Mode landscape in iOS version


New member
Aug 10, 2012
In iOS versión, is not posible to play with the screen in lanscape mode?
Only can play in portrait mode, with very High views and has none with low perspective (as zen pinball)


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Nope, it's not possible. Hell, it's not even possible to rotate the app 180 degrees so the Home button is on top along with the speakers. I play on an iPad mini 4 and the way I have to hold it, the speakers fire directly into my lap, muffling the sound. I've never seen an app that runs only in portrait mode that won't let you rotate the iPad top to bottom...until Williams Pinball.
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New member
Aug 10, 2012
Well, the truth is that I do not like the cameras offered by the game. for me there is a lot of the game left. I like much more the cameras that pimball arcade offered.
I hope you solve it


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Really needs landscape play. I gave up on nudging early on as it is just too difficult on an iPad in portrait mode.
They have a bunch of camera views, but they are all very similar. Definitely need some lower views. The Zen designers must be really tall. ;)

FarSight got a lot of crap from people about their TPA app, but they got a lot of things right. Zen could even see what they did, but still missed the mark in many areas imo. Zen nailed the sound and lighting. I don’t think you can do it any better on a mobile platform with current technology. But I’d currently rather play TPA. I’ll watch for Zen updates and see if they can change my mind. I hope they do. I want the Williams app to be everything it has the potential to be.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
I gave up on nudging early on as it is just too difficult on an iPad in portrait mode.
Agreed. The nudge zone is so high on an iPad that it makes nudging impossible. How about putting it in-between the flippers, at least on that same horizontal plane? There's no way in hell I can reach way up there with my thumbs...not even on an iPad mini 4. It's likely doable as it is on an iPhone. Or make the tap zones configurable. I brought this up numerous times in the beta but see where that went...:(

FarSight got a lot of crap from people about their TPA app, but they got a lot of things right. Zen could even see what they did, but still missed the mark in many areas imo. Zen nailed the sound and lighting. I don’t think you can do it any better on a mobile platform with current technology. But I’d currently rather play TPA.
Lighting, sound and especially the physics on Zen are top-notch. Going back to playing the tables in TPA, the ball just feels wrong...way too floaty.
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New member
Jan 14, 2016
This definitely came up during the iOS beta, lots of folks prefer landscape for tablet play. The main Zen Pinball iOS app allows landscape for all tables, it's way easier to aim and do death saves in landscape view, and to do the swipe nudging as mentioned above.

For some reason with Williams Pinball, there was a technical reason that it needed to be put on the backlog. Realistically I would bet most players are on phones, so portrait makes sense for initial release. I do feel pretty confident they will release landscape mode eventually since it's supported on all their other pinball games.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I'll +1 this for Android as well, [MENTION=7438]McLovin[/MENTION]. Landscape mode would make more sense for large format Android devices, including Chromebooks.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
The other thing you could do for nudging is have two input detection types in the flip zone.

If tapping (with a tolerance for micro-swipes) you're flipping.

If you make a swiping motion in any of the flip zones, you're tilting in the direction your thumb is swiping.

That way you could trap on one flipper and nudge on the other to better control balls in multiball.

I know Android has a library that can detect intent between tapping and scrolling, and I'm sure iOS does as well.


New member
Aug 13, 2018
The other thing you could do for nudging is have two input detection types in the flip zone.

If tapping (with a tolerance for micro-swipes) you're flipping.

If you make a swiping motion in any of the flip zones, you're tilting in the direction your thumb is swiping.

That way you could trap on one flipper and nudge on the other to better control balls in multiball.

I know Android has a library that can detect intent between tapping and scrolling, and I'm sure iOS does as well.

Hm, interesting method you're proposing. Putting up the request board for investigation.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
What I'd like is nudging that is like it would be in real life. On a real table, you either nudge directly up, or nudge/jostle at the corners of the table. You don't reach up from the flippers and push the table from the side, which is how it's done in TPA, FX3, Williams Pinball, Zaccaria, and so on. Make nudging like that.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
yeah, nudging is pretty stupid. in real life, vertical nudge (towards the backglass) affects the whole table, while horizontal (left/right) has much more effect at the bottom.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I’d be happy with just left & right touch nudge zones inside of the flip zones. I can’t reach the top half of the screen comfortably while holding my iPad in portrait mode. Or just give me landscape view. Either solves the problem for me.
I’m not in favor of swipe nudging. Just not consistent enough for me. Often doesn’t register for me unless you swipe just right.

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