Missing some Season 1&2 Pro menus?


New member
Oct 17, 2016
Sorry if this is cutting it fine, and long winded...

I was browsing the store at the weekend just to make sure I have everything before the Williams & Bally purge happens and noticed some tables from S1 & S2 have PRO menu's that I'm missing.

From memory and as an example, there is a Going Nuts & Fire Power PRO menu unlock which you can buy. In store it says I own this unlock, I do have Going Nuts Pro but lack Fire Power pro menu?
I bought all the PRO stuff around the time the Slim came out as I jumped from XBOX360 to PS4. I recall back then some early tables didn't have PRO menu's, but in store many now have. Checking all these unlock Pro menu downloads it just says I own every single one but I lack the PRO menu's for a number of tables???

Here is a list of early tables that lack Pro Menu's but some I can see actually do have them looking online.

Big Shot,
Black Hole
Bride of Pinbot
Central Park
Cirqus Voltaire
Eldorado - CofG
Elvira Party Monsters
Fun House
Harley Davidson
Haunted House
Monster Bash
No good Goffers
Ripleys Believe it or Not
Space Shuttle
Theatre of Magic

It's like I have half of Season 1 & 2 Pro and half I don't. Online it shows some now do have Pro menu's but it also says I have purchased them... Odd? Maybe some have yet to be added to TPA?

No problem if I can't have them. Until yesterday I didn't know any better and thought nothing of it.


New member
Oct 17, 2016
Yeah I used to think the same...

Hopefully you can see but here are a couple of examples,
Tee'd Off Pro which 'I do have' comes with Haunted House Pro which 'I lack'.
Like wise Cue Ball Wizard Pro shows it comes with Eldorado City of Gold.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong??

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New member
Dec 25, 2012
Yeah I used to think the same...

Hopefully you can see but here are a couple of examples,
Tee'd Off Pro which 'I do have' comes with Haunted House Pro which 'I lack'.
Like wise Cue Ball Wizard Pro shows it comes with Eldorado City of Gold.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong??

Yep, you're reading it wrong. Only one table in each of those packs has the Pro mode, the other one doesn't and it should be noted in the description of said pack. I know it was in the US store.


New member
Oct 17, 2016
Cool. I'll double check the text once again on the UK side but I'll take your word for it as that's 3 of us that don't have said tables with Pro menu's. Thanks.


New member
Oct 17, 2016
I double checked and everything is as it should be.

The whole lot is being taken down in two days time but just to round up the misunderstanding...
The way they were being sold was a bit misleading. An item might be called "Tee'd Off & Haunted House Pro Upgrade", then you have the icon showing both which are also called Pro Upgrade. And when you read the item text it only lists 'one' table..., no mention of the other table at all.

Done and dusted any way!

Thanks again.
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