Looking for custom built parts?


New member
Aug 20, 2014
I got a lot of help on this site when making my cab and always said if I could give back somehow then I would. I've had a few people in the past ask me if I could make them a cab but if you've seen my videos, then you'd see that my equipment is rather small...or at least too small to be able to machine full sized panels. But now I've thought about it, I could possibly machine small pieces if anyone is either struggling to find the right size they needed, or if they didn't have the right equipment or tools to do so.

I'm dont know this site too well, so if someone already does this then I don't want to step on their toes...so just ignore this thread. But if it is something that may be of interest to anyone, then just comment on here or pm me etc. I'm not talking huge parts or complete kits etc, perhaps you may need a custom sized MDF dmd panel and can't source one anywhere and may not have the tools to make one...that sort of thing.

I'm limited to 900 x 600 on the cnc and to be honest, close to those sizes is tricky, but for smaller pieces it's not to bad. There are a lot of companies out there that charge the earth for designing but if it's simple I don't tend to charged much...if anything at all. I'd have to charge for materials and machining and there'd be a postage charge too, but it could be a lot cheaper than sourcing somewhere else.

At this point I'm just throwing this in the air so to speak, to see if this is something that may be of use etc. Being in the uk I'm thinking this is more for uk peeps...especially as some bits can only be shipped from abroad at a cost, but again, just throwing this out there. And it would purely be for cut pieces ie unfinished MDF panels etc...I don't have the skills of facilities to spray anything etc. I can cut, router and engrave 2 dimensional pieces only at the moment. As long as it's with the above sizes it may be doable. Even small items are possible...I've just made myself an 'I love Pinball' key ring from a piece of oak...so small isn't an issue either.

Anyway, just let me know if this is of interest to anyone and if it's not, nothing lost :)

Ps...I'm always looking for new projects too...so always open to suggestions.

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