Master List of Issues: Pinball FX


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
there's also an intermittent problem of the game resetting either all my keyboard remappings EXCEPT Ball Launch to default after setting them and restarting the game, or resetting JUST Ball Launch to default after restarting; this seems to happen until I've verified my new custom key settings are there and closed and restarted the program, perhaps several times in total.
I made the mistake of changing my key settings and now I can't get them to stick if I include a custom Ball Launch key, ugh.

PC version

I'm trying to set

Left Flipper: D
Right Flipper: K
Ball Launch: N
Use Power: Q
Nudge to the Left: F
Nudge to the Right: J
Nudge Forward: Space Bar
Change Camera: C
Toggle Visual Mode: T
Backglass View: U

but find at least some of them reset to default after restarting the game: either all non-Ball-Launch keys, or the Ball Launch key get reset.

1) Set custom keyboard control keys for custom flipper, L/R nudge, Use Power, Ball Launch, Toggle Visual Mode, and Backglass View settings
2) Quit game
3) Restart game and check keyboard control settings
== Everything except Ball Launch has reset to default values
4) Set controls to the previously entered custom values
5) Quit game
6) Restart game and check keyboard control settings
== Ball launch has reset to the default value
7) Set Ball Launch to the previously entered custom value
8) Quit game
9) Restart game and check keyboard control settings
== Everything except Ball Launch has reset to default values

(Steps 4-9 then loop; can't figure out how I got both non-Ball-Launch and Ball Launch custom keyboard control settings to save together once before, ack!)

Can seem to set up to 7 keys without issue. Setting 8 or more keys seems to trigger some keys resetting to default on restart.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
PC version

Can't skip Twilight Zone's game over match sequence by hitting Enter / Ball Launch, even with the "Williams Pinball Attract Mode" setting set to ON.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
PC version

"Borderless Window" has a title bar if switch to it from Windowed screen type:

1) Switch the game to Windowed screen type
2) Switch the game to Borderless Window screen type
== The game window fills the screen, but has a title bar with minimize/maximize/close buttons:


The title bar is only eliminated if you then switch to Fullscreen and back to Borderless Window again.

Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
I had issues when jumping around between full screen, borderless widow, and windowed mode that I could track before with the Nvidia performance overlay app. The settings did not fully take and there was no option to "confirm" my selection, and I would have to use the ALT+TAB key to get things sorted out properly or go to my desktop with Windows Key + D and then return to the game again. This was also occurring when changing resolutions and maximum frames most of the time.

I don't recall experiencing this after the last 1.07 patch.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Thanks for the suggestions. : ) Setting Vsync or limiting FPS to 60 through the Nvidia Control Panel, or with RTSS, still add significant input delay in PBFX--possibly slightly less than the in-game setting, but still pretty bad.
I dunno if I was still suffering pre-1.07 flashbacks or something, but I re-tested input delay on my setup just now, in PBFX PC v1.07, and found significantly improved performance. In my pre-1.07 test a month ago, I counted 6-7 frames of delay with Vsync OFF and Unlimited fps (vs 4 frames of delay in the PS4 version at that same time); now in 1.07, for the PC version I get

Vsync ON, 60 fps: 3-4 frames
Vsync ON, Unlimited fps: 5-6 frames
Vsync OFF, Unlimited fps: 2 frames

Not too shabby! = oo ^ D^



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Patch notes for the Christmas release:



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Patch notes for the non-System Shock release. They got busy!

EDIT: Bonus ducks on Pinball M:

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
- If you pull the plunger all the way and hold it, just as a new ball comes up, the game makes a short, loud grinding sound

Great news, I found the source. It happens on a select few tables, and it has to do with how manual plunger logic is handled. It depends on the table too -- some disable plunger functionality when the ball is away from the plunger switch, and I don't understand why it's affected on some tables like Hurricane and White Water, but not necessarily Space Station or RoadShow.

Based on my findings, it's like that on World Cup Soccer as well. Some tables can have the logic as above but not be noisy.

Oct 15, 2013
The big May 16th update and overhaul has come and gone. Lots of bug fixes for the Williams tables which is nice. To me the new Pinhall is just a reskin of the old one. The backgrounds on the tables are still the same. The music has more layers but still kind of the same as well. The UI tweaks are nice but overall the text is still too small in general. The profile leveling system is back which is nice. The one bug they have not fixed that they said they did was the automatic granting of all season event rewards. Happened to me again with the new Sci-Fi season, lame.

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