March TotM Groupings and Results


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So was everybody happier with the way this ran? Information was easier to get without being spread out over 3 threads? Still need to refine some things, hopefully I'm going in the right direction. Here's what I want to know...

1. Should we stick with the 2 play only limit, or drop it down to 1 and done? Maybe 1 and done for the top 10? Nobody says you actually HAVE to play both times...

2. If I opened the tourney once I have the groupings done, meaning between 11pm and 1am PDT on Friday, would that help you Euro players out more? Would that encourage more Euro players to join? One of my reasons for only having the 12 hour window was to discourage anyone from being tempted to grind a table and only 'report' they had played twice. So far our players have been more than forthright with when and how they are playing, which leads me to believe I could maybe relax on that. The other reason though was that I'll be sleeping for those first 8 hours of play, and therefore can't answer any issues that might crop up. Would like to check the temp of how people feel about this.

3. I sent a lot of messages reminding people to sign-up, to post scores, etc. I hope I am not being a nuisance or harassing anyone. Have I found the right level, do I need to back off some, what? I'm encouraged by the turnout this time, but I don't want to be a pest.

I appreciate any and all thoughts, though I may not use them! I want you guys to look forward to the next tournament, not feel like it's a drag. Now that you have a taste for where Season Points can lead you, I think things are a little more interesting. But then that's just me :D


New member
Apr 18, 2012
1. two plays is fine. most of us aren't wiz's so having a game to warm up is good.
2. why not have a 12 hour window for those in Europe?
3. You're fine.

Thanks for running things, it certainly adds a little something different to the game. Too bad we can't play multiplayer and do it like a real tourney, but maybe someday, eh?

Also: did I miss who won the TAF giveaway?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I just posted who won in the original post, but for those that don't want to look...

Crepello55012 won!


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Thanks S-Y-T. It was a lot of fun and looking forward to next month's tourney. Did better than expected.

I think the rules are fine and happy to plunge extra balls even if it was only two. I agree I think we need give all in the world ample time to complete the tournament.

Luck, Laughter and Thanks Again SYT


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
1/ The 2 play only limit seems to be the right choice IMHO. Especially for average players like me.
2/ I think it could help a bit euro players indeed but I also consider it could be seen as double standards.
3/ To me, you've found the perfect level.

I regret not having participated in the first tournament.
And I know that from now on I will focus much more on the Table Of the Week thread.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Yes, keeping everything to one thread helped a lot, and you're fine on the nag level.

2 plays is good, but how about this? 8 credits total to spend on the four tables allocated however you like. So if you get one killer game on a table, you can just go with that and get an extra shot at one that might have unfairly kicked your ass. This would actually shorten the average time investment, since more likely you'd play one game of a longer table and an extra on a shorter one.

For Euro players, how about a separate 12 hour window using a different keyword for verification. Players should ask for the Euro or NA window ahead of time.


New member
May 4, 2012
I am happy with how things are :). I favor no changes at this point (and I am picky about such things... this is really a terrific tournament now!), except adding hours, if that helps non-Americans. (There is exceptional international representation in this tournament. For fun, list all the countries who have players... it's a long list!)

I love v.e.'s suggestion of 8 credits total.

I volunteer to answer questions during any extra time that may be added.

You asked for algorithm people... I volunteer to check the results if that would be helpful. I don't know what else I could do to help.

I would love to have everyone's scores posted ASAP. I volunteer to post scores if I have access :).

I wish it wasn't 4 weeks until the next one. But that's just me... one a month is probably ideal. But I am considering asking for interest in a "league" that runs two weeks before/after your tourney. Which would be run pretty much the same except 24hr window.

P.S. Your efforts here and with the table-of-the-month club have really revitalized this game and are very greatly appreciated!
Last edited:


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I'm still surprised by the honesty. It means people take it seriously, which is great.

Invitro, I'm one of those that wouldn't like the ability to see scores as they are being posted. That's not to say that people can't get in the chat and talk about their scores. That was half the fun for me. It was a nice turn out.

I'm all about the 8 credits idea! but I could still take it or leave it. Might change things a little bit too much. Yeah, it could limit your overall time playing, but it could go the other way too. For example, My first BH was good enough for me. Which is kind of ironic because I've seen a lot of people getting more than 3mil. So I would've just kept that. Used my other credit for BH on NGG later on. I guarantee the 3rd time on that would've been way better. You could argue that that's a little unfair.

I say keep it how it is. That seems to be the word on the street. Also I'm afraid of change


New member
Jan 21, 2015
Wow I actually won something at pinball! Thanks very much [MENTION=134]shutyertrap[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3761]JoCool[/MENTION] .I really appreciate it.
I think the tournaments are going great. Loads of people interested and enthusiastic. The timing for us in Europe is pretty good. It starts at 6pm on a Saturday evening, nothing wrong with that. It's going so well that I think you should leave it as it is at least for another two months, then maybe have a look and see if anything needs tinkering with. Just if you change too much straight away you don't really give it a chance to work.
Keep up the good work.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Here's another idea... The lowest 10 players in the overall ranking get 1 extra ball. Chose wisely which table, and when. It won't make or break the integrity of the whole competition. The lowest 10 players could use a bit of a jumpstart. Just a tiny tiny bit!


