More tidbits about Sony...etc...


Sep 12, 2012
I don't recall if I have said this before, but Sony has the tech already to insert trophies into any games without altering the original programming. Of course this article got pulled fast. Also 3.5 gigs or ram being taken up by the OS isn't too cool either. Yeah they lowered the price of the Vita, but until the sticks are reasonable it's gonna always be on the back-burner. The people that whined about b/c should just keep their consoles. I mean you might as well drop 'em and grab your ankles. There needs to be something done about equality beyween digital and physical copies of games. You could have thousands invested, but you won't receive a dime.
M$ insisting on that stupid Kinect thing is absurd, but at least they are using cloud technology too offload computations. In closing I will most likely skip this generation. Wake me up when they can run games in 4k with all settings and a solid frame rate. To make it clear M$ really screwed up also, but their launch line-up is superior and I am a Sony fan.


Apr 12, 2012
4K isn't going to happen for at least a decade. Sure, you can buy a 4K TV right now - there were some $900 50" TVs this week - but they won't be a "thing" for a long time.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I could care less about dumb-ass trophies, and I don't think 4k is going to be the next big thing.

couldn't! This drives Brakel nuts. ;)

I don't think we urgently need 4k gaming now. Full HD doesn't look too bad. ;)
Besides, 4k is not possible for 399 dollar and think about the power consumption of multiple GPUs and the cooling system, etc.
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