Motion capture video of pinball


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Apologies for the bump, guys... but I just came across this thread, I think it's fascinating :)
I don't think that video should be used for physics of course but, as much as I love TPA, there's something off with the way the ball comes off the flippers. It also doesn't lose upward and gain downward momentum enough, so the forces of positive and negative acceleration (non lateral). A ball travelling laterally will accelerate downward much quicker IRL than in TPA. Also, the ball comes off the flippers with a lot more SNAP.

This is something that seems to affect all pinball simulations. I've yet to really see this modelled exactly, I'm just using TPA as the example as it's my primary pin sim. This also isn't a game destroying flaw as most of the tables seem to play very well despite this.
I think there's the acceleration/deceleration/momentum thing (the speed in TPA is definitely off across the board compared to IRL, but I can't explain how), but there's also spin. I've been playing a lot more pinball IRL lately, and observing an imperfect ball I can literally see it spinning when it's moving slow enough. It clicked when I noticed a ball going SDTM, and if you do a nudge to save it followed by one flipper then another, then the rubber will just deflect the ball slightly onto the other one. But if there's spin, there'll be a greater change in direction when it hits the first flipper.

Point being, I think spin not being applied when the ball comes off the flipper is another factor that could help the tables feel more "real". It's another factor in the calculations equation that's probably enough to make several FS employee's heads explode, but I'm hoping it could be implement at some stage in the future. If not on mobile devices, then at least PS4 and PC (if it requires a lot of computational power).

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