Mad Max: Fury Road...was everything I hoped for.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Watched it. Soooo great. Best pure action movie since a long time
No sentimental Bulls hit like in avengers....
Pure madness.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
While I enjoy watching the comic book movies, the problem is they are so CG heavy, you may as well be watching a cartoon. You don't viscerally respond to anything because you know there was zero danger while filming. I also enjoy the Fast and Furious movies, simply because they've been doing real car stunts. The fact that I've been lulled into thinking THOSE had good car work, well I'm fully awake once more!

The best action movies I've seen as of late were John Wick and The Raid. Those were brutal in their fights, and wonderfully shot to boot. Like Max, they also had very simple stories. There has been nothing though that's left me buzzing with what it means for the future of action movies like Fury Road. Last time I felt this way was probably with The Matrix. It is as if once more the gauntlet has been thrown down, daring anyone to respond.

***Regarding Fast/Furious movies...I came to realize a ways back that each essentially is cribbing from some other movie or genre. The first was obviously Point Break, #5 was Ocean's 11, the sixth one was a Bond movie, and this last one was a super hero movie where the cars were there costumes that gave them power. Point is, watch the 4th one, which starts with the tanker heist. Don't know why it took me so long, but that movie clearly is their riff on the Mad Max movies. The way they battle with their cars, speeding across barren landscapes, etc. And again, after watching Fury Road, it's obvious how much the genuine article absolutely schools the imitators.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Was thinking about checking it out this weekend with my nephew. Is there too much violence/language for an average 16 year old boy? Appreciate opinions from anyone that has seen it. Thanks


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
There is zero language. I mean zero. The violence is not overtly bloody, it's just hard hitting. There's a touch of implied nudity, but nothing is actually shown and it is completely non sexual. If my kid were 12, I'd have brought him in a heartbeat. It's 'that' kind of movie, the type you remember as being brought to by your dad that mom wanted no part of! You will earn 'cool uncle' status for sure.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
As the big brother I was responsible for getting my sister in to watch T2 and Young Guns 2. And drive her to an Alice Cooper show.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
There is zero language. I mean zero. The violence is not overtly bloody, it's just hard hitting. There's a touch of implied nudity, but nothing is actually shown and it is completely non sexual. If my kid were 12, I'd have brought him in a heartbeat. It's 'that' kind of movie, the type you remember as being brought to by your dad that mom wanted no part of! You will earn 'cool uncle' status for sure.

Thanks SYT. Sounds like it won't be an issue at all.

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