Just take a minute.....

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
....to realize just how spoiled we are.

Growing up back in the 80's & early 90's, if you would have told me that:

1.) There would come a day in the not-so-distant future when I could have virtual versions of the very same pinball machines I was pumping a zillion quarters into....
2.) These virtual versions would both look and play very close to reality....
3.) They would only cost a few quarters each (less than I spent in a few hours at the arcade) and I could play them as much as I wanted...forever....
4.) I could play them on either a big HD TV or a small touchscreen device....
5.) I could share highscores with friends all over the world in realtime....

I would've straight up flipped my lid. :D

Even if there were just a handful of such tables on my horizon, I would've been over the moon with joy. Any extra additions would just be icing on the cake....Let's not forget how lucky we are to have ANY of these virtual pinball machines available in the comfort of our own homes, or wherever we may roam.

Thank you Farsight!


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Agreed! Plus FarSight has continued to improve its' pinball simulation since their first Gottlieb Collection (which was still great) in 2004. I'll keep doing my part to support them.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Agreed - but I'm from the generation appreciative for not being nuked in my childhood...
Gen Y + Bah!..... ;)


New member
May 10, 2012
Jeff! This post is like a wildflower in the garden on weeds. Too many negative posts lately on this forum. I can handle them(up to a certain point) but it is refreshing to read something like this from time to time. Good one,mate!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Can relate to that 100%!

Around 1980 I thought Atari Video Pinball would be the best Pinball Experience you could ever get on a screen.
At the time I paid over £20 for one table on a cartridge, and I played it to death. In today's that is probably around £40-£50.


Now look what we now get for about £2 !!!!


And we get updates, access to the developers who take into account our suggestions. It doesn't get better than that.
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New member
May 10, 2012
Ahh, the Atari. Those games were a drainer on the family budget. I believe I enjoyed it more than my parents to put it mildly :). Wise words Silverballs. Btw did you get a special if you hit that Atari logo on the right?

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
There was actually quite a good pinball game for the VCS (well, as good as those old pre-physics games could get, anyway):


Midnight Magic. Pretty damn impressive programming on the VCS which was the very bugger to code for.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Karl - If I remember correctly if you got the Atari logo 3 or 4 times you got an extra ball I think upto a max of 9. It was possible to nudge the ball (or square pixel :)) with the joystick to get it to keep getting the rollover. I loved the VCS particularly the 'woodie'.



New member
Feb 29, 2012
Yeah, I'm baffled when people complain that the tables are too expensive. $2.50. Really? Hours and hours of enjoyment for the price of a bean and cheese burrito...

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
Yeah I know, the 69p pricing of mobile games in particular makes people forget just what a bloody good deal the likes of PA tables are. PA is easily the most played thing on my ipad and 2 tables for the price of a pint once a month? That's smeg all.

I'm seriously considering releasing any new iOS stuff at as close to the price of a pint as the pricing structure allows. Because really if someone doesn't think a couple of months of my time and effort are even worth the price of a pint I don't *care* if they play my games any more.

The 69p price point really doesn't do anyone any favours in the long run, and creates the daft situation where people seriously think "two quid, ooer, that's a bit expensive" and wait for a sale. It's rubbish really.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
My pocket money used get spent on £2 - £3 budget speccy games. Considering the rise in inflation, and the rise in quality these tables are a bargain!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
In the late 90's, I paid somewhere around $25 just for ONE table (and $25 then was more money back then than it is now) ....yes, it was an excellent table (Pro Pinball Timeshock), but people would go nuts if Farsight charged anything close to that for a single table, even though these tables are more than worth it.
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
Yeah I know, the 69p pricing of mobile games in particular makes people forget just what a bloody good deal the likes of PA tables are. PA is easily the most played thing on my ipad and 2 tables for the price of a pint once a month? That's smeg all.

I'm seriously considering releasing any new iOS stuff at as close to the price of a pint as the pricing structure allows. Because really if someone doesn't think a couple of months of my time and effort are even worth the price of a pint I don't *care* if they play my games any more.

The 69p price point really doesn't do anyone any favours in the long run, and creates the daft situation where people seriously think "two quid, ooer, that's a bit expensive" and wait for a sale. It's rubbish really.

Hold your feedstock, if you think im paying 3 quid or more for some ****ing shooters with of the wall twitch gaming fun...your probably right....keep any remakes at a lower point tho, grid runner was my first hook on ios...now im cursing you for osx dev and cross platrforms....wheres goat up 2 with editor!?!

I should give you ine star and ****e on your beard!....

Just kidding kinda...give me all your engines

And cheers big ears

Edit- sweet talk atari into a new tempest and you can charge squaresoft prices for all i care ios !
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
In the late 90's, I paid somewhere around $25 just for ONE table (and $25 then was more money back then than it is now) ....yes, it was an excellent table (Pro Pinball Timeshock), but people would go nuts if Farsight charged anything close to that for a single table, even though these tables are more than worth it.

I also paid similar for the Pro-pinball tables back then, and to be honest if Silverball Studios manage to release the revamped Pro-Pinball and it goes for £20-30 I would quite happily pay for it.

I also agree that the 69p price-tag for games is becoming ridiculous and it quite insulting to developers. Some people also buy games and don't even give them a chance... 5 mins of play and they can write it off as it 'only cost 69p'. The positive side of mobile gaming is it has re-opened up game development to the bedroom programmer, however at the same time there are lots of negatives.

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