New member
Feb 19, 2015
I would prefer if the timespan was increased a little maybe perhaps starting 3 hours earlier. It would mean that european players can play in the late afternoon, which personally would be helpfull for me. I am not certain I can spend saturday evening playing pinball every month, although I don't mind. :). Otherwise I think the format is great as is.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I don't post scores as they come in for numerous logistical reasons, but also because I think it puts everyone on equal footing. My ideal? To have each group play at the same time, taking turns per ball. Lowest rank goes first, highest last. Obviously 4th player has advantage of knowing scores he has to beat, but that also adds to the pressure. 1st and 2nd player usually knuckle up for the 2nd ball, and really put in an all out effort. It's quite fun to be a part of. Unfortunately with this thing, that would mean coordinating times within each group, and dragging out how long it takes.

Seeing as how I do post the groups the night before, if anyone wanted to be so bold as to organize their foursome and do just that, I think they'd have a blast. If FS ever gave us proper 4 player online play, it'd be over the top fun.

As for the hours of play, I could fairly easily flip the switch as soon as I wake up on a Saturday morning, so say 8am. That'd give another 2 hours to the Euros, and wouldn't really mess with anything. Regarding the 8 credit play...hmmmmm. Not a fan of maybe giving someone the chance to play one table 5 times and the rest once. If it dropped to 6 credits though, you'd have to choose very wisely as to which 2 tables get the extra play, or 1 that gets a 3rd.

I won't change the play amount this next time. Maybe not for the whole first season. By July we'll have a pretty good picture of what's what. I'm still toying with what to do for the Super Tournament that may or may not happen right after the April 25th TotM. Let me drop this idea and see if it floats. We set up a bracket tourney, seeding and all. You know, just like the NCAA basketball tourny going on now. You play one round, each day. Maybe for the finals, we do arrange times for the people to play virtually ball for ball, and scores could be posted for each ball played. Tables would be selected from past TotW, but would not be revealed until day of. Might be fun. The other option I have at the moment is to just have it be the same we we play TotM, but with say all 12 tables. Maybe make it one ball, one credit. I just want it to be something special that only happens every few months. Trying to figure out what that 'special' is.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Widening the window makes sense - Good to be as inclusive as possible.

I'll be back next month....Might even practice on the tables each week this time ;)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
A few more notes...

Avatars have been sent to the winners.

A breakdown of how many played on what format is listed in the first posting (which I keep editing and adding to, as it is essentially your one stop post of info for everything that happened this go around rather than searching through posts).
[MENTION=2707]Xanija[/MENTION] is looking into helping me with some spread sheet action that might make my life easier. I can't tell you how much I appreciate people stepping up like that. I gave him a full run down of what is involved, and I think it caught him off guard!

I'd like to have more giveaways like last time. Maybe you have an extra code to a game you got off Humble Bundle that you don't need, or an extra Steam Key for something. You could give Steam trading cards you have collected up. Get the idea? I'm gonna try and work on some stuff on my end too.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
I would prefer if the timespan was increased a little maybe perhaps starting 3 hours earlier. It would mean that european players can play in the late afternoon, which personally would be helpfull for me. I am not certain I can spend saturday evening playing pinball every month, although I don't mind. :). Otherwise I think the format is great as is.

+1 for a 15 hour Windows starting 3 hours earlyer. Everything else was perfect! :)

Starting 3 hours earlier would be great for us.


New member
Mar 28, 2015
I'd rather not bring it down to 1. I feel it would quickly put people off if they rank low just because they got unlucky. On top of that, it might encourage cheating as people would go "screw that! I'm not posting a score that low just because the slingshots screwed me over!". When you already give people a econd chance, they're less likely to feel cheated if they blow it. If anything, I'd be in favour of giving people three tries. At that point if they still get a bad score, the player might want to consider that maybe they're not just being unlucky. :p

I had no problem with the time as it starts at 18:00 here and ends at 6:00, so playing in the evening is convenient. That said, I could see other people being willing to start earlier.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
[MENTION=2707]Xanija[/MENTION] is looking into helping me with some spread sheet action that might make my life easier. I can't tell you how much I appreciate people stepping up like that. I gave him a full run down of what is involved, and I think it caught him off guard!

Well, I was quite surprised about the amount of work you put into the tournament and I don't think anyone can imagine how much effort you put into that. For everyone who thinks he has an idea: just multiply it by 3, then you might come close.

I'm glad if I'm able to make the tournament a bit less stressful than it must be for you right now. I've sent a first draft of what I think the route will be. And a ton of mails too - sorry in advance for mailbombing ;-)

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