Bug Menue error on PS4 Pro



Hello from Germany,
yesterday I got my european PS4 Pro. Half year ago I sold my old PS4.
Now I downloaded everything again, but TPA has a bad error.
Until now I've bought season 1-4

Entering season 1 or 2 in section <old seasons> shows only one table and the background is black.
If I scroll up or down the program hangs and I have to press the PS4 button to leave to the menue.
Entering season 3 or 4 in section <old seasons> gives me the message "all tables bought" that's correct.
The sections <my tables> and <season 5> work normal.

How can I fix that ?


Nov 11, 2012
Entering season 1 or 2 in section <old seasons> shows only one table and the background is black.

How can I fix that ?

I had the same problem on my Canadian PS4 "phat" with the seasons I didn't own. Try to re-download the season pass. My problem was that I couldn't find it easily, but using Search in the PSN store worked. I searched for 'Season Two' and it was listed under a completely different title, but it was actually the TPA DLC once you 'click' on it. Once I owned all seasons, everything worked fine. (Note that PS3 is still my main gaming rig).


How to re-download a season pass ?
If I enter the single seasons in the store then appears "bought" and that's it.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
How to re-download a season pass ?
If I enter the single seasons in the store then appears "bought" and that's it.

When you launch the PS4, and hover over the TPA App Icon, you should be able to move down to the Store or Addons tab. Select that and it should display a button for the Add-ons you have purchased. Enter that and each DLC or License can be downloaded if it's missing.


Thanks, FlippyFloppy, but no change.
It's not so bad because all my bought tables are avaiable in the <my tables> section.
But there must be something wrong with the licenses what you see in the PSN store, I bought seasons 1-4.
How you can see I bought (german: erworben) the discounted season 1 pro,
but I can still spend money on the discounted season 1 without pro (15€), on the normal season 1 (30€) and on the normal season 1 pro (40).
Normaly the others shouldn't be avaiable.

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If I enter in this <old seasons> section season 3 or 4 I get the <all tables bought> message.
But if I enter season 1 or 2 which I bought complete by season pass I get this :


It shows 1 table with black background instead of the <all tables bought> message.
Here I can only go back by pressing O.
If I scroll up or down the program hangs and I have to shut it down.
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FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Thanks, FlippyFloppy, but no change.
It's not so bad because all my bought tables are avaiable in the <my tables> section.
But there must be something wrong with the licenses what you see in the PSN store, I bought seasons 1-4.
How you can see I bought (german: erworben) the discounted season 1 pro,
but I can still spend money on the discounted season 1 without pro (15€), on the normal season 1 (30€) and on the normal season 1 pro (40).
Normaly the others shouldn't be avaiable.


This is most likely a PlayStation Store issue since we don't control how it is displayed on the PlayStation Store.

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