Movies I saw in 2012 (like you really care!)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Wasnt Waterworld the movie equivalent to standing in a shower ripping up £50 notes?

Anyhow, so far in 2013 watched all 4 alien movies on bluray, both AVP's and T2.

You can tell there's a sale on

Love the award nominations Chris...

My award for What's the Point? Goes to the entire Twilight series.
For Hype Hype and more Hype, but still delivers award, goes to Quentin Tarantino
Make Another Please award goes to Ridley Scott
Will he Won't he award is for Arnold Schwarzenegger for T5
Sort the licensing for that award is for whichever law firm wants a buttload of cash

Aliens is my absolute fave movie of all time, and I love that whole universe. The only time I watch Resurrection is if I've watched the other 3, and then I kick myself because I absolutely despise the New Born. Just hideously design work there. And while I will defend AvP vigorously (I've written and reposted a blog about it I wrote many a time), I can't stand AvP:R. For starters, the whole thing is so damn dark you can't see what's going on!

And those are some awards I can get behind. Seeing Django this week, glad to know it delivers.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
You and I separated at birth Chris. I'd get AVPR on bluray if you haven't already simply cos its an excellent transfer making things much easier to see.

I have exactly the same feelings toward Alien Resurrection as you. I always find though when you put Brad Dourif in something when he hasn't got anything other than a minor role, the disappointment factor rockets upward somewhat.

Whoever designed that newborn really needs a slap


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire slayer. Suspend whatever you'd need to suspend, and enjoy the ride. Tripple exclamationpoint awesome action scenes!!!

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