So what did you guys think of the Jurassic Park tables? I'm really enjoying both movie ones, but Mayhem has some weird narrow shots that I never seem to hit, so I haven't really gotten the hang of it.
The other two are pretty fun, still need to reach those wizard modes. The interaction with the dinos was pulled pretty well.
Agree that Mayhem has some really narrow shots. Need to see who designed which table. Love that JP and JW use actual movie audio for call outs. Mayhem has probably the best original voice work I’ve heard from Zen for a licensed property (meaning it’s not annoying at all).
I like the traditional mission hole of JW. JP has better call outs if only because they are more iconic. I also love what bastards the raptors are. I started something where they were down by the flippers. I cradled a ball to aim, and one of them grabbed the ball and ran off, ending the mode before I could do anything!
All three tables really show off Zen doing what can only be done digitally, while retaining layouts that feel old school. Totally enjoying these.
If you were only going to buy one Jurassic Park pin, which would you buy?