Looking For Progress


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Let me start by saying I love this product!

I play on the 360 and am looking forward to the PC version so I can ditch 360 but in the meantime life is frustrating.

I have a tablet, I can play on there and have purchased many of the tables but with no forward nudge, its kind of pointless. Its kind of pointless trying to nudge on the tablet or phone at all but if I had the option do a forward nudge I'd try to get some sort of peripheral working...for now though just not worth it. When a ball goes towards the out lanes you're supposed to forward nudge, that's like a fall back thing you should be doing if it catches you off guard.

I supported the ST:TNG and TZ kickstarters.

I know this is a dead horse being beaten but hey no one I know really cares so I have to come vent to you guys.

They're meeting with valve to get PC done soon hopefully right, no PC version til then. I get that. Can we get an independent beta for the kickstarter folks though just to give it a whirl on a worthwhile platform?

No 360 updates til the publisher thing is sorted out. I get that and have basically given up on getting new tables and am banking on PC.

Its frustrating to see things like AFM get released too and no worthy format to play it on. I'm on my 3rd 360, its the end of the console cycle, I'm not buying a PS3.

Does anyone have any information or want to come and commiserate with me on this????

-Jake , aka Good 0Ld Times (360 tag)

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
I'm with you Jake, and in pretty much the same situation. No interest in buying a PS3, and even when the PC version comes out, I don't think my old beast will handle it, although if the cabinet functionality ends up being the real deal I might think of doing a cabinet build.

I do have an android tablet on which the tables look and play great, but not having the 360 nudging scheme definitely takes something away from them. I plugged the tablet in through HDMI out to my PC monitor and it did look pretty good so once they get controller support going for Android we will have a interim solution.

Wish we had some more info on when either the PC version will come out or the 360 version will be updated, but we're kind of in limbo (especially on the 360 situation with the bankruptcy court).

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