Minor ROM changes you'd make to tables


New member
Jan 19, 2016
First off, no, this is not a request thread. This is just seeking people's opinions on what changes they'd make to a game's ROM coding, if they had the power and means to do so. And yes, I'm aware none of these will ever actually make it into Farsight's re-creations, due to all sorts of legal issues. If the mods feel this thread is better served in the Real Pinball forum, please move it.

I got the idea from the BlahCade #85 thread--apparently, they're going to discuss this very thing on the next episode.

Let's lay down some rules first.

Most importantly, you are not allowed to change anything about a game's physical playfield. No moving the bumpers, no re-labeling the playfield indicators and lights, nothing. This is about what you'd do to a game's ROM and rules--think the Data East Star Wars update that greatly improved the game, or the Last Action Hero and Tommy updates from the same coder. (He really likes fixing Data East games, doesn't he?) Or, of course, Cactus Canyon Continued.

Second, nothing that gets in the way of licensing. For instance, Simpsons Pinball Party, as great as that game is, only had three voice actors from the show (Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, and Hank Azaria) brought in to do voice-overs of their characters for the game. You cannot add more that weren't paid to do work for it, like Harry Shearer (voice of Mr. Burns, among others). Same for William Shatner and Rescue 911. You ARE, however, allowed to restore dummied-out content that is still in the ROM, but made inaccessible, like with Cactus Canyon Continued's Super Skill Shot.

Here's some of my ideas.

Indy 500: 3x Playfield SHOULD NOT apply to Victory Laps. Also, make Super Light-Ups do SOMETHING--seriously, the "mode" does absolutely nothing. Obviously it'll need to do with those light-up targets that for some reason only appear on this machine.

Addams Family: Add an operator option to TURN OFF THAT DAMN POWER MAGNET. Seriously, NOBODY in tournaments plays with that on. Whenever The Power is active, it's always an eight-second wait with the ball trapped on a flipper, waiting for it to deactivate so you have a reasonable chance of making the shot you need. Thankfully Pat Lawlor learned his lesson and used magnets to FAR better effect in Twilight Zone--and, of course, there's that lightning ball in the TPA ball packs, which ignores magnets on TAF only, but we're talking physical machines here.

Big Hurt: This game has one hell of an exploit: Apparently, it's possible to just shoot the left orbit over and over and over for billions of points. Because I can't change the playfield, I would make it so shooting the left orbit enough instead starts a difficult mode of some kind that, if completed, scores you 100 million, and shooting it enough a second time starts an even HARDER mode for a billion. Feel free to chime in as to what this mode would be, if you like the idea--I personally found Big Hurt a very pleasant surprise in a season full of Gottliebs, but that one exploit is a real thorn in its side.

Last Action Hero: Put in the same magnet-disabling option I'd give Addams Family.

Judge Dredd: Make it a LOT harder to get extra balls. It's way too easy normally.

Got any ideas of your own?
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Jan 30, 2013
One thing that I think would have been cool on Victory was to add a timer function, like in real racing and racing games, for the checkpoint times and ultimately lap times. Then there could also maybe be a best lap time high score list.
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New member
May 1, 2016
Champion Pub-Fixing the Ultimate Challenge Knockout Bug
Safe Cracker-Instead of completing the bank on the left to lite new entries, you have to simply lock a ball.
Cirqus Voltaire-Besides the other fixes in the home rom, I would change up the juggler ball lock: first two balls lock normally, then the third stays on the magnet until the balls are released.
Theatre of Magic-Have a better reward for completing Grand Finale-maybe a super multiball or something. Also needs a multiball restart where you have to vanish the ball to restart multiball.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Tthe reason the power gets turned off for tournaments is because if it's not people will just trap the balls in multiball to turn it off, using up time.

Until people started doing that in tournaments, standard procedure was to leave it on.

I could have sworn there was an adjustment for it, but i guess people just disconnect it.

I would make it so that when you released the flipper, it turned it back ON!
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New member
Jan 19, 2016
Tthe reason the power gets turned off for tournaments is because if it's not people will just trap the balls in multiball to turn it off, using up time.

Until people started doing that in tournaments, standard procedure was to leave it on.

I could have sworn there was an adjustment for it, but i guess people just disconnect it.

I would make it so that when you released the flipper, it turned it back ON!

So they DO physically disconnect the magnet for tourneys? Huh, good to know.
I didn't know that was possible--I thought it created other problems regarding electrical power.
But I put that in the OP because I couldn't find an option to do that in the menu of this or any other TAF ROM--even the Gold one. Maybe I missed something.


New member
May 10, 2013
The only table specific I have in mind right now is No Good Gofers, on which there are two items that I believe are worth addressing:

(1) The "Free Lock" gofer wheel award needs to be recognized. I've scored many a free lock on this table before starting the main multiball mode (shoot ramp X times, hit the gofer, lock ball), but have only had two-ball rounds instead of the normal three.

(2) Disable the permanently lit right outlane reward for completing the Hole in One Challenge. Earning extra balls by this method just artificially lengthens the game.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
You don't need a ROM change for #2. It's a Special, not an EB, so you just need to change the option for what a special awards. Already possible in Pro Mode.


New member
May 10, 2013
Just thought of a couple fixed I would like to see for Cue Ball Wizard, a table that I actually enjoy rather much.

First and foremost, some timing adjustments for the Combo Shots round. The three shots' values drop from 10M, 20M, and 40M; these values immediately shrink upon either starting the mode or making a target shot, so getting the full value impossible without already being in multiball mode. A five-second freeze at each shot's top value would be sufficient.

While on the subject of timer freezes, add a brief grace period to both the Horseshoe Extra Ball and Rowdy Ramp rounds once the timer zeroes out--if only to avert the frustration of "but I made that shot before the clock hit zero!"

Lastly, CBW's video modes. Get rid of 'em. Finding an Elvis impersonator has nothing to do with billiards, and catching pool balls is way too difficult to do with having only one or two seconds to react.

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