Bug LIZ Cleanup delay in returning next ball


New member
Sep 1, 2012
So I have had this happen multiple times now and nearly panic'd the first time and most recently on my 3 Billion point game.

So you get to the end of a LIZ and then the balls are sent back tot he Gumball and then the game just sits there in that view and nothing happens until several minutes later. Call attendant is a bust, says no ball lost. I usually change view modes and go from portrait to landscape to try and gauge if something I do triggers it. The ball magically decides to eject to the plunger and all is good but the average person would have quit the game. So if you get stuck in this position and care about your game don't panic as you will likely get the ball back at some point.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Yep, happened to me once. I wasn't about to quit my 2b point game, so I just sat there hoping the ball find sequence would kick in, and it did, and it worked. Felt like an eternity before it did it tho'.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
i've had this happen too. i'm glad i stuck around, because it DID resolve itself. like you, i was clicking on the "views" button, but i don't know if that actually affected anything or not.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
For what its worth my real TZ does this sometimes after a LITZ... takes forever sometimes figuring out the balls are all accounted for...sometimes several ball search sequences..


New member
Jul 29, 2012
i also had a very weird thing happen -- during the draining of the balls at the end of LITZ, when the flippers went dead, one ball got stuck underneather the upper-right flipper. after a moderate delay, the machine gave up looking for that ball and finally loaded the plunger, which resulted in me having an unexpected 2-ball multiball for a while immediately following LITZ.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
i also had a very weird thing happen -- during the draining of the balls at the end of LITZ, when the flippers went dead, one ball got stuck underneather the upper-right flipper. after a moderate delay, the machine gave up looking for that ball and finally loaded the plunger, which resulted in me having an unexpected 2-ball multiball for a while immediately following LITZ.

Oh wow. I wonder what would happen if it was a powerball that got caught.

Nik Barbour

I often get a ball trapped under the upper right flipper, during normal play and also once at the end of a LITZ.
Problem is flippers are disabled whilst everything resets, so even though you can see it, you can't release it.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
iPad2: Have the same problem after LITZ, but my flippers are stuck in the "frozen" position, and stay that way. I can plunge balls, but they just drain. Is there any way around this? does changing portrait to landscape work on this bug? I tried the call attendant, no effect. This is major bug! I hopenthey fix it soon because otherwise the table is really fun!


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Followup: I forced LITZ by using ball control. There was no ball stuck behind the right upper flipper. I did change view once from portrait to landscape and back and play resumed as normal. Now I don't know which of the three things fixed it (ball control, no ball stuck or view change) but I'm happy that I found it working again. I would bet on the ball stuck as the culprit. Further experimentation is needed,

Nik Barbour

Followup: I forced LITZ by using ball control. There was no ball stuck behind the right upper flipper. I did change view once from portrait to landscape and back and play resumed as normal. Now I don't know which of the three things fixed it (ball control, no ball stuck or view change) but I'm happy that I found it working again. I would bet on the ball stuck as the culprit. Further experimentation is needed,

I've heard of view change fixing things for other people before.
I can't do this on Android, with my device, it's choose an orientation, press play and that's what you've got till you finish or quit.
I don't know if that's the same for all androids.
You do definitely get a total freeze with the ball trapped upper right flipper after LITZ thing. There is no ball searching or control returned to the flippers, just plunge and drain as the only options.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Wow! That could probably happen on a real table!
Yep, I just saw that happen yesterday. Some silverball wizard from my pinball club got LITZ on his ball two, and after it ended, he turned around and started talking. It was at least 30 seconds before everything resumed to normal - maybe even longer...


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