Every PC comes with root access so therefore every PC is "rooted". We don't ususually use this term because it is how we expect our PCs to be configured. If FarSight will be putting TPA out for the PC then they are already planning on making the game available on an open system. Rooting is probably not an issue.
If I were FarSight I probably would make no plans at this point to make TPA available at launch on OUYA. Why make any development plans for a system that is not readily available yet and the success of the system is unknown. At some point in the future it will obvious if FarSight should release for that system or not. There is nothing really to be gained by getting in early. The OUYA will have a fast approval process and development will be easy since it is Android based. There's some small risk involved in delveloping early for the system but no downside to waiting. If it were me, I'd wait.
The benefit of being a launch title on the OUYA would be measured in about as many dollars as units sold since those people that bought one will most probably spend 99cents on most of the games available at first, and some of those would buy other table packs. Plus, most of the OUYA buyers spent money for their kickstarter program, so a quick kickstarter advertisment within the game about the Star Trek TNG table would bring more exposure to it as well in the form piggybacking in a way. I think it would be silly not to release Pinball Arcade on the OUYA at launch, especially since it is android based and is already available to every current android platform that can handle the graphics.
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