"Lazy" flippers - graphical bug?

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May 29, 2012
(Mods, please feel free to delete/merge if this issue has already been brought up, I did a quick search and found nothing)

Hi there! I just got a new 2nd gen Nexus 7 yesterday, and TPA looks stunning on it.

However, I noticed something weird: Every once in a while, a flipper seems to flip "beyond" the ball, while the ball kind of drags behind it. For instance, I would trap a ball, let it roll down, flip - and the flipper is actually faster than the ball, giving this weird effect of the ball clipping through it.

As far as I can tell, it seems to be a purely visual bug - the ball flies roughly in the same direction I wanted it to go. However, it is rather distracting, because it breaks the illusion of the flipper and the ball being heavy, powerful objects and always throws me off for a few moments.

Here´s a rough little sketch that hopefully illustrates what I´m talking about:


Thankfully, the flipper doesn´t actually get really fat while flipping in the actual game ;)

It´s an issue that I never had on my old iPad Mini, maybe it has something to do with the way graphics are rendered on Android? It also seems to happen more often on certain tables than on others - quite often on Whirlwind, while it happens quite rarely on Twilight Zone.

Nexus 7 2013
Android 4.3 (stock / unrooted)
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