drain magnet, the other shots are ludicrously narrow, and the outlanes are wide open. This table generally eats novices for breakfast. You must have found one that was set up very liberally.

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
I'm guessing the reputation that it's easy comes from how the rules are straightforward (shoot this, and this happens, with nothing more complicated than that) and strongly progression-based with the Recycle outlane feature. This was the table, during my early days of playing pinball, where I could get decently far, able to collect all of the Junk, when I was lucky to finish one mission on any other table (even ones where they are comparatively easy and straightforward). The ball also frequently stops at certain places, allowing beginners to look up and see what's going on, as opposed to stuff like TRON Legacy or Demolition Man, where the ball rarely stops long enough for someone unfamiliar with the machine to know what's going on.

That is, Junk Yard, more so than other tables, rewards you for shooting the ball randomly and just plain not letting it drain, and even if it drains down the outlanes, there's a signficant chance you'll get your ball back via Recycle.

I found that once I learned the rules of Junk Yard and became more focused on shooting specific shots, I now had a harder time playing it, and the balls drained more easily. I was not shooting the Recycle targets as much, and I was aiming for the wrecking ball far more often, which often led to the ball careening down the middle a lot. I also attempted to trap the ball more, and I learned Junk Yard is not a game where you can do that so easily--often, the ball rolls past the tip of the flipper and, well, you know the deal. The flippers, when held, are at a lower angle than most other machines.

Hence, I get more out of Junk Yard when I stop caring what I shoot for. I'm going to progress anyway, even if it takes me longer and require far more shots to get something done. This doesn't mean Junk Yard is a bad game. It is still my favorite pinball machine. You just can't overthink it.

As for machines I feel are good for beginners, I would say Junk Yard is not one of them. It's good for people who have played a decent amount of pinball and would just play a game on impulse not knowing the rules. I would actually recommend Gilligan's Island, Family Guy/Shrek, or Spider-Man (Stern) over Junk Yard for a total beginner any day.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I'm expecting it to be not unlike Who Dunnit, in that it's not necessarily a players game, but for a bit of fun and to push a story along it'll be just dandy. In that regard, I'm looking forward to it.

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