Mobile tournament starting May 1


New member
Mar 5, 2014
I had to look it up now :)
Completing any of the 3 three-light sequences lights the red boxing glove target next to gift of gab for a 100k shot. Completing many sequences will "stack" it so the boxing glove can be hit many times (for 100k each). Each hit on the lit boxing glove increases the Big score (outlane drain) by 100k. It says the max value is 1M, but I'm 99% sure I got at least 2M. I remember thinking that's more than the jackpot value even after 50 spins in that mixmaster bowl.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Aha maybe it was x2 playfield after multiball. I think I got double jackpots at some point also. Probably from starting multiball again on the same ball then. It would be cool if you could get x4 and x8 from starting multiball more times on the same ball!
If dr Dude is the next table of the week I know the rules now! I think...


New member
Apr 24, 2013
Gus. Are you telling me you scored 72 freakin million in 20 minutes on Dr dude and didn't even know the rules.? That is pretty amazing man. Hats off to you.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Well, I know how to light multiball and where the jackpot is. I don't know details, like what the side targets and reflex do. DMDs usually do a pretty good job of explaining as the game goes on. If it's flashing and someone is shouting for a shot I'll shoot for that :)


New member
Mar 14, 2013
My new strategy for dr dude is to keep going for bag of tricks right away, and if I don't get what I want, keep starting over. Cause I just got increase dude ometer to super dude. We'll see how this goes. I'm in for a long morning

Nvm, it always gives gift of gab first. Well then how the heck did I just get it at the start of a game that last time? Must get to the bottom of this

Unless I shouldn't be closing out, just let the ball drain so it won't be first. Ug, this is going to be an even longer morning. At least I'm starting to like Dr Doom

My life was dull my life was drab til I acquired the gift of... Drain.

*edit #4 - scratch all of that. It still just gives gift of gab first. I have no idea how I got that award
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Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Well, I know how to light multiball and where the jackpot is. I don't know details, like what the side targets and reflex do. DMDs usually do a pretty good job of explaining as the game goes on. If it's flashing and someone is shouting for a shot I'll shoot for that :)

and how many times you have to shoot mixer to score jackpot? Because, it is REALLY frustrating how dead mixer is on TPA comparing to real deal. IRL you can score jackpot quite easily with first shot but in TPA that happened only once to me. Usually I need at least THREE shots to score jackpot, sometimes even that is not enough. Ball just pass through like there's no spinning plate under it. Even nudging doesn't help much in most cases.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Yeah it takes a bunch of shots, especially when you need 40+ spins.

I'm in awe of the 3M Genie score. I played a couple of more games on that but can only score about 2.2M in 20 minutes, and I thought my games were pretty tight to do that. I need a miracle to get 3M, or there is a trick to increase the bonus faster.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
If I don't get the 3mil, I don't get any Christmas presents. Also I'll be shunned by my cominity. For using technology. And such


New member
Apr 24, 2013
Yeah 3 mil on Genie in 20 minutes is nuts. I ran out of time on my 1.9 mil game. Also ran out if time on Cylclone for 18 mil. Never would of thought you could run out of time on those 2 tables. Again work is interfering with quality playing time. Looks like I'm destined to stay in 4th place.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
I should have one hour later tonight, 3 more tries for the Genie 3M most likely. Extork spill the beans if you get it! ;)


New member
Apr 24, 2013
Think you have it locked up anyway Gus but good luck on the hunt for 3 mil. Cheers everyone. Good tourney.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Good thing I didn't bet my paycheck on it :/

No Xmas presents for this guy...
Oh crap, there is still time. To fight through it or not? That is the question


New member
Mar 14, 2013
It's just that I ran out of energy, aka beer and cigarettes. What I really need is more health. Gotta go lookin for those har-hearts. Do we get a second chance potion? Dang, cause I really wanted to take down this b**** (Genue). Just can't rub her the wrong way. Maybe I have are have been concenmatrating too much on the Jenie. She are have taken my health. She has dragged me down to the netherworld with her wicked ways. Genie, give me teh Magic potion. I are have would've said if she was a real person. Dang this tourne. I got dunk. Same thing happened with totm. I'll slog through it I think. Said the wise man


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Genie didn't appreciamitate me anyways. I paid Thi bills and she went shopping. It's been a sloppy divorce. She took all my belongingings. Even the cat I sleep on. She didn't have deservede me anyways. I've got a lot o offer like my knowledge of playing other pinball tables. She didn't like that. She took the kids

And she won't stop using bleep words to me. It's not my fault I didnt requiceve a bonus check. She still keeps triyng to spend my money even tho we arnt together anymore.

Our kids are butt-ugly. We keep them in the basement so people don't have to see them
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New member
Apr 24, 2013
Well looks like this ones over. Congrats Again Gus. 2 in a row for you I think. Nice to see Crusty back in the mix.

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