Lights...Camera....Action....released on iOS


New member
Jul 21, 2013
I followed those steps to uninstall and reinstall junk yard now the Entire app. Crashes it won't even load the app any longer. I'am soo ****ing pissed off!
What a ****ty Friday this turned out to be.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Wow... I think I won't even bother to update the app until FS release an emergency hotfix. I was just about to hit the 'update' button. Also a FS lost a sale, I can't get the latest table because of the feedback posted above!

I think Zen studios is putting too much pressure on this FS team, making them rush quality checks.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I also lost 900 HOF points, but I think this has to do with a needed fix of the not properly scaled HOF points for Junkyard. I had a 188M game in my second try on that table when it came out, which gave me instant 1000 HOF points with room to spare. After this update it gives me 94 HOF points (without playing). So 200M will probably give a round 100, and now 2B is the max HOF. LCA won't give HOF points so that has to be fixed. Anyone can confirm abovementioned?
Greetings Slam23


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Honestly, don't just not buy it because of these comments. Yeah, the automatic scores are zero, and yeah, they took away the HOF points for junkyard. But I haven't had any other problems (playing on iPhone 5s). All of my updates are the newest. Just went over to junkyard to test it out, ended up having the best game of my life (173mil) visited outer space 3 times. Notices that the dog in the dog house moves whenever it barks. Has it always been like that. Also, only played 2 games of LCA, and it doesn't seem like the 'dud' that people were saying it was, to me at least. The gunfight was a little confusing at first (it does show up on the backglass for me). Your guy is on the right, it seems like it should be the other way around. Just press both flippers when you hear DRAW.

Long story short don't just not buy LCA. It's fun. Also that 173mil on JY gave me 86 HOF points. So, hope that's right

EDIT: just wanted to point out that I've been logged in this whole time, hope this has helped


New member
Nov 28, 2012
I downloaded, but given the bugs, this thing ain't worth $5, let alone 99 cents. Come on FS get it together!


Also, in the update description it says they fixed some twilight zone bugs? What was fixed?

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Am I the only person who isn't having trouble with either LCA or JunkYard? I don't know what's happening to other members but the tables play perfect for me besides the aforementioned camera view bug and the "00" high score bug.


New member
May 29, 2013
So I just lost 955 HoF points on junkyard :/ oh well I'm sure I can get them back.

The whole new table is waaay more polished on Android, with the correct sound bite when you choose the game rather than just a click, music during the instructions rather than just a click, and the table selection image is lit and has the correct colour flood lights. I imagine it's easier to update the Android version and that IOS will have to wait for these improvements. The table itself is so-so for me thus far. I find a few of the shots quite nice but I don't understand how playing card values fit in with stunt filming, and the mini playfield is not a mini playfield it's just a ramp that turns to reveal a short lane. Not bad for a gottlieb but definitely the weakest title of Season 3. (Second weakest for me but that's just because I'm not a high speed fan I understand many people are pleased with HS)
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New member
Sep 28, 2012
I had JunkYard be empty at first launch but after restarting it's gotten back no problem. I always occasionally save my score to local and remote (which takes time) and then no problem.
LCA is beautifully done, very nicely run on my iPad Air, though could've had a bit of more shadow for enhancing depth feeling.

I really wish older tables were refined (especially graphically). Newer tables are so good and some older ones looks dull.
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New member
Jul 21, 2013
Shawn OneWicked PinHead i just had to uninstall app because of constant crashing. I reloaded 47 tables my mistake for the past 6 to 9 months maybe I never saved data so I have some last saved scores but not more recent so I really lost a lot of goals and high scores. I'am kinda sick I'am at work trying to get this nightmare fixed. Ok downloaded my TPA app. At first on Junk Yard the table was still invisible. Now I restored some past data from when I was saving regular and for some reason after that I went back into my tables and Junk Yard is back. Kinda happy but I lost many months of past high scores and goals. I had to redownload app because it was crashing when you tried to load it. So in the future I will save my data after every kick ass game I play. I got soo stressed over all this mess tonight.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
All I can say this should have never happened from downloading a new table with the Junk yard update. I lost so many great goals & high scores. If you love pinball this is very sickening lots of time went into this I lost 6 to 9 months worth of data. This is now my 2nd time ever to loose data from some buggy issue which was out of my control. I will update after every game so I don't take such a huge loss ever again or next I'am giving up on TPA and sticking with Zen because I have never had serious issues like this from my past experience with Zen. I love TPA but these updates and releases don't seem to jive with Apple updates. I wonder if Android is a better way to go in The future.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Here's a silly question. At the end of a game, shouldn't it match the number for a free game? Only wondering because one of the awards is 'reveal match number'. Worst award eva!


