Modern pinball tables and VR Support are coming!

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
Zsolt said:
Hello pinball fans!

We are going to support HTC Vive VR function by upcoming update. This new function will be available to everybody for FREE!

Also new pinball tables are coming to Zaccaria Pinball!

Based on our plan and cooperation with Zaccaria community we produce modern pinball tables from the current Zaccaria tables. You can vote which table would be the next one. Also we are waiting for your ideas what unique feature should be implemented by the new modern tables.

Here are some pictures about modern version of Shooting the Rapids table based on our plan. Also modern tables will be coming with new graphics features!





Staff member
May 8, 2012
Awesome news!

Will the new tables be released across all platforms that Zaccaria is currently available on?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Shooting The Rapids is one of my favorite Zacc pins from the iOS app. Hope this new version comes to the mobiles as well. Would love to buy and play it.

Ben Logan

New member
Jun 2, 2015
While everyone loves Magic Pixel (for great reason), the single biggest complaint I hear about otherwise lovely Zacc tables is their dreaded slings! I don't even think it's Magic Pixel's fault: It's the original Zacc designer's horrible sling size and placement (which Magic Pixel seems to have accurately modeled).

Huge request: Since we're talking modern Zacc fantasy tables based on the classics, could the sling placement and size be remodeled drastically to resemble something closer to Williams System 11 games? That would be a dream!


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Nice! It's really amazing how quickly you get things done at such a high level of quality!

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Hi everyone,

Once approved, it looks like the VR add-on will be activated via a paid DLC. I know that the original announcement stated it would be free however it looks like the higher ups decided otherwise.

From the steam forums, message from Zsolt:
"That DLC is under review since last Thursday. Hopefully it will be passed very soon. Oh and a bad news for you, guys. The management has changed their mind and VR DLC will be a paid DLC."

I'm not upset at this at all. I realize it's extra work and IMHO I believe they've provided plenty of value for their product as is. It's possible this could be a free upgrade for the owners of gold membership DLC, no idea but at any rate, still looking forward to this and hope it's activated soon!
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New member
Jan 20, 2015
Is it only going to be Vive support? I see nothing about oculus why the hell would they not use openvr, please don't tell me I'm stuck waiting for tpa for some more VR pinball action, I'm sick to death of the 8 zen VR tables, and future pinball with openvr is awesome but the physics blow. Please don't leave out us oculus owners...

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Its interesting there any vive exclusive titles? everything on steam that works on vive works on occulus..the only issue i've seen is if the game is designed for room scale and motion controls which you'll be able to add in dec via the touch update.

unless its a side effect of the "FooK Palmer Lucky and Oculus" till they fire him movement for funding a racist hate group.....but even then ive not heard of anyone stopping their games from working on oculus just dropping support for home.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
My only real beef with Zaccaria so far is their tables seem to play way too fast, causing a wonky frame-rate. (I'm looking at you, Pinball Champ twins!) Nevertheless, it's a great simulation and the upcoming modern tables sound like a great virtual pinball treat.

Zaccaria has really started to grow on me since coming to Steam. I've bought the gold membership, and will gladly buy the new tables. IMO, their worst tables are still better than TPA's next table.

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
It's Vive for now but I think it's because they've said they've added motion controller support, which Oculus' touch controllers aren't out so... I guess we will see when it's released.

Ben Logan

New member
Jun 2, 2015
My only real beef with Zaccaria so far is their tables seem to play way too fast, causing a wonky frame-rate. (I'm looking at you, Pinball Champ twins!) Nevertheless, it's a great simulation and the upcoming modern tables sound like a great virtual pinball treat

I agree -- about the Steam version. IOS seems smoother and more comfortable. Even when I dial down flipper strength on Steam, the ball rockets off the flippers and rubbers. I love the app on both platforms, but hope to see physics on Steam improved.