Least specifics to run TPA at max settings


Jan 30, 2013
What are the least specifics a pc would need to run TPA without problems at highest game settings, and to be able to do so with (reasonably) future table releases?
I'm getting a new laptop, possibly a stationary, and what specifics do I need to make sure I can get the most out of TPA?


New member
Apr 28, 2013
There should be required specs on the steam page for it. Myself, I'm hoping it will run well on a Surface Pro 2 w/8gb ram. Don't know anyone who has one to test before I buy one.


What are the least specifics a pc would need to run TPA without problems at highest game settings, and to be able to do so with (reasonably) future table releases?
I'm getting a new laptop, possibly a stationary, and what specifics do I need to make sure I can get the most out of TPA?

I wouldn't suggest a laptop if you want to push TPA to the max, honestly. You'll be able to get a desktop gaming rig for much less, and be able to upgrade components if you need to. With the Post processing and the ball reflection settings TPA is surprisingly GPU intensive at max settings.

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