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Am I the only person who isn't having trouble with either LCA or JunkYard? I don't know what's happening to other members but the tables play perfect for me besides the aforementioned camera view bug and the "00" high score bug.

I have no problem with game play from either table as well. Both play smooth, LCA is very quick and fast though.

I did lose 900 HOF points and LCA awards no HOF points, those are the bugs I have. Now, if they reset the HOF for Junkyard, ok...but at least mention it somewhere in the update log.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Junkyard, I only see a floating ball!
Have a read through my posts. This has 100% to do with being logged out of your TPA account (invisible Junk Yard) or logged in to your TPA account (Junk Yard functions normally).

If your Junk Yard table is working correctly (NOT invisible), here's how to break it:

1. Run TPA and verify Junk Yard works correctly
2. Exit Junk Yard
3. Go back to the Main Menu and logout of your TPA account
4. Exit TPA, then shut down TPA fully from the multitasking bar.
5. Run TPA again.
6. This time, select "Play as guest", then run Junk Yard. The table should be invisible with a ball floating ball near the back wall.

If your Junk Yard table is NOT working correctly (the table is invisible), here's how to fix it (it will only stay fixed if you are logged into your TPA account...if you log out, then restart TPA, it will again be invisible):

1. Exit TPA and shut it down from the multitasking bar (or just press any on-screen button which will crash it but you still need to shut it down from multitasking even if it crashes)
2. Log in to your TPA account
3. Exit TPA and shut it down from multitasking
4. Run TPA and run Junk Yard which should now function correctly again...until you log out of your TPA account.

This is 100% reproducible on my end.

Invisible Junk Yard table: you are NOT logged in to any TPA account
Junk Yard table functions normally: you are successfully logged in to your TPA account

Because of this, I am starting all tables from scratch (everything set to zero) as being "logged in" since some of my Wizard goals were never awarded correctly (Cirqus Voltaire never gave me credit for the "Join the Cirqus" goal despite me completing it many times). I still have my save games from the past (playing as NOT logged in) so if Farsight somehow fixes this mess with TPA 3.7.0, I may go back to those scores.
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Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I encountered a strange bug with LCA: I got 5 aces as hand which rewarded me with an instant special. Then I heard about three special "knocker sounds" and I was brought to the input initials screen like my game was over. I actually was at the first ball. Then the game returned me to the plunger for my second ball. Now I didn't see if I just lost the first ball while the game was taking my initials, but I thought the ball was still held somewhere. It didn't show up anymore, even after plunging the second ball. Let's see if this is reproducable,

Update: I just found this thread It's the same bug that's described
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New member
Apr 5, 2013
i also lost a load of points, as my 89M on JY was previously awarded 1000 but is now worth just 44. seems fair to me though, as it seemed like a decent game but not worthy of a full 1000.

anyway, i play this new one on ipad air, and like everyone else i get no backglass during the shootout thing so i just hit the flipper asap after it says draw and it seems to win every time. i have no idea what is going on most of the time and it's a shame that so much hinges on a random award - my top score so far is 4.9M, but out of that i think i got 1M three times as the free gift from the spinny thing (you know, the one that usually offers 5,000 or 50,000 or 250,000). it could even have been four times.

so far it's a meh from me but hopefully it will pick up once i know what to aim for. oh, and i have no HOF points either for my 4.9M. what have you lot scored so far? how do you play this thing? where are the big money shots?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Another bug..."Bride of Pin-bot" loads, then plays just fine. However, when you exit the table with the "Exit Table" button, TPA crashes and exits to iOS. :(

When you run it again, it behaves like it's the first time you've loaded the table (displays the table history). I don't know if high scores/tables goals are being saved though since I'm in test mode, testing all tables on all devices but not really playing anything just yet.

Anybody else seeing this?
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
Well this has been mentioned it in the AppStore review:

Another bug..."Bride of Pin-bot" loads, then plays just fine. However, when you exit the table with the "Exit Table" button, TPA crashes and exits to iOS. :(

When you run it again, it behaves like it's the first time you've loaded the table (displays the table history). I don't know if high scores/tables goals are being saved though since I'm in test mode, testing all tables on all devices but not really playing anything just yet.

Anybody else seeing this?

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