Long Startup Delay


New member
Jan 11, 2018
Pinball Arcade now takes a significant amount of time to start up on my PS4. The first time this started on Saturday (Feb 17) I thought it was hung up and I stopped it and actually rebooted my PS4. Next time I waited for minutes and it did start, but certainly makes me wonder exactly what it's doing and why it just started doing it. Anyone else experiencing this? I didn't time how long it takes but I estimate about two minutes.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Same problem! It appears that there is something with the leader boards. If you take your console offline, the game will start up immediately.


New member
May 1, 2013
Hey! guys,

I've been keeping an eye on these forums as I've also had the same problem for the last few days (I'm in the UK) I've had the problem on both my PS3 & PS4.

The PS3 keeps messing up at the bit where it checks the ticket but does still load up the game and on the PS4 the screen just goes black at this point and the game does not even load up for me.

I hope Farsight are working on this already because it's a pain in the a**e and very frustrating to say the least.


Feb 15, 2018
Same problem here (Hungary) since Friday evening. Long startup and no leaderboard access.
Also there is a problem with their website (https://www.pinballarcade.com). It was ok at Friday morning but since Friday evening it says 'untrusted' and some certificate error.
The two problems might be related I guess. When trying to start leaderboard it says: 'To use this feature you must be logged into "PSN" and have the latest version of Pinball Arcade installed.'

I have 4 Pinball Arcades installed on my PS4. TPA Season 1(disc version) v1.17, TPA Season 2(disc version)v1.12, TPA free version (from PSN)v1.22 and Stern Pinball Arcade.
Only SPA can access the leaderboard, the other three can not.

I tried to change connection setup from wired to wifi even wifi through my cellphone. Nothing helped.
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New member
Jan 11, 2018
More Delays

Now there's another delay only worse. There's a long delay on startup and after every game.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Now there's another delay only worse. There's a long delay on startup and after every game.

Try taking your PS4 offline (option available under network settings) and start up the game. Tom noted on another thread that they are upgrading the PS4 servers.


Mar 21, 2014
Hmm...I played a little TPA last night and everything seemed fine to me.....no delays at startup or after a game. Is it only affecting some people/tables and not others?


Feb 15, 2018
The same problem again.
Long startup and when trying to start leaderboard it says: 'To use this feature you must be logged into "PSN" and have the latest version of Pinball Arcade installed.'


New member
May 24, 2013
same here , it happens on PS4 sometimes and i just switch to XBOX . sometimes it happens on The Crew racing game , I just switch to Xbox . doesn`t happen to any other games .:cool:


New member
Jan 1, 2015
I haven´t got this problem. All works fine.

update: Sorry, now I´m dealing with the same problems.
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New member
Jan 21, 2015
TPA is broken yet again. I'm getting sick of it. Can I have my money back please? I think over the years it must come to over £400. So either give me it all back or give me a playable Pinball Arcade please.


New member
Jan 8, 2014
TPA is broken yet again. I'm getting sick of it. Can I have my money back please? I think over the years it must come to over £400. So either give me it all back or give me a playable Pinball Arcade please.
Yep... They makes me angry sometimes... but... this software give me so many timea so much nistalgic fun, so at the end i'm verry happy pleased anyway. I don't know how much money i've spend buying tables, (I have all 7 seasons for Steam & iOS, 5 seasons + some tables for PS4 & android, few tables for PS3, XBox360 & Vita + SPA for available platforms next week i will start collecting them for NSwitch, maybe i will buy them all again - love the handheld lightning - besides this i want support Them and add my humble brick to Their Palace - Pinball p'Arcade'ise) - totaly probably a lot of money ... i don't care - They deserve this, besides i've spend more money every day for cigarettes - TPA it's the addiction too, but without health consequences (didn't count sleepless nights)... I Wish Them Long Last Business... Give to us more & more tables - make all of them, especially from 70' to the end of Century, give to us endless fun.

Ps. Again sorry 4 my poor english, i've never learn this language, but I hope U know what i mean.

PPS My mini Arcade room - maybe my dog spent there more time than I but I love ro be there anyway... sonethimes.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G935F przy użyciu Tapatalka


New member
Jan 21, 2015
I love the tables as well. No one loves playing TPA more than me in the world or so I imagine. But I can't play it because it's fu***d on PS4.
So I need my money back or preferably, they fix it. As it stands no one from Far Sight has even acknowledged that there is a problem!
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New member
Jan 8, 2014
PS4 sys. ver. 5.50 - TPA ver1.23 just check and works gr8.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G935F przy użyciu Tapatalka


New member
Jan 8, 2014
PS4 sys. ver. 5.50 - TPA ver1.23 just check and works gr8.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G935F przy użyciu Tapatalka
Ups... sorry i've didn't get it - app works fine, but U right leaderboards have the same issue - 4 me i'ts no problem but i understand U... btw SPA leaserboard works OK.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G935F przy użyciu Tapatalka

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